Alan Wake

Alan Wake
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Alan Wake (2012)

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Alan Wake is a best-selling thriller novelist suffering from writer's block. After he moves with his wife to the Northwest town of Bright Falls, his wife is abducted by a mysterious force. Alan wakes up a week later, confronted with strange monsters that attack him as he tries to piece together what happened in the missing week - who took his wife, and where she is, all while dealing with the FBI, the police and his agent, Barry Wheeler.

In this unique Stephen King-inspired shooter, players use a combination of flashlight and firearm to weaken and destroy supernatural forces in a horror setting that threatens to claw away at Alan Wake's psyche as much as at his skin.

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Neo1988's picture

Neo1988 8 years 4 weeks ago

Interesting game with intriguing story and ghost-lik enemies called 'Taken' that you need to kill first by illuminating them. What I do not like is almost entire lack of puzzles. Killing Taken's is fun and requires some strategy, but it can get boring.

danjocutler's picture

danjocutler 9 years 1 month ago

Although this game had me interested at first, the story and gameplay dragged towards the later stages. The use of the flashlight as a weapon, although not a brand new idea, works well and adds a more stimulating way of enemy disposal than just point and blast.

brandoncrilly's picture

brandoncrilly 9 years 1 month ago

Alan Wake is unlike any other game you will play. Take on the role of a horror writer as he faces real monsters unlike anything he has ever put to the page – part narrative thriller, part action game, and simply a lot of fun.

GoodJobMr2Percent's picture

GoodJobMr2Percent 9 years 1 month ago

A fantastic survival horror game that gives a wonderful narrative episodic experience. The game is broken into 6 episodes that follows writer Alan Wake on his trip to Bright Falls and the entity that he encounters while there. The gameplay is paced perfectly between Alan’s encounters with the entities he is fighting to make for a very tense and frightening game. The characterization of Alan, the townsfolk he encounters and the villain of this story are beautifully told.

joanreyes00's picture

joanreyes00 9 years 2 months ago

Alan Wake is one of the best games I have ever played, I enjoyed this game for the story and the graphics; i haven't played a quality game like this in a long time. The game itself is wonderfully ported and in my personal opinion it's one of the best Action-Thriller-Adventures for PC. (Give it a try), you will not be disappointed.