de Lima 

He was born into gaming and grew up with them. Nowadays, close to finishing his major in philosophy, with a certificate and experiences in creative writing, it's time to write about his passion: games. Experienced in analyzing deeper meaning in games and characters, and having a critical approach to gaming, he will always try to bring a different point of view to the table. That's why his favorite games are those heavily based on story and characters, such as The Witcher trilogy, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, Sleeping Dogs, Telltale's The Walking Dead and Mafia 1. But he is also fascinated by the multiplayer scenario, as it's not only interesting because of player interaction, but also a way to understand how other people work and think, and to see, in general lines, in which direction society is heading towards, being his favorite games League of Legends and Guild Wars 2. Lastly, the thing he loves about writing about games is the chance of expressing his opinions and exchanging points of view.
Edyulm's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Cyberpunk 2077
Top 3 Favorite Games