5. The Fleeca Job ($100,625 - $251,560)
In the criminal underground of Los Santos, opportunities arise for those with a knack for causing chaos and have an unquenchable thirst for fortune. The Fleeca Job, the first bank heist in GTA Online, establishes itself as the perfect initiation job for making good money for overall time spent.
The Fleeca Job sets the stage for the type of criminal activities GTA Online players will experience. Since this was a custom-made job for new players that when once completed unlocks a top tier armored car (Kuruma) and access to higher paying heists (Pacific Standard Job).
How to do it:
- Once the heist is launched at your high-end apartment, players will start two back-to-back setup missions: Scope Out and Kuruma. These missions simply entail observing the bank for potential weakness and then stealing an armored car from a group of gang members in a parking garage.
- Once these setups are completed players will gain access to the Fleeca Job Finale in which players are tasked with stealing contents from a safe in the back while the second player keeps control of the hostages located at the bank entrance.
- After stealing the safe's content both players will need to drive towards the military base where they will get picked up by a magnetic Cargobob.
The Fleeca Job Rewards:
- $100,625 (Easy)
- $201,250 (Normal)
- $251,560 (Hard)
4. The Pacific Standard Job ($750,000 - $1,875,000)
In the sun-soaked metropolis of Los Santos, the pacific standard job emerges as the starting point for all high-profile and high-paying heists. This audacious scheme takes players up against the full arsenal of the LSPD (officer) and the internal security of the Pacific Standard Deposit Bank.
The Pacific Standard Job was the final and highest paying heist from the Heist DLC and is widely regarded as one of the most exhilarating and challenging heist players can do. Overall, the time spent completing this mission from start to finish with a full team will take players less than 2 hours to fully complete.
How to do it:
- Once the heist is launched at your high-end apartment, players will start a series of back-to-back setup missions. These missions will involve acquiring custom bikes, weapons, and various documents players will need stashed at their apartments.
- Once setups are completed players will gain access to the Finale mission in which they are tasked with stealing contents from the bank safe while maintaining crowd control.
- After stealing the safe's content all players will need to exit the bank and head towards the previously stashed bikes location, this is usually down the block. Players will be facing multiple cops and swat so be very careful during this long trek.
- When all players are on a bike, a yellow waypoint will give you directions to the final location for heist completion.
The Pacific Standard Job Rewards:
- $750,000 (Easy)
- $1,500,000 (Normal)
- $1,875,000 (Hard)
3. The Doomsday Heist ($975,000 - $2,250,000)
In the shadows of geopolitical tension and numerous clandestine threats, The Doomsday Heist introduces GTA Online players to a new system of three-part Heist sequence introduced as part of The Doomsday Heist update back on December 12, 2016.
The Doomsday Heist on release had a gripping narrative that featured many GTA easter eggs and new game mechanics that would drastically impact online money grinding lobbies going forward (Jetpacks can now be used as a service vehicle at the Avenger).
How to do it:
- Once the heist is launched at your facility, players will need to start and complete a series of back-to-back setup missions. These missions will involve acquiring custom Deluxo’s, weapons, and various items players will need for the finale.
- Unlike previous Heists, the player is tasked with acquiring the corresponding equipment in order to unlock a setup job. The equipment can be obtained through a Freemode preparation mission that can take up to 10 minutes to complete.
The Doomsday Heist Rewards:
- $975,000 (Easy)
- $1,500,000 (Normal)
- $2,250,000 (Hard)
2. The Diamond Casino Heist ($2,115,000 - $2, 585,000)
The Diamond Casino Heist was a new heist series in The Diamond Casino Heist update and for a very long time was the best money-making method in the game. In this heist players must plan and infiltrate the Casino and steal their unethical funds from their well secured vault all while trying to avoid security.
As a GTA Online veteran, I can confidently say that the Diamond Casino Heist is one of the top five best ways to make money in this game with a minimum of two players. The numerous approach options players can choose from will drastically lower the final time spent on completion.
How to do it:
- Once the heist is launched at your Arcade, players will start a series of back-to-back setup missions. Based on the approach chosen, players will need to acquire custom vehicles, weapons, and various documents players will need for the finale.
- Once these setups are completed players will gain access to the Finale mission in which they are then tasked with stealing contents from the Casinos safe while avoiding security.
- After stealing the vault's content players will need to exit the Casino and head towards the racetrack or towards the location chosen for the escape vehicles. Once inside the vehicle, players will head to the final location on the map which will be based on the approach method.
The Diamond Casino Heist Rewards:
- $2,115,000 (Cash)
- $2,350,000 (Artwork)
- $2,585,000 (Gold)
1. The Cayo Perico Heist ($900,000 - $2,090,000 Hourly)
The Cayo Perico Heist is another content update for Grand Theft Auto Online that was released on December 15th, 2020. The Cayo Perico Heist is the biggest GTA Online money maker ever, introducing an all-new exotic Heist location (Island in the Caribbean) with a brand-new approach that allows for complete solo play or with up to three other players.
This DLC is the main if not the only reason we Veteran players have so much money to spend. On launch, the Cayo heist was the quickest and highest earning mission money grinders could do, and man did they, players made it possible to make on average $1.3 million in under an hour back-to-back. Rockstar quickly noticed this and has been actively trying to lower this by adding time cooldowns and lower payouts.
How to do it:
- Once the heist setup missions are launched at your Kosatka (Submarine), players will need to head to a set beach and steal a delivery plane that you will need to take to the island. Once completed, players will start a series of back-to-back setup missions before the finale can start.
- When you launch the Finale, players will need to select their desired criteria (vehicle approach, entry/exit zone, and weapons) before they can leave the mission screen. Regardless of what criteria is chosen, players will begin traveling in the direction of the mansion.
- Players from this point onwards can either go stealthily or aggressively for their approach as the goal is to reach the basement and steal the item sourced.
Cayo Perico Heist Rewards:
- $900,000 (Sinsimito Tequila)
- $1,300,000 (Pink Diamond)
- $2,090,000 (Panther Statue)
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