League of Legends is a game that relies on teamwork, and choosing the correct champion can make a difference. It can be a more 1v1 centered champion, focusing primarily on split pushing, or even a more teamfight focused champion. Since the game is in constant change, this list is not a definitive one. Take it as a reference and have in mind that choosing the right champion really depends on your playstyle. I’ll try to present champions from every role that I can see that can make a huge difference in the game, and that I think you can benefit from at least trying them out. With that said, make sure to have fun and let’s go!
15. SHEN
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Used normally in the top lane, Shen is a different kind of ninja. Usually, we expect ninjas to be assassins, however, Shen is the kind of dude that wants all the attention to himself. His E (Shadow Dash) is literally a dash that taunts everyone in his path. His Q (Twilight Assault) makes his spiritual blade come to him, granting him 3 empowered basic attacks and extra range. If the sword goes through an enemy champion it will also give him attack speed. His W (Spirit’s Refuge) creates an area around the sword that makes you and your allies inside it dodge every kind of basic attack. Lastly, his R (Stand United) makes him shield an ally, wherever they may be, and teleports Shen to his teammate. Ah! Speaking of shields, his passive (Ki Barrier) grants Shen a shield after casting a spell, so it’s great to initiate fights and exchange damage, also, if you cast a spell that affects the enemy, then the cooldown is reduced.
As you can see, his kit is fantastic for helping others, AoE dodge, shield and taunt make him a badass champion for teamfights. Not only that, but his ultimate also makes him a great champion for split pushing. And while I didn’t mention it yet, he does a lot of damage! His early game can be quite stressful depending on who you play against, but in general, he is very strong and will win most of the matchups. Oh, and let’s not forget, his taunt makes him great for ganking and escaping ganks.
Kennen is a ranged, super mobile and an incredible teamfight starter. Used mostly in the top lane, but also possible in the mid lane and as ADC, he’s a natural bully. With his E (Lightning Rush) he becomes super fast and whoever he touches is marked. With his Q (Thundering Shuriken) he throws a shuriken that marks the enemy, and every 5th attack he will mark the enemy. If the adversary has 3 marks, then Kennen will stun them. And with W (Electrical Surge) he does a lightning strike to whoever is already marked, while also marking them. And here comes the best part: his ult (Slicing Maelstrom) is a huge lighting field that keeps marking your enemies, so they will get stunned A LOT, which makes him perfect for teamfights.
Since he’s a ranged champion, his early game should be fine, especially because of his damage. His high mobility makes him incredible to help his team and escape ganks, and completing what was mentioned above, his ultimate is just a game-changer. One good R and you can turn the game in your favor.
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Used normally in the mid lane, but sometimes in the jungle (because of her passive (Moonsilver Blade) that grants her attack speed every time she uses an ability and every 3rd hit it will do AoE damage, being great to clean the jungle camps), once you hit her Q (Crescent Strike) the target is nearly dead, because not only it does a lot of damage and marks it, with her E (Lunar Rush) she jumps towards the enemy, and with her W (Pale Cascade) she shields herself dealing a bunch of AoE damage. Depending on how you are in the game only this is enough to kill someone. But explaining in more detail: her E’s cooldown reduces to 0.5 seconds if she kills the target or jumps at someone that has the Q mark, which means she can jump at them twice if the first time wasn’t enough; and her W creates 3 little balls around her that explode, when all of them explode she gets a shield. But since she’ll be jumping towards the enemy, it instantly explodes. Lastly, her R (Moonfall) pulls everyone towards her, being great at canceling other champions, and after a while, it deals MASSIVE damage in a big area.
Since her Q has a good range, it makes it easy to get in contact with the backline, which means assassinating them in a blink of an eye. She doesn’t have a great way to escape, her only option is using her E, jumping towards a jungle monster or minions, but it will be in cooldown, or using her Q first and then E to reset it and use it again on another enemy and so forth. It’s also a great way to juke and dodge adversaries! But her main point is to be an all-in type of champion, and she’s great at that!
JANKOS IS A GOD WITH KHA'ZIX! - G2 Jankos Plays Kha'Zix Jungle vs Hecarim! | Season 2022
Used mostly in the jungle, he’s one sneaky champion that might interest you. His Q (Taste Their Fear) empowers his next attack, even more so if the target is isolated. And oh boy… when it’s 1v1 isolated… it is just unfair. His W (Void Spikes) throws a skillshot that does AoE damage and slow, and if you’re near the AoE, then you’ll heal a bit. His E (Leap) makes him jump, and his ultimate (Void Assault) evolves one of his skills. If evolved, his Q will deal even more damage and will have bigger range, his W will throw 3 skillshots and his E (my favorite) will make him jump further, and if you get a kill your cooldown will reset, so you can jump over and over again. Ah, but of course, his ultimate is not only that, if activated he’ll turn invisible for a short time and grant him movement speed, which can happen twice, and if evolved, 3 times.
He really is one incredible champion. Great to go in and out, cool visuals, nice range, can turn invisible up to 3 times (and even more if you have Duskblade of Draktharr), huge damage and most importantly he can reset, being a huge nightmare for the enemy team once you get the momentum going. Oh, not only that, his passive (Unseen Threat) makes his next basic attack do a lot of damage, but to activate it he needs to be out of sight, either from his ultimate or bushes.
GEN Chovy Viktor Korea Challenger 2022 Patch 12.03 Replay How to play Viktor Midlane Gameplay
He’s a ranged mage with an awesome design and incredible skills. He’s a really fun and dynamic character that will make your mid lane enemies shiver. With his Q (Siphon Power) he throws a “boomerang” that empowers your next attack and gives him a shield, and movement speed, if upgraded, so it’s great to guarantee farm and poke. With his W (Gravity Field) he creates a big area that slows and after a while stuns. With his E (Death Ray) he lasers in a straight line, dealing HUGE damage and when upgraded it hits twice. It’s great for clearing waves and it’s your biggest source of damage. Lastly, his ultimate (Chaos Storm) is a big area that does massive instant damage and silence and follows adversaries, dealing a great deal of damage per second.
Great for clearing waves, great in teamfights, great for 1v1, great mobility and even greater design. But frankly, if his W is on cooldown and his Q is not upgraded, then he doesn’t have a fantastic way to escape, but once you hit a certain point you won’t even need to.
Rank 1 EUNE Kassadin Mid vs Twisted Fate Patch 12.3
Used in the mid lane, to play him you’ll need patience, a lot of patience. His early game is really bad and you’ll suffer a lot of pressure. But once you get lvl.6 everything changes. But before we get to that: his Q (Null Sphere) is a targeted spell that silences and gives him a magic shield; his E (Force Pulse) is only available after stacking 6 skills, and it stacks with everything around you, so even the enemy helps. It does cone area damage, slowing whoever is inside. His W (Nether Blade) empowers his next attack and gives him a bit of mana. Lastly, his ultimate (Riftwalk), the one skill that changes it all. It gives him a flash every 5 seconds at lvl.6, and 2 seconds at lvl.16, and the area he arrives in receives MASSIVE AoE damage. So he’s the perfect in and out champion. Ah! And the more you stack your ult the more damage you’ll do (and more mana will be used)!
With a bad early, bad clear wave (in the beginning) and possibly one of the best late games, he’s basically a gamble. If the game goes for too long you’ll probably win, and if you get fed in the beginning, then it’s gonna be a walk in the park. Playing him comes with a huge satisfaction: you earn the instakill for all the early game suffering. And oh will you instakill… it’s magical, it’s fun, it’s fast and almost impossible to catch you. He’s great at roaming and distributing advantages to your team. He can certainly carry the game.
Used mostly in the mid lane, but sometimes in the bot lane, his Q (Baleful Strike) fires a skill shot that hits 2 enemies. His W (Dark Matter) makes a meteor fall and his E (Event Horizon) is a stun box, so whoever hits the walls gets stunned. Lastly his R (Primordial Burst) is a targeted atomic bomb. Yeah, his kit is simple, but oh boy will he wreck adversaries. All of his abilities do a MASSIVE amount of damage, especially his ultimate, which can literally instakill and will do even more damage to the ones with low health.
But what’s so special about him? Well, because of his passive (Phenomenal Evil Power) every time he hits a champion he gets 1 AP, and if he kills one he gets 5 AP. And with his Q, every time he kills one minion he gets 1 AP, and if he kills a big minion/ creature he gets 2 AP. So, basically, he’s the AP version of Nasus, an endless growing character with no limits to his evilness. With great area CC and absurd amounts of damage, he’s a safe pick. Once you arrive in the late game the game is yours, so make sure you stack as much as you can!
8. LUX
She’s a mage used in the mid and bot lane as support. With her Q (Light Binding) she binds up to 2 enemies for 2 seconds! With her E (Lucent Singularity) she throws a light ball that stays in a large round area that explodes after a while or when casted again, dealing a huge amount of damage, being great for poking and clearing waves. Ah! While it doesn’t explode it slows down everybody passing through. And her W (Prismatic Barrier) is a shield that goes back and forth, shielding her and her allies twice. And the best and most satisfying part: her ultimate (Final Spark), which is a very long straight line skill that bursts anyone in front. Imagine it as a big merciless laser with almost no cooldown. Yup, it’s really fun! Once the enemies see the red line they already know it’s over. It’s great.
She’s great for 1v1, support, clearing waves, pick off, burst, sieging, defending, low cooldowns and overall a very fun champion to play with. If played well she can certainly unbalance the game and grant you a fast ticket to high elo.
He’s a pain to deal with, but incredibly fun to play with. His Q (Urchin Strike) makes him jump towards the target, dealing a lot of damage and closing the gap, getting you in melee range. But if you use it too close to the target, then you will go far away from him. In other words, he always travels the same distance, so beware of how to use it properly. His W (Seastone Trident) empowers his next attack, dealing damage per second, like a little ignite. His E (Playful/ Trickster) makes him untargetable and he does A HUGE amount of AoE damage where he lands. With this skill he can cross a long distance, and even go across walls. So it’s a great way to escape or to get close to the enemy. Finally, his R (Chum the Waters) is a skillshot that the further it goes the more damage it will do and more area it will cover, knocking the enemy up after a while. And if it hits an adversary it will stick to him. So it’s like a death mark.
Being great to escape close situations and dodging and canceling skills, he’s one hell of an assassin. With a well-placed R you can be sure to kill. But he is so strong that most of the time you won’t even need to use the ultimate. With his 3 skills you can certainly eliminate the backline in an instant. But the best part certainly is to just cancel the enemy skills, especially if it’s their ultimate. It’s just… fun and rewarding. Getting the timing right is a great feeling. And with such high mobility he can roam around ganking every lane!
Have you ever wondered what being an ambulance is like? Her Q (Starcall) is an AoE skill that, if it hits, will heal her. It’s a low cooldown and long-ranged ability, so be sure to annoy the enemies as much as possible. Her W (Astral Infusion) will heal your allies at the cost of your health, but it’s worth it, since it heals A LOT. Her E (Equinox) is a field that instantly silences the adversaries, and after a while whoever is inside gets snared. It does a very good amount of damage, so it’s great to bully and to cancel dangerous abilities. Lastly, her ult (Wish) is probably one of the most hateful skills in the game: it instantly heals everyone on your team, regardless of where they are. But the best part? It heals A LOT,like… really, it’s unreal how much it heals.
And why did I say ambulance? Because her passive (Salvation) allows her to receive bonus movement speed to help your allies, and since you heal so much, well… there you go, ambulance. However, other than healing and silencing, she doesn’t have a great way to protect the ADC or teammates in general. And also, she doesn’t have a great way to escape, and since she’s quite squishy, then you have to position yourself correctly (or build tank items). But if played correctly she can heal so much that the opposing team will lose their will to play the game.
Blitzcrank SUPPORT vs Nautilus | Challenger | Patch 12.3 | League of Legends Pro Player Replay
He’s a melee, tank and ap support that can literally change the flow of the game. It is also possible to play with him in the mid lane. His Q (Rocket Grab) is a long range skillshot that grabs and pulls the enemies to his location. His E (Power Fist) is an empowered punch that knocks people up, his W (Overdrive) gives him movement speed and attack speed, but for some design choice slows him down after a while. And his R (Static Field) is a huge shockwave that silences whoever is in range and does a lot of damage, which is great to cancel adversaries or to execute.
Now, while not being the best in terms of protecting the ADC, he sure can change the game, and here’s the reason: his grab. This one skill, depending on the moment, can end the game. If you’re losing bot lane, one great hook (preferably under the tower) and you can turn it to your favor. The same goes for late game. One great pick off and you can end the game. But it can also fire backwards if you pull the strongest enemy to your side, so be very careful.
She’s a tank support. With her Q (Shield of Daybreak) her next attack stuns the target! With her E (Zenith Blade) her sword expands and she teleports to the last enemy it hits, while she’s traveling the target will be immobilized. Her W (Eclipse) temporarily upgrades her armor and magic resistance, and after some seconds she explodes, doing damage around her. And the best and most satisfying part: her ultimate (Solar Flare), which is a strike from the sky that has two effects: in the center area it stuns, on the outside area it slows. so even if you miss it can also be considered a success.
She’s one hell of a support, one of the best at protecting and engaging. And as shown above, she basically has 3 STUNS! And, OH! Her passive (Sunlight)! Every time one of her skills hits an enemy champion or minion they get marked, this mark explodes when an ally hits, dealing extra damage, which is great for teamfights and especially 2v2.
He’s a very dynamic champion and if let free will cause havoc. His Q (Piercing Light) will damage everything in a single line, his W (Ardent Blaze) is a skillshot that explodes in a cross area, and whoever gets hit will have a mark. If Lucian hits the marked enemy he will receive movement speed. His E (Relentless Pursuit) is a dash and with his R (The Culling) he shoots a lot of bullets in a single direction, being able to move around while doing a lot of damage; it’s great to finish off enemies, since the range on it is huge.
His kit is fairly simple, but what makes him strong is his passive (Lightslinger): every time he uses an ability he will shoot twice. So make sure you use him the best way possible: one skill, one basic attack, one skill, one basic attack, and so on… OH! hitting with his passive reduces his E’s cooldown, which is great to kite back and chase enemies. In general, he is very strong throughout the whole game, he has a pretty good range in his basic attacks and skills and is definitely a bully with an incredible movement speed. He’s just fun! And with the right support he can carry the game like no other champion.
GUMAYUSI IS INSANE WITH JINX! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Jinx ADC vs Ezreal! | Season 2022
She’s a really fun lunatic. She wields a gatling gun and a bazooka, perfect for destruction! Her Q (Switcheroo!) grants her attack speed when using the gatling gun, stacking up to 3 times. But if casted she switches weapons, in this case to her bazooka, dealing AoE damage every hit. Her E (Flame Chompers!) makes her throw a set of 3 traps on the floor that snares whoever steps on it, and her W (Zap!) is a big skillshot that does a nice damage, slows and grants sight of the target. Lastly, her R (Super Mega Death Rocket!) is a giant global rocket that explodes in a big area doing HUGEdamage, and it does even more damage depending on how far it travels and how low the enemies health is. But what makes her really interesting is her passive (Get Excited!), which grants her a lot of attack speed and movement speed after destroying a tower or killing an enemy champion or epic monsters.
She’s great for kiting, and combined with Runaan’s Hurricane she can destroy the team fight, because her bazooka shots not only will triple, doing triple the AoE, but they can also do critical damage! It’s terrifying! Or may I say… terrifyingly… fun!
GUMAYUSI IS INSANE WITH VAYNE! - T1 Gumayusi Plays Vayne ADC vs Ezreal! | Season 2022
And finally Vayne, a very stylish, dynamic, strong champion. Her Q (Tumble) makes her dash in a selected direction, empowering her next attack. It’s great to dodge skills, run away and chase enemies. Her W (Silver Bolts) makes her every 3rd attack deal MASSIVE damage because it’s based on the target’s maximum health, and if the 3rd hit comes from her Q… woah, it hurts! Her E (Condemn) is a targeted skill that pushes enemies far from her, and if they hit a wall they will be stunned for 1.5 seconds! This skill also counts as one of the 3 hits from her W. Lastly, her ultimate (Final Hour) gives her movement speed and attack damage, and every time you use her Q she will become invisible.
She has a pretty bad early game, she’s easily bullied, and she has a pretty low attack range. However, once she gets some items she becomes unstoppable, it’s a change from water to wine. She’s amazingly fun to play with and you really have to focus, because one wrong step and you’re dead, but one correct step and you’ll be closer to carrying the game.
So what do you think? Are you ready to try any of them? My intention was to present champions for every kind of player possible, so some are high risk high reward, some extremely aggressive, some with great ways to escape, some more vulnerable, and some just… fun. I hope I could help you decide a champion to play with and maybe in the process bring some more excitement for you. I know how boring it might be once you don’t really feel like playing with the same champion over and over again, so yeah… I hope it will be as enjoyable for you as it was for me to make this list (and to play with them, of course!). Till next time!
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