Runes are one of the many new features that DOOM: Eternal introduces into the 25-year-old franchise. Runes are 9 different perks thatadd new abilities and enhance the combat performance of the players. Up to 3 runes can be equipped at one time which is why it is very important for players to choose 3 runes that greatly assist them during gameplay.
Runes are not something that players should overlook. Theyonly enhance your Doomslayer and by the end of the game entire playstyles may rely heavily onusing the right runes.
Note: Some players will find runes more useful than others, whether it is because a rune makes up for a player’s own shortcomings in an area or due to certain runes boosting the playstyle that they’re comfortable with. Every rune has a useful advantage for some players and some runes augment players even more if they have runes that synergize ( (ex. Blood Fuel and Dazed & Confused) with each other. Players should not solely use this article and should certainly test runes out for themselves to find their favorites.
All Runes ranked
9. Savagery:
Perform glory kills animations quicker.
Found in Mission 2: Exaltia.
- Cuts down the length of glory kills.
- Players cannot take damage while performing glory kills so gameplay-wise this is not useful.
- Wastes ⅓ of your rune slots that can be used by much better runes.
8. Dazed & Confused:
Staggered enemies remain in this state for a longer time.
Found in Mission 5: Super Gore Nest.
- It provides players with a longer opportunity to perform a glory kill on each enemy.
- Demons taking more time to come out of being staggered = Demons will be out of the battle for a longer period of time.
- . There are many more useful runes that should be prioritized over this rune.
7. Saving Throw (#1 Rune when playing Ultra-Nightmare)
Grants players an extra chance and slows down time temporarily after being hit with an attack that would have otherwise killed them.
- This can only be used once and then recharges after the player’s death.
Found in Mission 6: Arc Complex.
- Provides players with a second chance
- Insanely useful for anyone playing a limited life mode (Ultra-Nightmare & Extra-Life Mode)
- Only usable once in a life & will only recharge after the player dies.
- Limited use that does not constantly help players. Using a different rune that improves your playstyle may help you avoid needing Saving Throw in the first place (besides in permadeath modes)
6. Seek & Destroy
Increases the range that you can trigger a glory kill from.
Found in Mission: Cultist Base.
- Able to reach flying enemies.
- It can be a lifesaver when in need of health or in need of getting back onto the map.
- Not a big game-changing Rune & it ultimately comes done to personal preference for whether it is useful or a waste of a slot. (I liked it and had it on for a large portion of the game but I would not say it is one of the best runes)
5. Chrono Strike
Slows down time when aiming in mid-air.
Once it is used up the ability must recharge before the Doomslayer can use this ability again.
Found in Mission 6: Arc Base.
- Enemy weak points are easier to hit easier when time is slowed down.
- Slows down time to help playersrecover for a moment.
- This ability has to recharge after enough use.
- Some players may dislike having to slow down whenever aiming in mid-air This may be more of a nuisance rather than a useful ability for some players.
4. Equipment Fiend
Killing enemies with your equipment or while they are affected by your equipment lowers the recharge time.
Found in Mission 7: Mars Core.
- Rewards players for using theirequipment.
- Makes the DOOM: Eternal equipment synergy even more powerful.
- Players that don’t use their equipment very often will not benefit from this equipment.
3. Punch & Reave
Enemies killed by Blood Punch drop health
Found in Mission 7: Mars Core.
- It creates another source of health.
- N/A unless you don'tuseblood punch often.
2. Air Control
Greatly increase player maneuverability while in mid-air.
Found in Mission 5: Super Gore Nest.
- Great for platforming areas.
- Immensely useful for players that are not the best at platforming.
- Takes away from runes that aid during combat.
1. Blood Fueled
Grants a noticeable speed boost after each glory kill.
Found in Mission 4: DOOM Hunter Base.
- One of the (if not the) most useful rune to have in combat encounters.
- Grants more mobility to dodge attacks and shots.
- Speed boost may be too fast for some players, leading to falling deaths or less bullet accuracy.
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