Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015

Top 10 Most Played Video Game Genres In 2015
A Titan takes hold of a pilot in Titanfall

There is a massive amount of video game genres to choose from, so many that you may feel like they’re redundant. To that, I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. There are a lot to choose from yet some are chosen more regularly than others. Why? Well, when you think about it most games that are trying to be a “unique” genre tend to fail at delivering what they sought out to do in the first place. If a game can’t deliver the genre that they were going for then most likely us gamers will avoid it like the plague. Don’t get trapped by genres that don’t actually deliver the content they want, stick to these top 10 most played video game genres of 2015 that are sure to deliver.

10. Survival Horror

Walking through the woods to hunt animals for food to sell at a local town before venturing out to a volcano in search of hidden treasure guarded by a dragon or maybe trying to survive in a world overrun by zombies; there’s always something to do in these games. The video game genre has truly pulled many of us into a virtual world where adventure is around every corner, just waiting to be discovered. Some games that would be considered to fall under this title are as follows: Resident Evil, H1Z1, DayZ, Left 4 Dead, and more.

These titles are always being improved because as we grow technologically we find out how to accomplish much more. Now is the time to invest in an open world game because they’re taking the markets by storm and quickly rising to the top. The difference between these and your standard MMOs and roleplaying games is that they don’t have a set goal. You need to find your own adventure, make your own story. Instead of using recycled quest mechanics, you are your hero and you walk your own path.

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20 year old gamer and editor, taking lif
Gamer Since: 1994
Favorite Genre: Pro-gaming
Currently Playing: Arma 3
Top 3 Favorite Games:Call of Duty 2, Arma 3, DayZ

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oliverevans's picture

oliverevans 1 year 7 months ago

I appreciate you sharing this insightful information. Your website is excellent tiny fishing. There is a staggering quantity of information on your website.

Jbee02's picture

Jbee02 8 years 2 months ago

Two problems with this article. One. Third person and first person shooters are a sub catagories of the same genre and shouldnt have two spots in this list. Second i feel moba is a sub genre of rpg, and rpg should be number one on this list

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