
Olivia is an avid lover of writing and games with well-told stories. Hello! I am an expert in creative writing, and have written lots of stories. Be it fan-works or original, I have written lots of each. I am in expert in writing about the themes of game stories, as I am someone who likes to delve into the stories as i find it interesting. I have loved writing since I was small, I worked on my high school's newspaper for about 2 years, as well as won writing contests. I am currently an English major in college, and am using what I have learned to better my own writing ability. I love visual novels a lot, as I said I greatly enjoy stories in video games. Though I also really enjoy a lot of JRPGs, Pokémon being the series I know best. When it comes to writing games, I love the ability express my thoughts.
emilenjoyer's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Nier: Automata, Digimon Survive
Top 3 Favorite Games