Police Simulator Scratches the Good Guy Itch Every Natural Born Crook Catcher Feels to Put Bad Guys Away

Police Simulator Scratches the Good Guy Itch Every Natural Born Crook Catcher Feels to Put Bad Guys Away
15 Feb 2022

The world we live in is full of bad guys that are constantly doing their best to make life miserable for everyone else and to profit off the hard work of others. 

Thankfully, there are men and women who make it their daily mission to protect society from criminals and no-goods that haunt the streets of every city in the world.

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Routine traffic stops can turn into shootouts or violent altercations in a mere split second. Image by 'Police Simulator Patrol Officers.'

Police work is a calling that is not for everybody. However, most people like to feel the sense of satisfaction and victory that comes with beating the bad guys. 

Police Simulator Patrol Officers’ brings that experience to the world of video games and gives everyone from the guy behind the counter at the grocery store to Jimmy’s grandma a chance to show that they know how to put bad guys behind bars.

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A marked Brighton City patrol car. Image by 'Police Simulator Patrol Officers.'

In ‘Police Simulator’ players must start out as a low-level beat cop in a fictitious American town, taking care of basic issues such as parking tickets, public indecency citations, and a plethora of other ‘trivial’ issues that fall under the duty of the Police Department to prevent and punish.

Players must put effort into their work, avoiding mistakes and working their way up the ladder to start taking on bigger and bigger jobs, going from giving out parking citations to putting away big boy players from the criminal world and heading up major investigations.

‘Police Simulator’ includes a great deal of detail to make the experience as accurate as possible for the player. The game is developed by ‘Aesir Interactive’ and is available on Steam.

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