League of Legends is a game that relies on teamwork. But if you want to test out your solo skills and have what’s arguably the most dynamic and fast-paced gameplay possible, then you should look at the assassins. They are stealthy, eliminate targets fast, and usually one at a time, but some can eliminate more. So even though you may not combo with your team in teamfights, your presence will be much needed, as you’ll be on the enemy’s backlines, usually erasing the ADC, mid and support.
Since the game is in constant change, this list is not a definitive one. Take it as a reference and… well… with that said, make sure to have fun and let’s go!
FAKER CRAZY KASSADIN DUO WITH KERIA vs GUMAYUSI! - T1 Faker Plays Kassadin Mid vs Aurelion Sol!
Used in the mid lane, to play him you’ll need patience, a lot of patience. His early game is really bad and you’ll suffer a lot of pressure. But once you get lvl.6 everything changes. However, like his gameplay, let’s go slow: his Q (Null Sphere) is a targeted spell that silences and gives him a magic shield; his E (Force Pulse) is only available after stacking 6 skills, and it stacks with every skillaround you, so even the enemy helps. It does cone area damage, slowing whoever is inside. His W (Nether Blade) empowers his next attack and gives him a bit of mana. Lastly, his ultimate (Riftwalk), the one skill that changes it all, gives him a flash every 5 seconds at lvl 6, and 2 seconds at level 16, and the area he arrives in receives MASSIVE AoE damage. So he’s the perfect in-and-out champion. Ah! And the more you stack your ult the more damage you’ll do (and more mana will be used)!
With a bad early, bad clear (in the beginning) wave and possibly one of the best late games, he’s basically a gamble. If the game goes for too long you’ll probably win, and if you get fed in the beginning, then it’s gonna be a walk in the park. Playing him comes with a huge satisfaction: you earn the instakill for all the early game suffering. And will you instakill… it’s magical, it’s fun, it’s fast and almost impossible to catch you. A perfect crime you could say.
Talon Mid vs Sylas - KR Grandmaster Patch 12.4
Usually played in the mid lane, he has the design and characteristics of a fine assassin. His early game is pretty good, he has a decent clear wave and he’s great at escaping ganks. His Q (Noxian Diplomacy) empowers his next attack, if he’s close to the target it will deal A LOT of damage, if he’s far, then he’ll jump to the target. His W (Rake) is a cone skill shot and does damage twice, slowing targets inside. His E (Assassin’s Path) makes him jump walls, granting him a huge possibility of escaping ganks and to ganking other lanes. And his R (Shadow Assault) turns him invisible while throwing knives around, dealing damage in a huge circle. Once you hit someone or after 2.5 seconds all the knives come back to you, dealing extra damage to the target. Ah! One thing I can’t forget to tell you is his passive (Blade’s End). Every time you hit someone with a skill it will mark them, once you hit 3 marks they will receive massive damage.
So, to sum up, he goes in, assassinates and leaves through walls, being almost impossible to get him as well. Just beware the walls have cooldowns!
Rengar Jungle vs Zac - EUW Challenger Patch 12.2
He’s a bad, bad kitty! Used in the jungle and sometimes top lane, you better be prepared, because he’s one sly devil! His Q (Savagery) empowers his next attack and grants him attack speed. His W (Battle Roar) makes him shout, doing AoE damage and heals his gray health, and his E (Bola Strike) throws a skillshot that slows the enemy. But there’s a catch, his passive (Unseen Predator) for every skill you hit you get one stack of your passive, once you stack it to the fullest (4 stacks) his next ability will be empowered. Also, when he kills he is awardeda trophy (5 max), which grants him permanent attack damage. So, with his passive stacked, his Q will do even more damage and grant him even more attack speed, his W will release him from any CC and his E will snare the target. Oh! Another thing, the skill won’t be on cooldown, so you can Q twice immediately, for example, causing instant kills. Lastly, his ultimate (Thrill of the Hunt) turns him invisible, grants him movement speed, sight of the enemies and stacks his passive, and here comes the second part of his passive: whenever he’s in a bush or invisible from his ult, he will jump towards the enemy, closing his gap.
He does the jungle really fast, great for ganking and basically one shots the backline. You just have to pay attention to your escape route. Overall he’s really fun, fast and merciless. Once you cast his ultimate, the hunt is on!
Used mostly in the jungle, and Rengar’s rival, he’s one sneaky champion that might interest you. His Q (Taste Their Fear) empowers his next attack, even more so if the target is isolated. And oh boy… when it’s 1v1 isolated… it’s is just unfair. His W (Void Spikes) throws a skillshot that does AoE damage and slow, and if you’re near the AoE, then you’ll heal a bit. His E (Leap) makes him… leap! and his ultimate (Void Assault) evolves one of his skills. If evolved, his Q will deal even more damage and will have bigger range, his W will throw 3 skillshots and his E (my favorite) will make him jump further, and if you get a kill your cooldown will reset, so you can jump over and over again. Ah, but of course, his ultimate is not only that, if activated he’ll turn invisible for a short time and grant him movement speed, which can happen twice, and if evolved, 3 times.
He really is one incredible champion. Great to go in and out, cool visuals, nice range, can turn invisible up to 3 times (and even more if you have Duskblade of Draktharr), huge damage and most importantly he can reset, being a huge nightmare for the enemy team once you get the momentum going. Oh, not only that, his passive (Unseen Threat) makes his next basic attack do a lot of damage, but to activate it he needs to be out of sight, either from his ult or bushes.
Even though he is in a higher position than Rengar, he could certainly be lower. Like I said, it’s just a reference and it really depends on your playstyle.
Katarina Mid vs Ryze - KR Challenger Patch 11.18
She’s a Monster with capital M. You may argue she’s not really an assassin, and I understand, most of her skills are AoE and she’s more like an all-in champion. But because of her giant burst, which makes it possible to instakill the backline, and escape skills, I put her on this list.
With her Q (Bouncing Blade) she throws a dagger that hits up to three people, leaving it on the floor. With her W (Preparation) she throws a dagger on the floor and gains movement speed. And with her E (Shunpo) she instant-jumps at enemies, daggers on the floor or allies, both W and E are great to start a fight or to run away. Lastly, her ultimate (Death Lotus), makes her spin around throwing daggers while dealing a HUGE amount of damage per second in a big area. Now, whenever Katarina retrieves the daggers on the floorher passive (Voracity) makes her spin dealing a very nice amount of damage and reducing her E’s cooldown. And speaking of cooldowns, her’s is very very low, and when she kills her cooldowns are lowered by 15 seconds.
Awesome for teamfights and eliminating the back line, she can totally change the tide of the game. In lane she is a constant danger. She’s a very fast paced champion that needs fast and accurate reactions.
Like Katarina, it’s quite questionable if she’s actually an assassin, and unlike her, Diana doesn’t really have a great way to escape, meaning she’s even more of an all-in type champion. So the reason she’s here is because of her huge capacity to instakill the backline. Used normally in the mid lane, but sometimes in the jungle (because of her passive (Moonsilver Blade), which grants her attack speed every time she uses an ability and every 3rd hit she will do AoE damage, which is great to clean the jungle camps), once you hit her Q (Crescent Strike) the target is nearly dead, because not only it does a lot of damage and marks the target, with her E (Lunar Rush) she jumps towards the enemy, and with her W (Pale Cascade) she shields herself dealing a bunch of AoE damage. Depending on how you are in the game only this is enough to kill someone. But explaining in more detail: her E’s cooldown reduces to 0.5 seconds if she kills the target or jumps at someone that has the Q mark, which means she can jump at them twice, if the first time wasn’t enough; and her W creates 3 little balls around her that explode, when all of them explode she gets a shield. But since she’ll be jumping towards the enemy, it instantly explodes. Lastly, her R (Moonfall) pulls everyone towards her, being great at canceling other champions, like Katarina’s ult, for example, and after a while it deals MASSIVE damage in a big area.
Since her Q has a good range, it makes it easy to get in contact with the backline, which means assassinating them in a blink of an eye. I did say she doesn’t have a great way to escape, but she does have one: her E. She can either jump towards a jungle monster or minions, but it will be on cooldown, or use her Q first to reset it and use it again on another enemy and so forth. It’s a great way to juke and dodge adversaries!
LEARN HOW TO PLAY EKKO JUNGLE LIKE A PRO! - T1 Oner Plays Ekko JUNGLE vs Graves! | Season 2022
He’s a tricky champion. Used in the mid or jungle, he has a very powerful kit, allowing him to be played or built differently, adapting him to your playstyle. His passive (Z-Drive Resonance) marks the target every time you hit the enemy, the 3rd mark does a HUGE damage and grants him movement speed. Q (Timewinder) is a skillshot that goes back and forth, dealing a nice amount of damage and, of course, gives 2 stacks of the passive. His W (Parallel Convergence) is a field that if he steps on it, it will stun everybody inside and givehim a lot of shield. His E (Phasedrive) is a dash and he gains range on his basic attack, if he does manage to attack, then he blinks to the enemy, closing the gap. It’s a great skill to chase, stack or explode the passive. Finally, his ult (Chronobreak) brings him to where he was 4 seconds ago, when he comes back he deals MASSIVE AoE damage and heals a lot, it really is like going back in time!
His kit is absurd, he can jump across walls, he’s very very mobile, he can stun, he does a huge amount of damage and he heals a lot, overall, he’s great to hit and run.
She’s a trickster, a master of illusions and a really fun champion. Used in the mid lane, her Q (Sigil of Malice) throws a targeted skill, marking the enemy. This mark explodes when she hits the adversary with another spell, dealing MASSIVE damage. Her W (Distortion) makes her jump a very good distance, doing a lot of AoE damage where she lands, and if casted again she can go back to where she casted it first. Her E (Ethereal Chains) is a skillshot that if it hits it will snare the enemy after a while. Lastly, her R (Mimic) mimics her skills, sending a more empowered version of them. So her Q will do even more damage (and you can cast both the normal and empowered Qs at the same time, exploding the mark and marking again. With her W she will be able to jump again and do more damage and the same goes for her E, another snare. This creates a lot of combo possibilities.
So yeah… her damage is huge. Her pressure in lane is out of this world, because with her Q and W she deals A LOT of damage, it can even instakill later on, and it’s kind of difficult to defend yourself from it, because the W is a strong gap close and once she does the combo she can just go back, staying in a safe distance, and once she gets the ultimate… woah, the game begins. But she has a very specific moment in the game to snowball, in the late game she falls a bit, so when playing with her try to end it as soon as possible, because her mid game is absurd. It’s so easy and fun to assassinate with her you will probably not even want to play with another champion for a very long while.
OH! I almost forgot, her passive (Mirror Image)! When she’s low health she’ll briefly become invisible and create a clone of herself that can be controlled, like Shaco’s ultimate, but deals no damage, being great to deceive the opponent. And here’s probably the best part about her: her W and her ultimate with W, because you’ll basically have 2 flashes plus the flash, and also 2 places to go back to. Which means you can escape and run around and have lots of fun just juking and dodging the enemy. Going back and forth, snaring sometimes, crossing walls and coming back, it’s all incredible and all of this is possible because of her low cooldowns! Personally I love to just troll the enemy team running around with low health and die rather than just going back to base. She will give you memorable moments.
Rank 1 World Fizz Mid vs Yasuo Patch 12.3
He’s very troublesome and incredibly fun to play with. His Q (Urchin Strike) makes him jump towards the target, dealing a lot of damage and closing the gap, getting you in melee range. But if you use it close to the target, then you will go far away from him. In other words, he always travels the same distance, so beware how to use it properly. His W (Seastone Trident) empowers his next attack, dealing damage per second, like a little ignite. His E (Playful/ Trickster) makes him untargetable and he does A HUGE amount of AoE damage where he lands. With this skill he can cross a long distance, and even go across walls. So it’s a great way to escape or to get close to the enemy. Finally, his R (Chum the Waters) is a skillshot that the further it goes the more damage it will do and more area it will cover, knocking the enemy up after a while. And if it hits an adversary it will stick to him. So it’s like a death mark.
Being great to escape close situations, dodging and canceling skills, he’s one hell of an assassin. With a well placed R you can be sure to kill. But he is so strong that most of the time you won’t even need to use the ultimate. With his 3 skills you can certainly eliminate the backline in an instant. But the best part certainly is to just cancel the enemy skills, especially if it’s their ultimate. It’s just… fun and rewarding. Getting the timing right is a great feeling.
1. ZED
ZED99 ZED MID GAMEPLAY + [LIVE STREAMING] Patch 12.3 / Season 12
And finally the ninja and master of shadows himself! I mean… he’s a ninja, that’s quite an indication he’s an assassin, and I’m here to tell you he is great at that! His Q (Razor Shuriken) throws a shuriken (which is your main source of damage) and his E (Shadow Slash) spins around doing AoE damage and slow. His W (Living Shadow) creates a shadow of himself, allowing him to exchange places with that shadow, like LeBlanc’s W. But here’s the catch: it mimics everything he does, so he’ll throw 2 shurikens and spin in two different places. And also, of course, like LeBlanc, it’s great fun running around and juke skills and trick enemies by changing places. But oh, there’s more! His R (Death Mark) teleports Zed to the back of the enemy, marking him and creating a new clone, which allows him to throw 3 shurikens and spin at 3 different places, and also to change position in 2 different places (which is fenomenal to troll the enemy team). This mark explodes after 3 seconds, and the damage is based on the amount of damage Zed dealt while the mark didn’t explode. So this little time is what you have to throw everything at the enemy, but it is enough, since his damage is huge, and because of his passive (Contempt for the Weak) makes him deal a lot of damage from his basic attack to targets below 50% health (only happens once every few seconds). And like those badasses in movies, you can just leave while everything explodes on your back.
He’s great fun, kind of like an AD version of LeBlanc, because of all the changing places, AoE damage and overall fun. But, of course, the gameplay is totally different, with him you can go all-in and have a blast. He really pushes the boundaries, making his gameplay very dynamic and impactful to the team.
So what do you think? Are you ready to try any of them? My intention was to present champions for every kind of player possible, so some are high risk high reward, some extremely aggressive and some just… fun. I hope I could help you decide a champion to play with and maybe in the process bring some more excitement for you. I know how boring it might be once you don’t really feel like playing with the same champion over and over again, so yeah… I hope it will be as enjoyable for you as it was for me to make this list (and to play with them, of course!). Till next time!
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