
Trevor Barry, New Jersey native, expert video game player & writer, Marine Sciences undergraduate, big movie buff. Found my passion for gaming playing Battlefront and Need for Speed: Underground on my PS2 with my Dad when I was 4. Nowadays I'm studying Marine Sciences at Rutgers University and in my free time you can find me playing a plethora of games on my Playstation 4, Switch or PC. I have a soft spot for FPS games, but I also love RPGs and RTS games. Some of my favorite gaming experiences include the endless creativity that you can find when building in Minecraft, nuking the world in Civilization V, fighting off waves of Zombies in Call of Duty, and knocking Atheon off the map in Destiny. I love writing about video games because it allows me to sit back and think deeply about them while also sharing my views with others who in return can share their views with me, sometimes even changing how I think of a game or making me want to go back and replay old video games, however nothing will change the fact that Kino Der Toten is the best zombies map.
trevorjbarry's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Top 3 Favorite Games