#5 - Luna Blaster
A unique design and a simple color scheme! The Luna Blaster's colors really do look like the moon.
As with all the weapons on this list, they can all be purchased from Sheldon’s store, Ammo Knights, in Splatsville. It is available once you have reached level 13. This weapon is part of the category of blasters in Splatoon. It is a bit on the lower scale for blasters, but it can still be a decent weapon. It has the ability to insta-kill if used in close-range, making it handy if used right. It has a new special, the “zipcaster,” which involves sort-of “zip-lining” across the map and spreading ink when landing. It can be useful for quick movement.
- It can do 125 damage if it hits directly, which is very high.
- It has a range of 2.1, meaning it has a pretty low range.e. It is better for close-range.
- It’s fairly easy to use, but it fires slowly.
- It’s easy to utilize and is more offensive than other weapons in the blaster family.
#4 - Range Blaster
Look at those flames! The Range Blaster really screams "cool" at you!
This weapon can be bought the same way as the others; it unlocks at level 11. This weapon has a really good blast radius and is good for damaging opponents. It is better offensively. It's special is one of the new ones, “wave breaker.” This creates a wave that opponents have to dodge, or else it will mark them, or even kill them. This can be pretty beneficial.
- It does 125 damage with a direct hit.
- It has a range of up to 3.5, a decent range.
- It is more on the difficult side to use.
- It has a fairly slow fire rate.
#3 - Blaster
...More flames...how exciting! The Blaster offers that "cool" feel too!
This weapon can be bought from the shop once you reach level 3. This is the original blaster, hence the name. With its special, big bubbler, it can provide really good protection. This weapon is more defensive than offensive; it works best in anarchy battles.
- It has a range of 2.5 making it on the lower side of range.
- It does 125 damage in a direct hit.
- It fires slowly, but it makes up for that in power.
- This weapon can cause explosions, which can be good for using in groups of enemies.
#2 - Rapid Blaster Pro
The Rapid Blaster Pro is a nice change of pace from those flames...!
As before, this weapon can be purchased from the weapons shop. However, this one does not become available until level 26. This blaster has the longest range of all the other blasters. Its sub-weapon and special can be really useful if the player knows how to use them as well. The weapon’s special, in particular, “ink vac” can be very useful.
- This weapon has a range of 4.1, which is on the higher side of range.
- It can do 85 damage with a direct hit.
- It is harder to use.
- It is not good for inking territory; it is more defensive.
#1 - Rapid Blaster
The Rapid Blaster offers a fresh and simplistic design!
This weapon is unlocked the same as the previous, but it is unlocked at level 7. This weapon deals really good damage at close range and can be useful for attacks such as that. The special and sub-weapons for this weapon can be very useful.
- This weapon has a range of 3.5.
- It does 85 damage with a direct hit.
- It does fairly well in anarchy battles, specifically Tower Control.
- This can cause explosion damage.
All-in-all, any weapon in Splatoon can be useful if the player knows how to utilize it. Weapons that may be “bad” overall could work really well for one person.