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[Top 10] Satisfactory Best Sink Items

  • As part of your never ending quest to make Ficsit as profitable as possible you’ll have to use the AWESOME Sink. 
  • This is a building designed to take excess items and turn them into points. If you get enough points, you’ll be given a coupon, which can be used to buy new useful and cosmetic upgrades in the AWESOME Shop.
  • To maximize your AWESOME Sinking potential and get the coveted Golden Nut statue, you’ll need to know what you should be sinking. The point cost per coupon gets a lot bigger for each coupon you get, so knowing what’s going to get you coupons the quickest is really important.

10. Packaged Heavy Oil Residue

180 PointsOnce you get past fuel in Satisfactory’s progression, you may want to start diverting your attention away from problem-ridden fuel infrastructure. Part of this process can be eliminating Heavy Oil Residue from your production. With a bit of plastic, you could be diverting it into the Sink.

Packaged Heavy Oil Residue only requires the liquid Heavy Oil Residue and some empty canisters, so it’s fairly cheap. For this price, it yields a pretty solid number of points, being on the higher side of simpler items.

As a byproduct of the oil refining process, getting Heavy oil Residue also allows for you to get plastic and rubber, so if you need more of these you can always just make a new refinement process just for plastic and rubber, and then use some of the plastic for canisters and sink the Residue.

9. Beacon

320 PointsBeacons are just a couple months away from being removed from Satisfactory entirely, so if you still have some saved you may want to start offloading them instead of losing them permanently. They give a decently high point value and will cease to exist after Update 1.0 releases, so it’s important to use any you still have now.

At this point the Beacons’ only real use is points. Their intended use has been outshined by map icons, which are completely free. There’s no reason to use beacons for anything else.

Make sure you get rid of these before the next update because you’ll lose them. If you have any sitting around in storage crates you should get rid of them before the 1.0 release in September.

8. Quickwire

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