Shotguns are a class of firearms characterized by a smoothbore barrel and the ability to fire multiple rounds, typically pellets or a single slug, with each shot.
They are designed for any close-quarter scenario and are known for their impressive stopping power.
In GTA Online, shotguns provide the player base the best possible combat experience when up close and in the heat of battle.
Are some Shotguns better than others?
For GTA, there are many different shotguns that will cater to various playstyles, and some may be considered better suited for specific situations.
Factors like fire rate, damage output, and reload time all contribute to the effectiveness of all shotguns but ultimately, the choice of “best” shotgun depends on individual preferences and the intended in-game use.
5. Sweeper Shotgun

Massive Spread for Massive crowd control
See Sweeper in action:
What is it
The Sweeper Shotgun is the first shotgun on this list and one that is known for its rapid-fire capability and excellent close-range effectiveness.
As a fully automatic shotgun, it excels in delivering sustained firepower in short distances, making it a popular choice for players engaging in intense close-quarter combat.
What makes the Sweeper Shotgun Great
- Fully automatic firing capability allowing players to continuously unleash rounds without the need for manual pumping or reloading.
- Rapid and sustained firepower becomes rather advantageous when facing multiple opponents or situations that require continuous streams of rounds to gain control.
- Supports an aggressive playstyle due to fire rate and damage output up close.
Sweeper Shotgun Stats
- Fire rate - High
- Reload Speed - 2 seconds
- Magazine Size – 32 rounds
How to get the Sweeper Shotgun
Players can buy the Sweeper Shotgun at any Ammu-Nation store for $14,900.
4. Combat Shotgun

Death bringer version 1
See Combat Shotgun in action:
What is it
The Combat Shotgun in GTA Online is a potent weapon designed for mid-close combat and it features an impressive rate of fire that will produce substantial damage to enemies.
The Combat Shotguns reliability against other players and on cops make it one of the best go-to options for shotguns.
What makes the Combat Shotgun Great
- High rate of fire will deliver continuous shots in quick succession.
- Damage Output is highly effective with or without mods as base damage when in mid-close range can annihilate all.
- Supports a pseudo-aggressive playstyle.
Combat Shotgun Stats
- Fire rate - High
- Reload Speed – 1.5 seconds
- Magazine Size – 10 rounds
How to get the Combat Shotgun
Players can buy the Combat Shotgun at any Ammu-Nation store for $295,000.
3. Heavy Shotgun

Assault Rifle X Shotgun
See Heavy Shotgun in action:
What is it
The Heavy Shotgun stands out as one of the most formidable firearms in GTA Online renowned for its significant stopping power and versatility across short and medium ranges.
As most shotguns are, the Heavy Shotgun combination of firepower and fire rate provide a balanced experience perfectly suited for missions and various other online activities.
What makes the Heavy Shotgun Great
- High rate of fire will deliver continuous shots in quick succession in all situations.
- Versatility in short – medium ranges are the best options players can get for the shotgun category.
- Favorable Design as it combines the base d=model of an assault rifle and a pump shotgun.
Heavy Shotgun Stats
- Fire rate - High
- Reload Speed – 1.7 seconds
- Magazine Size – 30 rounds
How to get the Heavy Shotgun
Players can buy the Heavy Shotgun at any Ammu-Nation store for $13,550.
2. Assault Shotgun

Shotgun for the manly man
See Assault Shotgun in action:
What is it
The Assault Shotgun is one of GTA V’s oldest automatic shotguns to be recognized for its unique rapid fire and significant ammo capacity.
The Assault shotgun like its namesake is the perfect firearm for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle as it excels at keeping players in check.
What makes the Assault Shotgun Great
- The high rate of fire will deliver continuous shots in quick succession in any and all combat situations.
- It has the largest magazine chamber for shotguns in the entire game making it the best choice for long engagements.
- Numerous customization options that may change its preferred playstyle.
Assault Shotgun Stats
- Fire rate – High (Best)
- Reload Speed – 2 seconds
- Magazine Size – 32 rounds
How to get the Assault Shotgun
Players can buy the Assault Shotgun at any Ammu-Nation store for $10,000.
1. Pump Shotgun MK2

One-Tapping was never this flashy
See Pump Shotgun MK2 in action:
What is it
The Pump Shotgun Mk 2 is an upgraded version of the standard Pump Shotgun and as a new iteration stands out with its numerous customization options that include new ammo types (Explosive, Armor Piercing, and Incendiary) and attachments.
The Pump Shotgun MK2 is currently the only Mk2 weapon in the shotgun class making this death bringer more worthy of the number one spot.
I strongly suggest getting this weapon as it will quickly become the only shotgun you use when playing in most online lobbies.
What makes the Pump Shotgun MK2 Great
- The only shotgun to have a MK2 variant.
- Becomes the strongest weapon in the game when the ammo type is set to explosive rounds (enemies will now only be able to take one round before dying or exploding).
- It has various customization options that are so vast they will surely meet any playstyle.
Pump Shotgun MK2 Stats
- Fire rate – Low
- Reload Speed – 2.4 seconds
- Magazine Size – 12 rounds
How to get the Pump Shotgun MK2
Players can buy the Pump Shotgun MK2 at any Ammu-Nation store for $82,500.
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