10. Rockford Roll
Start at 0:07
What is it about and why you should do it
Like the first mission in GTA V’s Story mode, players are tasked with stealing the Obey 9F Cabrio and delivering it to the local car dealer Simeon. Players will receive an extra cash bonus if the vehicle delivered has no damage, the more damage the vehicle has the less Simeon pays. The hardest point for this contact mission is the wanted level players get the moment they enter the 9F, players are able to use the “Remove Wanted Level” feature (Lester) to bypass this.
Why it's a good Mission
The average run time for the Rockford Roll mission is around three minutes and twenty-five seconds when done on hard mode, easy/medium difficulty will take the same amount of time to complete. Players who want to make the most of this mission should choose the replay option at the end of the mission on the mission-screen as this is a good way to make fast money solo, legitimately.
Whenever you start a contact mission, players will spawn in at the same location as they were in from the previous lobby, this means if you started the mission on Mount Chiliad, your character would spawn at the top of the mountain. For Rockford Rolls I recommend launching the job near the Auto Shop (Most Popular) in the center of Los Santos.
Mission Rewards
For completing this mission in less than five minutes with minimal damage, players will earn around $4580 and 830 rp (experience for levels). The final payment is then modified by various factors including difficulty level, number of players, and overall time spent, the biggest influence of the three is time spent. The base payout will be affected as follows:
- Less than 1 minute - 10% of base payout
- 1-2 minutes - 25% of base payout
- 2-3 minutes - 50% of base payout
- 3-4 minutes - 75% of base payout
- 4-6 minutes - 100% of base payout
- 6-8 minutes - 120% of base payout
- 8-10 minutes - 140% of base payout
- 10-12 minutes - 160% of base payout
- 12-15 minutes - 180% of base payout
- >15 minutes - 200% of base payout
9. Trash Talk
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Trash Talk is the first Assassination mission on this list in which players are tasked with the destruction of moving garbage trucks (Trashmaster) around the main city. After blowing up the scattered Trashmasters, players will need to head over to Murrieta Heights (Right side on map) and assassinate the main boss. This mission can be done in less than five minutes when using the Oppressor MK2 or when using other weaponized vehicles with homing missiles.
Why it's a good Mission
Trash Talk’s base payout on release was a lot higher than previous contact missions and for a short time was the highest paying contact mission you could do. I strongly suggest players use a weaponized vehicle like the oppressor or Deluxo since the first half of Trash Talk will be dragged out by the continuous moving of the trashmasters, if you don’t have these vehicles then choose any personal vehicle that allows you to throw sticky bombs out the window.
Mission Rewards
Trash Talk on Hard difficulty (1.5x cash and rp) will payout around $8570 and gives out a max of 2500 rp.
8. Pier Pressure
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
In Pier Pressure, players are required to go to the local Pier (South) and kill a group of bikers under a bridge and steal the package being held. After stealing this package, players will head over to Gerald’s apartment located in Baller territory (Ganglands) and then hand over the contents to him. Pier Pressure is another high paying contact mission but the first job on this list that doesn’t require the use of weaponized vehicles.
Why it's a good Mission
Pier Pressure’s is not a challenging mission as you only need to kill the group under the bridge and steal a package, the entire encounter will only last a few seconds making it a perfect starter job for new/returning players. Players should not use any explosives in this encounter as the package is quite fragile and will be destroyed, forcing the mission to end in failure.
Mission Rewards
Pier Pressure has a base payout that exceeds $10,500 and will give you a minimum of 1000 rp.
7. Rooftop Rumble
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Rooftop Rumble is the first ever money-making method in GTA Online that could be done completely solo. However, this mission is rather difficult on your first run as players are tasked with the killing of a group of well-armed enemies in a parking building located next to a police station, players won’t get wanted levels during this job. This mission is locked for new players and will only become unlocked after reaching level 75.
Why it's a good Mission
Rooftop Rumble is the most popular contact mission in GTA Online and is hands down the most recommended for veteran players looking to make the most cash for missions while AFK (Away from keyboard). Back in late 2013 to mid 2014, Rooftop Rumble was the best method we players could use to make cash legitimately. To be specific, we would complete the main objectives and wait outside the final zone until the payout was at its highest (15 minutes).
Mission Rewards
Rooftop Rumble has a base payout ranging from $8,000 to $15,000.
6. Judging the Jury
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Judging the jury is an Assassination mission in which players are tasked with the killing of over 10 jury members scattered across Los Santos and Sandy Shores outskirts. After assassinating the first set of jury members, a five-minute timer will begin. Players will need to find and kill the remaining four enemies in this time window for mission success.
Why it's a good Mission
The main difficulty of Judging the Jury comes from the five-minute timer and the constant wanted level players will get for each kill. This can be mitigated by using the oppressor mk2 or any personal vehicle that is able to fly and shoot homing missiles (Deluxo or Scramjet).
I personally only use the Oppressor mk2 or Deluxo for Judging the Jury as you can lock-on to all jury members for an easy kill, the oppressor only has 20 missiles so be very careful not to waste your shots.
Mission Rewards
Players will earn an average of $17,500.
5. Blow Up
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Blow up is a very simple Contact Mission, Head to the location given and blow up a bunch of vehicles in a parking lot. This entire mission when using a weaponized vehicle takes less than two minutes to complete. The base payout might appear to be low (around $3900) but since it is able to be done in such a short time window, players will be able to replay this mission repeatedly.
Why it's a good Mission
Blow Up is an extremely fast Contact Mission and when put into a custom playlist is a good strategy for making money solo. There are only a few enemies in this job, so players won’t be facing too much resistance. I highly recommend players create a personal playlist of only Blow Up missions, a lot easier and faster than waiting for the mission screen to load.
Mission Rewards
Blow up when done under 2 minutes will pay $3900.
4. A Titan of a Job
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
A Titan of a Job is an OG (Original) contact mission in which players are tasked with the retrieval of a Titan plane at LSIA and its safe deliverance to Sandy Shores (Trevor’s Airfield) all while fighting off a group of Merryweather mercenaries. Rockstar recently buffed the base payout of some jobs; A Titan of a Job was one such mission, making it much more valuable to money grinders and new players.
Why it's a good Mission
This mission will take some time for all players regardless of vehicle used as you are required to fly a slow moving plane halfway across the map, this is not a huge downside as you will be gaining a time spent bonus the longer it takes to get to the final location. Before you steal the plane, there will be a trailer blocking the hangar exit where the titan is located so players must be very careful not to blow up the semi-truck given. If you did blow up the trailer you can use the up-an-atomizer weapon to forcibly move the trailer bed out of the way.
Mission Rewards
GTA Online players will earn a base payout of $8510 for completing this mission.
3. Gassed Up
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Gassed up is the most straightforward contact mission on this list, Head to the designated location and kill a bunch of gang members and steal the drugs being held. After collecting the package, players will drive down the block to Gerald’s apartment and hand it over to him for mission completion. In this contact mission you are able to use any explosives owned or found and when used right can kill all enemies in the area, this strategy can be done without players taking damage.
Why it's a good Mission
Gassed up is the quickest contact mission you can do in GTA Online, making it perfect for continuous replay or used in a custom playlist for maximum profit. This mission was released with the launch of GTA V Online back in late 2013, which fortunately means it was made with new and low-level players in mind.
Mission Rewards
Players on average will earn $3900 for completing this contact mission.
2. Hit Em Up
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Hit Em Up is the last assassination mission on this list and can be done completely solo. In this mission players are tasked with killing four sets of enemies in a specific order; Big T, Little T, Small F, and Terrance. This mission will take you across the main city and certain areas located in Sandy Shores. This mission will pay out very well but can sometimes be rather difficult when players are not used to heavy combat or clearing a building filled with aggressive npc’s. The Oppressor MK2 and Scramjet will be the best option for this job due to their top speed and homing missiles.
Why it's a good Mission
The length of this mission will take an average player around 5 to 10 minutes to complete allowing for a time spent bonus to be applied. NPCs in GTA Online will drop money, weapons, and rp when killed and since Hit Em Up is filled with these npc’s, players will have a field day picking up these extra amenities.
Mission Rewards
GTA Online players will earn $9420 for completing Hit Em Up.
1. Repo- Simeonics
Start at 0:05
What is it about and why you should do it
Repo- Simeonics is a simple contact mission, Head to LSIA and steal cars (2 minimum) from a police guarded cargo plane and deliver it to Simeon at his car dealership. Players will have two options of approach, the first is simply going in gun blazing while the second option is using a stealthier approach. This mission is very straightforward and due to the recent mission buff from Rockstar, Repo- Simeonics is now the best paying contact mission to do solo or with friends.
Why it's a good Mission
What makes Repo- Simeonics so great to do is solely due to the ability all players have that can get rid of all wanted levels instantly, this is done by calling Lester and choosing the option “remove wanted level”. The only difficulty players will face is from the police, so having the choice to get rid of them will make this contact mission a walk in the park.
Mission Rewards
Players will earn an average of $11,150 for completing this mission.