Dyrus, or Marcus Hill as people know him in the real world, is one of the most famous pro League of Legends players in the world. He is widely known for his laid back attitude and for being unusually chill. He will often go a long time without saying anything on his stream which normally racks up over 30 000 viewers. Here are 10 surprising facts that you might not have known about him.
10. Played since the Beta
This is what League of Legends looked like in its early phase
Dyrus has been a long and faithful League of Legends player. He was around when the game was only in its Beta phase. As such you can imagine that he has learned all the ins and outs of the game as it has changed over the years.
There are not a lot of players in the community that can boast the same kind of experience as Dyrus can. Playing since the beta means that he is now coming down on his 5th year as a Summoner in the rift. With that many years under his belt, he is one of the best players in the world.
9. Has played for 3 competitive teams
The member of Epik Gamer
Most of us know Dyrus from his role as the TSM top laner, but he played for two other competitive teams before landing his spot on TSM. His very first team was called All or Nothing, but his real success didn’t start until that team was disbanded and he joined Epik Gamer and started playing top lane for good.
Epik Gamer received lots of publicity and gained popularity at various LAN tournaments. He actually still played for Epik Gamer for a long time while he was on the TSM roster.
8. Started out as a support player
Janna is one of Dyrus's favorite supports to play
Believe it or not, this top lane giant started out by playing support. This should be a joyous announcement for all support mains out there who feel stuck. You don’t have to play a hyper carry to make it in the limelight. It is alright to pick up Thresh or Leona and carry your team from the shadows.
Dyrus made the switch from support to top after joing Epik Gaming. His early top lane career included lots of Singed, Jax, and Mordekaiser playing.
7. Dyrus is Hawaiian
All Hawaiians I know are always happy
Not only is Dyrus from the West, but he is from Hawaii. Not much is really known about his childhood and time spent there, but it’s still pretty awesome.
6. He almost burned down the TSM house… twice
Not only is Dyrus laid back and chill on his stream, but it seems that he is so laid back that he places his home and those living in it in danger. This video is a blog post from TSM as they discuss Dyrus’s lazy actions that almost caused the house to light on fire.
5. He often trolls people with Singed’s laugh
The very best part about playing Singed is the ability to spam his laugh. You have to make sure that you bind the laugh emote to a well accessible key so that you can spam it constantly in lane.
Singed is one of the most fun and most troll champions in the game. He is one of the only few champions that you constantly see doing troll things like proxy farming.
4. Dyrus’s mother held rank 1 in Everquest for enchanters
The apple didn’t fall far from the Tree in Dyrus’s family. It seems that his mother was also a gamer and that is probably where he got it from. He tweeted that his mother was rank 1 in Everquest on multiple occasions for the enchanters. That is pretty awesome! It sounds like he has a really cool mother.
3. Appears as Jayce in Riot’s season 3 video: Road to the Cup
Riot Games created an awesome promotional video for the season 3 world championships in which the stars from all competing teams were brought in as an animated characters based on the champions they played. Dyrus appeared as Jayce and had a brief confrontation with Mordekaiser in the video. The video is awesome and if you haven’t seen it you should check it out!
2. One of only 4 players to have qualified for all 4 World Championships
Dyrus being interviews at the World Championship
Dyrus’s biggest accomplishment as a pro gamer is probably the fact that he is one out of only 4 players in the entire world that has appeared in all 4 world championships. As a part of those appearances he has managed to win one of them, so Dyrus can claim to have been a part of the best team in the world. At least for a little while.
1. He has won the most prize money of all western players
This is a rich man!
Most of professional gamer’s salaries don’t come from prize pools at competitions; the money comes from sponsors and contracts. So this statistic might not sound as impressive as it really is, but during Dyrus’s time as a League of Legends pro player he has racked up a total prize money count of $138, 602. That is a lot of money! Add that on to what he makes from sponsorships and various contracts and you can bet that he is well off. It would be nice to be making that kind of money!
Out of all players in the Western Hemishpere, Dyrus has earned the most prize money of all. That is not a bad record to have and I am sure that he is very happy to have it.
This concludes our list of 10 things that you might not have known about Dyrus. What else is there? Let us know in the comments below what you know about Dyrus.