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WildStar (2014)

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WildStar takes players into a world of adventure on the legendary Nexus, a remote planet in the galaxy. Nexus is divided by 2 factions vying for conquest namely The Exiles and The Dominion. The Exiles are an alliance of refugees, outlaws and mercenaries who were driven from their homeworld by The Dominion and have come to Nexus to find a new home. The Dominion is a powerful empire that has ruled for 2 thousand years and now claims Nexus as their rightful legacy. Players will create their own characters and choose a side of fight on.

There are 6 character classes in the game, each with their own unique combat abilities including Warrior, Spellslinger, Esper, Engineer, Stalker, and Medic. The game offers PvE and PvP play by letting players participate in Dungeon Quests or Raids and Battlegrounds and Arena in pvp. Players can even own a piece of land in Nexus and build a house for partying and hanging out with buddies. Although filled with danger and threats, the planet Nexus offers its denizens the thrill of adventure and perhaps, powers beyond their wildest imagination.

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Lovechylde's picture

Lovechylde 4 years 1 week ago

I really enjoyed this game, when it was out, but, didn't it shut down a while ago?

amara926's picture

amara926 9 years 1 month ago

Wild Star is a really immersive Sci-Fi MMO with real time action and really good story. With characters like the quick Chua and the robotic Mechari, you can unlock a world where you can double jump straight into the action as you take on level after level in this fast paced, action game.

StacyWV's picture

StacyWV 9 years 2 months ago

A fun game, the latest updates have made substantial improvements in the issues seen at launch. Many tweaks include gameplay updates to make playability similar to other MMOs. I've noticed greatly improved stability and performance, enough to warrant giving it another try for those who left.