
Sarah is a digital filmmaking major with a proficiency for writing sci-fi or horror films rooted in reality. As a licensed esthetician, she wrote skincare articles for a local spa before branching out into the entertainment world. Her gaming expertise lies in RPGs as she loves how immersive the good ones are. She grew up enjoying watching her older brothers play video games, but didn’t develop her own love of playing until 2010 when she discovered Skyrim. That snowballed into an obsession with the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect series. While those games hold the spot as her favorites, she loves a good survival game. Her current favorite is Green Hell because she also really enjoys building games. Her love of writing about games comes from her love of the games themselves. The ability these games offer us to delve into a world different than our own fascinates her and drives her desire to break down the “why” of it.
Sjwood's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Outer Worlds
Top 3 Favorite Games