Kapital Sparks of Revolution Economic Sandbox Exposes Harsh Realities

Kapital Sparks of Revolution Economic Sandbox Exposes Harsh Realities
27 Apr 2022

Social unrest is a common problem across the globe. It takes place in any country, and for many different reasons. Often, the worse a government is, the more crime and social unrest there will be.

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Rioters burning government buildings. Image by 'Kapital Sparks of Revolution.'

‘Kapital Sparks of Revolution’ is a sandbox economic simulation game where you as the players are put in charge of building and managing cities, with the primary focus being on managing the social aspects of civilization and city-building as you go along.

It will be your responsibility to maintain all essential services and to keep the people happy and healthy.

Making mistakes can be disastrous. The more uncomfortable and unhappy the residents of your world get, the more unrest there will be, potentially leading to major damage to your city and to your resource acquisitions, etc.

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Build infrastructures such as railway lines and train stations. Image by 'Kapital Sparks of Revolution.'

Your society is split into three primary classes. The upper class (nobles) is given high-level jobs such as well-paying positions of authority and leadership. The middle classes pay taxes, and the lower class pretty much lives on the street.

You need to do whatever you can to keep all the classes happy. Make sure that owners and bosses pay their workers fairly. Ensure that everyone has access to what they need and to the luxuries that they can afford.

When things do get out of hand and people start rioting, the time has come to unleash law enforcement and the military and squash whatever rebellion remains. It is essential to keep things as peaceful as possible to ensure minimal loss of life and damage to property.

‘Kapital Sparks of Revolution’ is developed by the ‘Lapovich’ team.

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