
Hey there Traveler! Why don’t you rest here awhile. In the meantime why don’t I introduce you to my closest traveling companion, Marquis, the wandering muggle and mogul. With 23 winters on his belt, This wanderer has experienced countless console wars, numerous AAA game disasters and botched game releases. To fight against these false game articles and inaccurate account tips, Marquis offers his expertise to any adventurer that will listen, List-verse, Reddit and X are such.
Marquis is a expert in the following skill tree:
• PS5 Exclusive Games/accessories
• Sci-fi and Fantasy RPG
• Anime/Manga
• Videogame News
• Herbalist (Grand Mage).
The path of accuracy and trustworthiness is now open to you traveler, will you walk this path alongside us?
Marquis is a expert in the following skill tree:
• PS5 Exclusive Games/accessories
• Sci-fi and Fantasy RPG
• Anime/Manga
• Videogame News
• Herbalist (Grand Mage).
The path of accuracy and trustworthiness is now open to you traveler, will you walk this path alongside us?
marquis's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
GTA V Online
Top 3 Favorite Games