Rise of Stars Is Not Just A Game It's A Revolution In Space Wars

Build an army worth dying for.
22 Mar 2022

World domination is something several ambitious men have set their sights on throughout the history of the civilized world. The Romans attempted it. Napoleon attempted it. Adolf Hitler attempted it. And these are only a few of the many who have tried to conquer and rule the world, some of them have succeeded to a certain degree.

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Build and manage a space colony. Image by 'Rise of Stars.'

However, what if the world wasn’t the only thing up for grabs? What if space was easy to explore and realistically colonizable? Would the world be forgotten? 

The answer to that is unanswered as yet, however, the vast amounts of minerals and resources available in space, and the fact that it is largely unexplored, make this entirely likely. The focus will shift to domination in space and space exploration. Not just world domination.

Regardless of what is available, humans will always find something to fight about. ‘Rise of Stars’ is the perfect example of how human nature and selfish greed will always cause conflict, no matter how much space we have at our disposal.

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Collect captains with unique abilities. Image by 'Rise of Stars.'

Players must build up their nation’s colonies in space, fighting hostile nations for resources and power in space. They must command a ‘warship’ built for space as an ‘Admiral’ in command of multiple ships and in whose hands the success of their nation’s endeavors lies.

As admirals, players will need to build up their fleet with a range of different ships, and captains who are uniquely suited to their positions and each contribute unique strategic value, which will be essential in overcoming enemy players.

‘Rise of Stars’ is developed by ‘LightCONCo Ltd.’ and is set for a 2022 release on Steam.

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