Buckle up ‘cause we’re about to make a Million dollars!
Earning money in GTA Online, as an amateur, is not that easy. You don’t have the requisite resources and vehicles that’ll boost your money-making ventures. There are way too many activities you can do that will leave you astray from making as much money as you possibly can. It can be overwhelming to narrow things down.
Your first goal in GTA Online should be making your first million dollars. Doing so will unlock various money-making avenues and opportunities to buy businesses and vehicles. Especially for VIP Work, one of the best ways to make money for beginners, you’ll need to have at least a million dollars in your Maze Bank account to register as a VIP.
This guide shines a light on the five best methods that will earn you your first million in GTA Online.
5. Bodyguard/Associate work
High Profile work
Working as a Bodyguard/Associate in GTA Online is a fun way for you to earn money as a beginner. You work for a VIP/CEO and complete jobs and challenges with them. Moreover, you must protect your boss and make sure they don’t die. Or else, you get a cut taken from your salary. Yes, in addition to the payouts for the jobs and challenges you do with your boss, you get GTA$ 5,000 salary every 15 minutes for being a Bodyguard/Associate.
By becoming a Bodyguard/Associate, you can expect to earn upwards of GTA$ 200,000 every hour, provided your VIP/CEO actively runs VIP Work.
To become a Bodyguard/Associate:
- Open your interaction menu.
- Scroll down and select SecuroServ.
- Then set the “Looking for Work” option to “On”.
- You’ll receive an invite on your phone from VIPs or CEOs in the lobby who want to hire.
- Keep an eye out for Bonus Weeks in the game, as sometimes Bodyguards/Associates will have boosted salary payouts.
4. Weekly events and activities paying double or triple money
Extra money for simple work
Every week in GTA Online, there are selected events, races, missions, etc. that pay you double or triple the normal amount. Getting tied up in doing these missions and activities is a lucrative way of experiencing the game. Not only will you be enjoying what you’re doing, but you will also be earning a lot of money.
The best part is that most of these events are fun to play. On some days, adversary modes will be paying you triple the money, and once you start playing these, you just get sucked into it. By the time you get tired, you’ll realize your account balance is loaded too.
To play events and activities with boosted payouts:
- Hop on to Rockstar Newswire and find out which events are paying 2x and 3x.
- Log in to GTA Online and start playing those events.
- Continue playing them back-to-back.
- Make sure you don’t just play them for the money but also to have fun as well.
3. Hosting heists
Old School money making
Heists were first introduced in GTA Online back in early 2015. They have been, to say the least, one of the greatest additions to the game to this day. They directed a pathway for players to all the future storyline-related updates that were released.
There were a total of five heists released for the update, namely: Fleeca Job, Prison Break, Humane Labs Raid, Series A Funding, and Pacific Standard Job. By completing all five in order as a host, you can expect to earn around GTA$ 2,000,000+, provided you give fair cuts to your crew members.
To start the heists:
- Reach rank 12 and own a high-end apartment.
- Lester will give you a call to set up your first heist. Visit him at the garment factory.
- For the first heist, you will need another player to complete the setups and finale with you.
- For the remaining four heists, the process is similar. This time, you will need 3 additional players to complete the setups and finale with you.
- To get dedicated crew members, it’s recommended you find players off of popular GTA Online Discord servers.
2. Side quests, Time-Trials, and Missions
A powerful money-making combo
By doing these three activities as a beginner in GTA Online, you’ll make a million bucks in no time. They’re straightforward and won’t take too much of your time.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Once you enter GTA Online for the first time, you can do three different quests to earn money pretty easily. They are Bounty Hunting, Los Santos Slasher, and Treasure Hunt. All three missions reward you with a weapon, with which you need to complete a challenge to receive a hefty bonus. With all three missions fully completed, you’ll receive an accumulated amount of GTA$ 825,000. The best thing is you can easily find the locations with a guide or a labeled map. Use this map for Los Santos Slasher, and use this map for Treasure Hunt, to find the clues.
- Once you’re done with the quests, you can start a Time-Trial, marked with a stopwatch icon on the map, and try your best to beat the par time. It’s an easy way to earn GTA$ 100,000+ in just a few minutes. You can easily find videos on YouTube that highlight the best path to take for the Time-Trial. By now, you’ll have GTA$ 925,000+ in your account/wallet and will need to earn just a few thousand bucks more to make it a million.
- Start doing contact missions. They’re fun, fast, pay decently well, and can be done solo. By the time you finish four or five contact missions successfully, you’ll make a million dollars.
1. Joining heists
It's just helping others out
As a novice in GTA Online, you will have to go through a number of jobs and heists to gain useful experience in the game. Lucky for you, there’s not a significant learning curve to all the jobs and missions in the game. Especially with heists, you can learn the patterns fairly easily by doing them a couple of times. Regardless, YouTube is stacked with guides for all the heists in the game, and following them to the second is not a tedious task.
What many players don’t realize is that there’s a shortcut to gaining heist experiences while making a great deal of money in tandem. It’s through joining heists of other players looking for a crew member. As a crew member, you won’t necessarily have to run all the setups of the heist. You can straight away join heist finales.
Here’s the best way to do it:
- Join one of the popular Discord servers for GTA V and GTA Online. To name a few, TGG’s Gorilla Gang, GTA Online, and GTA Series Videos are quite active.
- Scroll down to “Looking for Group” or “Looking for Players” channel in the servers. From there, you can find players looking for others to help them out with missions and heists. You’ll be surprised how many people actively look for crew members to help them with the Diamond Casino Heist finale.
- Request the respective player to invite you to their heist. Just make sure you know the ins and outs of the heist they’re seeking help for.
- Once you’re invited, just complete the heist as quickly as possible. Later on, you can again hop on to Discord to look for other players looking for help.
Assuming you play the Diamond Casino or Cayo Perico Heist repeatedly, you can expect to earn a million bucks in less than an hour.
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