Nemesis Distress Multi-Player Survival Game Exposes the Traitors Among Friends

They say liars always get exposed, but how would they know...?
27 Apr 2022

For most of us, our friends are people we trust. But until you go through truly tough times with your friends, you never truly know how much you can trust them. ‘Nemesis Distress’ is a multiplayer survival game, where trust and treachery are key elements of the game.

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Dark, dimly lit hallways with danger lurking around every corner. Image by 'Nemesis Distress.'

Your friends could turn a corner and stab a knife in your back or turn away and leave you for the dead to save themselves. 

Plot twist! You can’t actually play ‘Nemesis Distress’ with your friends. Or you can, if, by some fluke, the random players you are matched with happen to be your friends! You know what they always say… Stranger danger.

‘Nemesis Distress’ comes at multiplayer survival games from a fresh angle. You and your friends are not the hotshots running and gunning down bad guys and zombies. Noooo… You’re the prey. 

So you’re essentially competing to see who will be the last course of dinner, and maybe, if you’re lucky, your hunter gets full before dessert!

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Find resources and solve challenging puzzles. Image by 'Nemesis Distress.'

You will play through multiple 40-minute scenarios. Each scenario has a unique mission objective, and you and your friends MUST complete it while trying not to die. Besides the main mission, each player has a secret objective that they must also complete.

The art of war is the art of deception, according to a wise old guy. The best you can do is to treat every player as a threat, without letting them know. Essentially, you want to use and abuse their kindness and trust, but when push comes to shove, they gotta go…

Be careful out there. The world of ‘Nemesis Distress’ is a dark and dangerous place to be!

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