League of Legends is a game that relies on teamwork and playing as ADC might be the biggest sign of it, as you’ll depend a lot on your support. It’s a very difficult role to play, you’ll constantly be ganked and be the focus on teamfights, however, it’s also one of the most satisfying roles to play, because late game you’ll be the one carrying your support and your team as a whole. First comes the pain and then comes the glory. Since the game is in constant change, this list is not a definitive one. Take it as a reference and… well… with that said, make sure to have fun and let’s go!
GUMAYUSI IS SO CRAZY WITH EZREAL! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Ezreal ADC vs Twitch! | Season 2022
He’s probably the safest ADC to play with. His Q (Mystic Shot) is a skillshot that does a lot of damage, his W (Essence Flux) is a skill that attaches to the target, making Ezreal’s next attack or skill deal more damage. His E (Arcane Shift) is a flash that does damage and his R (Trueshot Barrage) is a global skillshot that damages everything in front, perfect for teamfights or to finish off enemies wherever they might be. OH! If you hit his Q his cooldowns will be reduced by 1.5 seconds!
His kit is really simple, but with low cooldowns, a flash for his E, and a lot of damage, he’s an incredibly fun champion to play with. Especially because of the normal build now, which grants him a lot of cooldown reduction, damage and possibility to slow down the enemies, being great to run away, chase and basically carry the game. His early game is quite… bad, you have to be patient and will depend on your support, but once you get some items you’ll be good to go! He has a really good range in his abilities, so use it to your advantage!
T1 Teddy ASHE ADC vs EZREAL - Korea Challenger Patch 11.15
She's very annoying. Every basic attack, because of her passive (Frost Shot) slows down the enemy, and in case she crits, she won’t do more damage, instead she’ll apply double the slow. Her Q (Ranger’s Focus) will make her strike a lot of times, dealing a lot of damage. But it doesn’t stop there: her W (Volley) makes her shoot a volley of arrows, dealing a lot of damage in a big cone area. In the early game this is really annoying. You can protect yourself behind minions, but this is not always the case, and when it hits… it hits. Her E (Hawkshot) makes her shoot a hawk spirit that reveals the map, it’s great at spotting enemies in dangerous places, like Dragon or Baron. But the icing on the cake is her ultimate (Enchanted Crystal Arrow). It’s basically a giant global frozen arrow that stuns the first enemy champion, dealing AoE damage and slowing everyone around. The longer the arrow travels the longer the stun will be. Yup, you can gank or pick someone off anywhere in the game. So most of the fun comes with sniping enemies across the map. She doesn’t have a great way to escape enemies other than her W, R and kite back (that slows them down), so be very careful and make sure to be very annoying!
She’s a real bully. She’s got the biggest base attack range in the game, so make sure to use it! Especially because of her passive (Headshot) that empowers her 6th basic attack. Her Q (Piltover Peacemaker) is a long skillshot that deals damage to whoever is in front, it is pretty thick, so you can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Her W (Yordle Snap Trap) is a trap, if someone steps on it they will be trapped and her next attack towards that enemy will be empowered. Her E (90 Caliber Net) makes her shoot a net in one direction and shoots her in the opposite direction, so it’s pretty good to escape, and whoever gets hit will be slowed and will receive an empowered attack, if she attacks. Finally, her ultimate (Ace in the Hole) is a very long-range targeted skill that after a few seconds will shoot a bullet. This bullet will follow the target until it hits, no matter how far the target runs, unless someone gets in front of it. So it’s great to finish off opponents.
She’s got a fairly simple kit, but to really play her well takes time, and you gotta be careful to use her E in the right direction! Countless times I’ve seen Caitlyn players shooting themselves to death. Also, her escape is pretty bad, and she’s very vulnerable, so make sure to learn how to use her W. In general she’s really strong, and if played correctly she can destroy the game easily, especially the early game, but to get to this point is quite a challenge.
UZI DESTROYING WITH KOG'MAW! - BLG Uzi Plays Kog'maw ADC vs Jhin! | Season 2022
He is a merciless killing machine that can attack you from across the world. Ok, I exaggerated a bit… or did I? His W (Bio-Arcane Barrage) gives him a lot of attack range and damage. He can literally melt tanks because his damage is based on the target’s maximum health. His Q (Caustic Spittle) gives him attack speed, and if casted it throws a skillshot that reduces the enemy’s armor and magic resistance. His E (Void Ooze) is a skillshot that changes the floor in a straight line, slowing down whoever is inside. Lastly, his R (Living Artillery) is like a meteor falling from the sky. It deals a lot of damage - because its damage is based on the target’s missing health - and has a HUGE range. Whoever gets hit will be revealed, so make sure to use it before entering dangerous places. He does not have a good way to escape, he’s slow and can easily be assassinated, but with a good support, if you survive the attempt on your life, then the enemy team should be scared, because you will destroy them. And if they do kill you, then you have one last chance: his passive (Icathian Surprise). After he dies he’ll be untargetable and able to move around for 4 seconds, allowing you to chase the enemy, and when time’s up he will explode, dealing TONS OF TRUE AoE DAMAGE.
GUMAYUSI IS A BEAST WITH JHIN! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Jhin ADC vs Kai'sa! | Season 2022
Style, power and grace. His Q (Dancing Grenade) is a grenade that bounces around damaging up to 4 enemies. If it kills a target, the next one it bounces will receive more damage. So if you happen to kill the 3 minions in the backline and it bounces to a champion… woah! It will deal an absurd amount of damage. His E (Captive Audience) makes him set traps on the floor, granting sight of the enemy, slowing them down and after a while it explodes. His W (Deadly Flourish) is a very long skillshot that deals damage to the first enemy champion it hits, but it goes through minions, being a nice way to farm, in case the enemies are pressuring the lane. If you happen to hit his W to an enemy that’s received damage from you, a teammate or stepped your trap, you will be able to root them. Lastly, his R (Curtain Call) makes him immobile, the camera pans out and opens up a HUGE cone area and will allow him to shoot up to 4 bullets (you have to press his R each time you want to shoot). It deals damage based on the missing health, and his last shot is even more powerful than the other 3, so it’s a skill made to execute targets. It’s really fun. Ah! I almost forgot about his passive (Whisper). He cannot attack like other ADCs, he has 4 bullets and has to reload after this. However, his last shot is 100% crit and every time he crits he receives a lot of movement speed. This makes him an incredible champion to run away.
His early game is quite alright, if played well and with a good support you can come out on top. But his mid to late game is where he shines. The way he can run around avoiding enemies and skills and do MASSIVE damage is unparalleled. He’s a really fun champion to play with, but getting his timing and playstyle can be tricky.
REKKLES IS INSANE WITH LUCIAN! - KC Rekkles Plays Lucian ADC vs Caitlyn! | Season 2022
He’s a very dynamic champion and will stop at nothing! His Q (Piercing Light) will damage everything in a single line, his W (Ardent Blaze) is a skillshot that explodes in a cross area, and whoever gets hit will have a mark. If Lucian hits the enemy he will receive movement speed. His E (Relentless Pursuit) is a dash and with his R (The Culling) he shoots a lot of bullets in a single direction, being able to move while doing a lot of damage; it’s great to finish off enemies, since the range on it is huge. His kit is fairly simple, but what makes him strong is his passive (Lightslinger): every time he uses an ability he will shoot twice. So make sure you use him the best way possible: one skill, one basic attack, one skill, one basic attack, and so on… OH! hitting with his passive reduces his E’s cooldown, which makes him great to kite back and chase enemies. In general, he is very strong throughout the whole game, he has a pretty good range in his basic attacks and skills and is definitely a bully with an incredible movement speed. He’s just fun! And with the right support he can carry the game like no other champion.
GUMAYUSI THE DRAVEN GOD IS BACK! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Draven ADC vs Aphelios! | Season 2022
Welcome to the League of Draaaaaven! Yup, he’s this cocky and will make you feel cocky as well, because his damage is out of this world! His Q (Spinning Axe) makes him… spin his axe, granting him a lot of bonus damage. Once the axe hits the enemy it comes back to him in a specific place, which is calculated to fall where he will be in some seconds, so it’s great because it helps him kite back. You can cast it again to make him spin both axes, making his gameplay a lot more challenging and engaging. Playing with Draven is like playing a minigame inside a game. His W (Blood Rush) gives him movement speed and attack speed, his E (Stand Aside) throws his axes forward pushing enemies sideways and slowing them down. Lastly, his R (Whirling Death) is a global skill that makes him throw his axes in a straight line, It comes back if casted again or if it hits an enemy. Think of it as Ezreal’s ultimate, but stopping at the first enemy champion and hitting twice. To play him you need to be very aggressive, he’s a real bully and a very fun champion to play with, you can destroy the other ADC in a blink of an eye. Sadly he doesn’t have much escape options, your only hope is his E and kiting back, which is really fun because of the axe’s minigame.
GUMAYUSI IS A MONSTER WITH JINX! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Jinx ADC vs Ezreal! | Season 2022
She’s a really fun lunatic! She wields a gatling gun and a bazooka, perfect for destruction! Her Q (Switcheroo!) grants her attack speed when using the gatling gun, stacking up to 3 times. But if casted she switches weapons, in this case to her bazooka, dealing AoE damage every hit. Her E (Flame Chompers!) makes her throw a set of 3 traps on the floor that snares whoever steps on it, and her W (Zap!) is a big skillshot that does a nice damage, slows and grants sight of the target. Lastly her R (Super Mega Death Rocket!) is a giant global rocket that explodes in a big area doing HUGEdamage, and it does even more damage depending how far it travels and how low the enemies health is. But what makes her really interesting is her passive (Get Excited!), which grants her a lot of attack speed and movement speed after destroying a tower, killing an enemy champion or epic monsters. She’s great for kiting and combined with Runaan’s Hurricane she can destroy the team fight, because her bazooka shots not only will triple, doing triple the AoE, but they can also do critical damage!
GUMAYUSI IS SO CRAZY WITH VAYNE! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Vayne ADC vs Tristana! | Season 2022
And finally Vayne, a very stylish, dynamic, strong champion. Her Q (Tumble) makes her dash in a selected direction, empowering her next attack. It’s great to dodge skills, run away and chase enemies. Her W (Silver Bolts) makes her every 3rd attack deal MASSIVE damage because it’s based on the target’s maximum health, and if the 3rd hit comes from her Q… woah, it hurts! Her E (Condemn) is a targeted skill that pushes enemies far from her, and if they hit a wall they will be stunned for 1.5 seconds! This skill also counts as one of the 3 hits from her W. Lastly, her ultimate (Final Hour) gives her movement speed and attack damage, and every time you use her Q she will become invisible.
She has a pretty bad early game because of her low attack range, so she’s easily bullied. However, once she gets some items she becomes unstoppable, it’s a change from water to wine. She’s amazingly fun to play with and you really have to focus, because one wrong step and you’re dead, but one correct step and you’ll be closer to carrying the game.
So what do you think? Are you ready to try any of them? My intention was to present champions for every kind of player possible, so some are high risk high reward, some extremely aggressive, some with great ways to escape, some more vulnerable, and some just… fun. I hope I could help you decide a champion to play with and maybe in the process bring some more excitement for you. I know how boring it might be once you don’t really feel like playing with the same champion over and over again, so yeah… I hope it will be as enjoyable for you as it was for me to make this list (and to play with them, of course!). Till next time!
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