DOOM: Eternal fans have plenty of cool-looking wallpapers to look at in this list, all of which are worthy of becoming your desktop background.
#1 - DOOM 25th Anniversary
Released by Bethesda & id Software to celebrate 25 years of DOOM, not only does this make for a badass wallpaper but it also acts as a testament to how great a franchise is for maintaining its popularity with fans after so many years.
Showing the slayer and his army after a victorious battle, this wallpaper acts not just as a cool wallpaper but also displays his time fighting against the legions of Hell with the Night Sentinels, which was very important in both the lore of DOOM and in the Doomslayer's war against the forces of hell.
Two brand new weapons in DOOM: Eternal - the slayer's crucible and his wrist blade - are on full display in this wallpaper that makes for a great desktop background for fans of DOOM: Eternal.
For the more stylistic, this wallpaper might be a favorite. Instead of filling the wallpaper with a bunch of gore and demons this wallpaper feels like a less-is-more approach when compared to most other wallpapers on the list.
This wallpaper, which should bring joy to any fan who fought and lost many battles against that beast, is very unique and shows the talent of the artist behind it. Click the link under this line to check it out!
One of my personal favorites, this wallpaper shows the Slayer after entering hell, looking upon the tower where billions of souls, including his slain comrades from the Night Sentinels' and the souls of humans killed in the demonic invasion of Earth, are brought to this tower to have their soul extracted. The silhouette of the Doomslayer with the eerie landscape of hell around him and the tower creates a unique vibe from this work of art that most of the other wallpapers on here do not.
This wallpaper is less of the demon slaughtering kind of DOOM wallpaper and more of the demonic takeover atmosphere kind of DOOM wallpaper. This wallpaper displays the over-the-top location shown in the 5th mission of DOOM: Eternal.
This wallpaper would work great as a movie poster if DOOM: Eternal's story was ever turned into one. Showcasing a lot of content from the campaign, this displays the Doomslayer, the Khan Makyr, who is the main villain of the game along with her three hellpriests, a lot of demons, and post-demonic invasion Earth.
For players that recognize the Slayer's opponent, they'll know what's about to go down in this wallpaper. Some players, especially those whose perma-death Nightmare runs were cut short by the Marauder, may feel a bit of pain when looking at this art but it still makes for a great wallpaper!
Thankfully you don't have to join Bethesda's Slayer's Club to get this wallpaper. It may not feature the gore, demons, and badassery of many of the others on the list, but it still makes for a great wallpaper for any DOOM fan, especially if they already are members of the club.
Another less-is-more feeling wallpaper, this looks sleek, badass, and would look great as your background. I hope to see more wallpapers created in this style as I rarely see a cartoon-ish creation also look so badass.
This shot from the opening cutscene of the game shows that the demons in DOOM: Eternal enjoy creating nice-looking shots. This wallpaper, which if you use may make other people believe you're into satanism, nonetheless still makes for a cool-looking background.
My personal favorite wallpaper on this list, this wallpaper feels a lot like a poster that you'd buy from a comic-con convention. It's nice, detailed, and manages to add a lot of detail without overloading with different colors.
The Crucible's design is badass as hell, and legend has it that anyone who disagrees with this could be visited by the Doom Slayer...
This wallpaper is reminiscent of the classic Hollywood cinematic shot of the protagonist's sword in front of his face with only one eye visible, creating a cool-looking shot, especially when mixed with the badass design of the crucible and of the Doomslayer's helmet.
Unlike every other wallpaper on this list, this wallpaper is an in-game shot. It showcases the super shotgun with its flame hook (a flaming grappling hook), a fan-favorite weapon, and new fan-favorite ability respectively, and the imminent death of the revenant on the barrel's end of said super shotgun.
For those that looked through the entire list, here's one of the best wallpapers, which was posted by id Software to congratulate the team behind the first part of the Final Fantasy VIII remake. Fans from both franchises can appreciate how well-made this art piece is.
Vault Hunter, Master Assassin, Slayer of Oryx, Savior of New York City & the Metro, Courier, and the God of War are just some of the titles that I've earned over the years.
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