League of Legends is a game in which you will depend heavily on your teammates. And like school taught us, depending on other people is not always easy. But since it’s a team-based game, well, what better way to win than damaging all of the enemies at once? Wait… there is a better way: doing A LOT of damage to all of the enemies at once! So come and see which champion could be your next main!
Before we actually get to the list, even though this is a top 15, keep in mind that each champion requires a different type of gameplay and player. Not only that, each patch they change their stats, so sometimes they will be strong, sometimes not so much. So take this list as a reference, because, in the end, the best champion is the one you feel happier playing with! With that said… let’s go!
Wukong, usually used in the top lane, is for those who like to trick the enemy. He’s a melee character with great range on his attacks. His W (Warrior Trickster) (See? Told you he was perfect to trick others, it’s right in the name) allows him to create a clone of himself, to become invisible and dash in any direction. It’s incredible to dodge attacks and engage the enemies, especially if your ultimate (Cyclone) is up. With this, Wukong and his clone spin around knocking everyone up and doing great damage! But wait, there’s more: he can do it TWICE!
And not only he’s a great character for teamfights, he’s also an amazing 1v1 fighter because of his Q (Crushing Blow), which is a very powerful long-range attack that reduces the enemy’s armor! And it can also be used in towers!
And here comes the best part: along with the dash he does with the clone, with his E (Nimbus Strike) he has a very strong gap close to engage, damaging up to three enemies. And if you’re in trouble, worry not! His dash, invisibility and gap close are incredible to run away. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to trick and destroy your enemies!
Graves is… different. He’s a ranged champion, but the best way to use him is to get as close as possible to the enemy. And this is so because his basic attack shoots 3 bullets that hits everything in front of him. So if by any chance this thing in front of you is an enemy… let’s just say it won’t be there for a long time.
Usually played in the jungle, his kit is great for cleaning the camps and other players. With his Q (End of the Line) he launches an explosive shell that does massive damage when it comes back, while dealing damage in a T area. With his W (Smoke Screen) he slows down whoever is inside and heavily reduces the sight range, in other words, the enemy screen basically turns black. And with his R (Collateral Damage) he’s a certified monster. He launches a very long explosive shell that explodes and deals damage in a cone area while dashing to the opposite direction, so it’s great to escape, in team fights or to just execute a fleeing target.
And to make him even more interesting there’s his E (Quickdraw) that allows him to dash, getting you face to face to your target or running away from them. To sum him up, he’s a badass burst champion, and anyone in front of you won’t even have time to react. Are you ready to explode the enemy team? If so, make sure to check him out!
Note: as I said before, his basic attacks will hit anything in front of you, so if there’s a minion in front of a champion, make sure you move around or use your E to reposition yourself!
Riven Montage - BEST PLAYS S12
Riven is a melee champion with extremely high damage and mobility, which is great to chase or to escape enemies. Used in the top lane, she’s a natural bully, and once she’s ahead in the game she’s nearly unstoppable. With her Q (Broken Wings) she slashes the air three times dealing area damage while dashing forward, and with her E (Valor) she also dashes, but this time she receives a shield. So… basically you have 4 flashes. It’s not the same range, of course, but the mobility and the possibility to jump across walls is there. And here comes the interesting part: with the last jump from her Q she knocks people up, and with her W (Ki Burst) she stuns everyone around her. In other words, she’s great at starting a fight and a great 1v1 fighter.
But on top of this wonderful kit, there’s her ultimate (Blade of the Exile): she gains MORE DAMAGE and RANGE to her already incredible skills, and if casted again she does a ranged attack, dealing huge damage, which is great to execute players. Oh, and did I mention that she has incredibly low cooldowns? So, do you think you have what it takes to execute your enemies? If so, you know who to try next time!
Kennen is a ranged, super mobile and an incredible teamfight starter. Used in the top lane, like Riven, he’s also a natural bully. With his E (Lightning Rush) he becomes super fast and whoever he touches is marked. With his Q (Thundering Shuriken) he throws a shuriken that marks the enemy, and every 5th attack he will mark the enemy. You may be wondering “Why is this mark relevant?” Well, if the adversary has 3 of them you will stun them. And with W (Electrical Surge) he does a lightning strike to whoever is already marked while marking them. And here comes the best part: his ult (Slicing Maelstrom) is a huge lighting field that keeps marking your enemies, so they will get stunned A LOT, which makes him perfect for teamfights, but not only that, his damage is also – shocking -. So what are you waiting for? Winning the top lane will never be like catching lightning in a bottle again!
He’s a pirate, need I say more? Ok, fine, I will. Used in the top lane, he’s also a natural bully (I feel like I’m using this expression a lot, but it’s true, he really is annoying!). His Q (Parrrley) is a targeted skill that makes him shoot at someone, which can do critical damage, so yeah… not pleasant to go against. But not only that, he spawns a barrel with his E (Powder Keg), that can be connected to other barrels and cause massive AoE, and when I say massive, this time it really is. You can 100 to 0 someone with this! And they won’t even see it coming! Lastly, with his ultimate (Cannon Barrage), he spawns a giant circle target for cannon balls to fall, so for a certain duration this whole are will do massive damage and slow down enemies, and not only this is great for teamfights, but also to execute someone or help a teammate escape. Ah, I didn’t tell you, IT’S GLOBAL!
Now, you may think: “ok, that’s great, but he’s probably defenseless, right? I mean, with this kit it just wouldn’t really be fair, riiight?” Allow me to introduce you to his W (Remove Scurvy), he eats an orange, healing a fair good amount of health, and also NEGLECTS ANY CC. Yup, You cannot stop him! So, what do you think? Are ye ready to come on board, matey? Aaargh!
10. VEL’ KOZ
Have you ever wondered how it feels to laser others out of existence? Well, don’t wait no more, here is the champion for you! And if you like geometry, even better!
With his Q (Plasma Fission) he shoots a ball that when it hits something, or when recasted, explodes in a T zone, damaging up to 3 enemies at once. His W (Void Rift) throws a line on the floor that damages twice and his E (Tectonic Disruption) explodes where it impacts, knocking up players, which is a good way to escape or to make them stay a spot for a while. Now, here’s the neat part: his passive (Organic Deconstruction) is that each time you deal damage with a skill you mark the target, and when the third skill comes, then you literally melt them.
Ok, so you do a lot of damage, but why would you want to put people in a specific spot? One of the reasons is because since everything you do is AoE, then having them in the same place helps to deal the most damage. Another reason is because of your teammates, they can also enjoy the opportunity and strike them all at once. But the main reason is because of his R (Life Form Disintegration Ray). Yup, it’s the laser I was talking about! It deals so much damage and it just keeps on stacking the passive, so even more damage than normal, and OH! OH! The range of this ability is incredible, you can execute people from reeeally far! Do you need any more convincing? Come check him out!
Zyra Montage - Best Zyra Plays | Synergy Is The KEY | - League of Legends - #6
What do you think about controlling plants? And being very annoying while dealing tons of damage when doing it? Well, she could be the one for you. A mage, ranged champion used normally in the bot lane as support, she can literally dominate the lane alone. With her high range and utility skills she can attack and defend herself like no other champion.
Her passive (Garden of Thorns) allows her to create plants, just like her W (Rampant Growth), and when activated, either by using her Q (Deadly Spines) which is a strong AoE poke that slows enemies, or her E (Grasping Roots) which can snare people, these little plants grow up. If they grow up with her Q, then they become ranged plants, if it was with her E, then melee plants. And no, they’re not cute, don’t underestimate them, they will murder your enemies, so think carefully when creating them to your best advantage. And what about her ultimate (Stranglethorns)? Glad you asked. It’s a huge area spell that deals MASSIVE instant damage and after a while it knocks everyone up. So not only does she have a lot of utility with snare and slow, but she also has one of the biggest bursts in the game. It’s time to become one with nature! I’m sure that once you try you won’t regret it!
He’s a ranged mage with an awesome design and incredible skills. He’s a really fun and dynamic character that will make your mid lane enemies shiver. With his Q (Siphon Power) he throws a “boomerang” that empowers his next attack and gives him a shield, and movement speed, if upgraded, so it’s great to guarantee farm and poke. With his W (Gravity Field) he creates a big area that slows and after a while stuns. With his E (Death Ray) he lasers in a straight line, dealing HUGE damage and when upgraded it hits twice. It’s great for clearing waves and it’s your biggest source of damage. Lastly, his ultimate (Chaos Storm) is a big area that does massive instant damage and silence and follows adversaries, dealing a great deal of damage per second.
Great for clearing waves, great in teamfight, great for 1v1, great mobility and even greater design. What are you waiting for? This is probably the closest you’ll be from feeling like Iron Man! And also, like I said, he has lasers for a normal ability! What can be better than this?
Grace in violence, that’s one way you could describe Orianna. Used in the mid lane, she’s a mage that can burst your enemies in a way that even you won’t see it coming. Everything about her depends on the ball she commands, so pay attention to that! With her Q (Command: Attack) she can move the ball anywhere she wants, and with her W (Command: Dissonance) she expands the ball, dealing HUGE damage and speeding up allies in the area and slowing down enemies. With her E (Command: Protect) she shields herself or an ally. This! This one skill is one you’ll have to pay a lot of attention to, because if someone else in your team has a great way to start a fight, like Leona, you can shield her and use Orianna’s ultimate (Command: Shockwave) that does A LOT of damage. I really mean it, it’s brutal. And not only that, it also pulls people over to it’s center.
Of course, you can use her ultimate anywhere the ball is, whether it is on yourself to protect or to punish those who can get close to you, or on your Q to deal instant unexpected damage. Note that people don’t really expect her ult in a 1v1 or with her Q alone, because usually it’s used with an engage-like champion, like I said before, so you can use the element of surprise in your favor. With a great clear wave, poke, defense, mobility, and burst, she’s one hell of a choice!
Veigar Montage - ONE SHOT
It’s time to be a super villain and laugh at the dead body of your enemies! I know, that was a bit too much, but that’s how he is and that’s how you’ll feel when playing with him. Used in the mid lane, his Q (Baleful Strike) fires a skill shot that hits 2 enemies. His W (Dark Matter) makes a meteor fall and his E (Event Horizon) is a stun box, so whoever hits the walls gets stunned. Lastly his R (Primordial Burst) is a targeted atomic bomb. Yeah, his kit is simple, but oh boy will he wreck adversaries. All of his abilities do a MASSIVE amount of damage, especially his ultimate, which can literally instakill and will do even more damage to the ones with low health.
But what’s so special about him? Well, because of his passive (Phenomenal Evil Power) every time he hits a champion he gets 1 AP, and if he kills one he gets 5 AP. And with his Q, every time he kills one minion he gets 1 AP, and if he kills a big minion/ creature he gets 2 AP. So, basically, he’s the AP version of Nasus, an endless growing character with no limits to his evilness. What are you waiting for? It’s time to rule the game!
How about killing others after you die? Yup, it’s as fun as it sounds. Used in the mid lane and jungle, he’s a mage specialized in dying. Calm down, I’ll explain. His Q (Lay Waste) creates an exploding ball with very low cooldown, dealing a big amount of damage and doing even more damage to isolated targets. His W (Wall of Pain) creates a wall that reduces magic resistance and slows enemies down. His E (Defile) creates an area around him that deals damage per second. Lastly, his ultimate (Requiem) deals MASSIVE damage to everyone in the map, independently to where they are. This could be considered the greatest execution skill in the game.
But what about that whole dying thing I said before? Look, his passive (Death Defied) allows him to be alive for a few seconds after he dies, which means that in this time he can cast any ability regardless of his health (obviously, since he’s dead) or mana. So if you throw yourself in a team fight, die in the middle of everyone with his E on, slowing them down and bombarding them with some Qs and finishing off with your ultimate… let’s just say the enemy team won’t be really happy with this. And the best part? They can’t do anything about it. It’s the ultimate troll champion, and it’s awesome! So, what are you waiting for, are you ready to troll the enemy team in the afterlife? If so, prepare to laugh, because this is one hateful champion.
Do you feel like dominating the game, getting raged on, instakill everyone and show off while having great fun by pressing all the buttons non-stop? Ok, I confess, I exaggerated a bit, it’s actually a pretty difficult champion to master, but one that pays off. And like Riven, once she’s ahead it’s quite complicated to stop her.
With her Q (Bouncing Blade) she throws a dagger that hits up to three people, leaving it on the floor. With her W (Preparation) she throws a dagger on the floor and gains movement speed. And with her E (Shunpo) she instant-jumps at enemies, daggers on the floor or allies, both W and E are great to start a fight or to run away. Lastly, her ultimate (Death Lotus), makes her spin around throwing daggers while dealing a HUGE amount of damage per second in a big area. Now, “what’s up with the daggers on the floor?”, you may ask, and I shall answer: it’s her passive (Voracity) that makes her spin around whenever she gets it, dealing a very nice amount of damage and reducing her E’s cooldown. Ah! Speaking of cooldowns, her’s is very very low, and on top of that, like Master Yi, when she kills her cooldowns are lowered by 15 seconds, thus the “pressing all the buttons non-stop”.
Her abilities are not very complicated, but they are effective. Awesome for team fights or 1v1, she can totally change the tide of the game. In lane she is a constant danger. She’s a very fast paced champion that needs fast and accurate reactions, and so does the enemy team to deal with you.
It’s time to see the world burn! Brand is a mage, normally used in the mid lane or as support in the bot lane.
His passive (Blaze) activates when he hits a skill on an enemy, and the effect is quite simple: it burns. It does very nice damage per second, and if he hits 3 skills, it will explode, dealing more damage and burning those around the target. With his W (Pillar of Flame) he does MASSIVE damage by casting a fire pillar from the floor. With his Q (Sear) he throws a fire blast, and if the enemy is burning with passive he will stun him. His E (Conflagration) is a targeted skill that burns the target and those around. It does a nice damage, but the main purpose is to inflict the passive, making it easier and almost instantaneous to stun the adversaries. And his ultimate (Pyroclasm) is a ball of fire that bounces 5 times dealing HUGE damage to whoever it hits. Now, think of teamfights: the members of the teams are usually somewhat close to one another, this skill makes it perfect to damage all of them. Once it chooses the target they cannot escape, doom will come! (unless, of course, the champion has a skill or item that dodges it, like Fizz’s E (Playful/ Trickster), or Fiora’s W (Riposte), or Zhonya’s Hourglass). Great for team fights and dominating lanes, he can punish the enemy team by intense heat (burst) or slow cook (passive). So, are you ready to burn your enemies to ashes? Then you already know the champion for you.
One word to sum up this champion: explosion! Used in the mid lane but sometimes in the bot lane as ADC, even though he’s a mage, he’s a very high damage champion that literally explodes! With his Q (Bouncing Bomb) he throws a bomb that bounces 3 times in one direction, dealing AoE damage when exploded. His E (Hexplosive Minefield) creates a bomb field, slowing players. His W (Satchel Charge) is a dynamite that once exploded pushes people away, including you! So it’s great to engage or to run away. This is an incredible skill because it executes towers. Yup, that’s right, once the tower hits 25% (skill lvl.1) or 35% (skill lvl.5) of its health you instantly destroy it. And his ultimate (Mega Inferno Bomb) is a GIANT bomb that does a MASSIVE amount of damage, and in the center, it does even more damage, so in a teamfight he’ll certainly cause some destruction.
Great for 1v1, pushing waves, destroying towers and enemies, he’s one hell of a dude! Small in size and huge in damage and chaos, do you think you can control him? Only one way to know.
1. LUX
And last but not least, Lux, a mage used in the mid and bot lane as support. Proficient with light and rainbows, her gameplay is very flashy. With her Q (Light Binding) she binds up to 2 enemies for 2 seconds! With her E (Lucent Singularity) she throws a light ball that stays in a large round area that explodes after a while or when casted again, dealing a huge amount of damage, being great for poking and for clearing waves because of her range. Ah! While it doesn’t explode it slows down everybody passing through. And her W (Prismatic Barrier) is a shield that goes back and forth, shielding her and her allies twice. And the best and most satisfying part: her ultimate (Final Spark), which is a very long straight line skill that bursts anyone in front. Imagine it as a big merciless laser with almost no cooldown. Yup, it’s really fun! Once the enemies see the red line they already know their life is over, you can almost feel the anger and despair. It’s great.
She’s great for 1v1, support, clearing waves, pick off, burst, sieging, defending, low cooldowns and overall a very fun champion to play with. If you want to burst someone with elegance and impact, she’s the one!
So what do you think? Are you ready to try any of them? My intention was to present champions from every lane and role to show you the possibilities. I hope I could help you decide a champion to play with and maybe in the process bring some more excitement for you. I know how boring it might be once you don’t really feel like playing with the same champion over and over again, so yeah… I hope it will be as enjoyable for you as it was for me to make this list (and to play with them, of course!). Till next time!
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