In DOOM: Eternal there are more ways to modify and upgrade your Doomslayer than ever before in this franchise.Runes, Praetor Suit points, and Sentinel Crystals are three different currencies that players can earn and use to upgrade their character.Some upgrades are more important than others and this list will give you a good look at which upgrades you should try to obtain first along with all three types of character upgrades.
Types of Upgrades
Praetor Suit Points
Upgrades your suit, such as enhancing your movement and equipment.
They can be found in campaign missions and in the Doom Fortress, being held by Night Sentinels.
Grant the Doomslayerunique abilities to aid inhis quest to depopulate Hell.
In total there are 9 different runes that can be found in the campaign.
Max of 3 runes can be active at one time.
Sentinel Crystals
Redeeming one side of an ability grants you either an ammo, health, or armor capacity upgrade. Each can be upgraded to a max of four times.
Redeeming both sides of an ability also unlocksthe ability.
Found in breakable pedestals throughout campaign missions and in the Doom Fortress.
12 Crystals in total can be found.
Top 10 List
10. Explosive Piñatas - Praetor Suit Upgrade
Environmental Upgrade: 2 Points
Ammo drops from explosive barrels after they explode.
Why this is useful:
- Since DOOM: Eternal has a very unique source of ammo with the chainsaw mechanic, sometimes you won’t be able to find cannon fodder demons to buzz through for ammo, making this ability a very useful ability if your guns run dry in times of need.
- Synergizes great with another praetor suit environmental upgrade, Regenerating Barrels.
9. Loot Magnet - Sentinel Crystal upgrade
Resources (Ammo, health, etc.) can be pulled in from further away.
- Unlocking both sides will increase your health and armor capacity.
Why this is useful:
- Enables players to obtain essential resources faster and easier.
- Ammo dropped on surfaces that cause damage over time (ex. Toxic sludge) will be obtainable with less/no damage with this ability
8. Grappler - Praetor Suit upgrade
Fundamentals upgrade: 1 point
Climb ledges, platforms and bars much faster.
Why this is useful:
- Increases your mobility.
- Makes platforming and environmental hazard sections faster and easier.
- Inexpensive to unlock.
7. Scatter Bombs -Praetor Suit upgrade
Frag Grenade upgrade: 4 points
Each demon killed by a grenade explosion unleashes scatter bombs.
Why this is useful:
- Very useful with clearing out groups of enemies.
- Even powerful demons can be seriously harmed or killed if surrounded by a group of weaker demons that are killed by a grenade.
6. Napalm Belch - Sentinel Crystal upgrade
Heavy and Super Heavy enemies stay on fire for longer.
-Grants increased ammo and health capacity.
Why this is useful:
- Increases damage done with your flame belch and flame hook to powerful enemies.
- It also increases the amount of armor you can gain from damaging fire enemies that are on fire.
5. Frostbite -Praetor Suit upgrade
Ice Bomb upgrade: 5 points
Increases damage done to frozen enemies.
Why this is useful:
- It makes ice bombs even more effective.
- Temporarily incapacitates and heavily increases damage done to enemies which can be vital against Heavy and Super Heavy demons.
4. Blood Fueled - Rune
Each glory kill gives a temporary speed boost.
Why this is useful:
- In this game, your mobility is one of your greatest weapons and this ability furthers that notion.
- Dodging and weaving through waves of demons is both easier and more fun than ever with this rune equipped.
3. Item Finder - Praetor Suit Upgrade
Exploration upgrade: 3 points
Reveals all items and collectibles on the map.
Why this is useful:
- Players that enjoy gathering collectibles and finding most secrets within a game will find this upgrade extremely useful.
Why you may want to avoid this:
- If you like discovering things for yourself without any help then this upgrade is not for you.
2. Ice Drops - Praetor Suit Upgrade
Ice Bomb upgrade: 4 points
Damaging and killing frozen enemies drops health.
Why this is useful:
- Ice bombs are already the best equipment in this game to deal with enemies and this upgrade also allows you to gain health from using it.
- If used on a large group of enemies and followed up with grenades or rockets you can fill up most if not all of your health.
1. Air Control - Rune
Greatly increase player maneuverability while in mid-air.
Why this is useful:
- It helps make most of the platforming sections easier to complete.
- Quick players will have even more mobility to maneuver their way around with this equipped.
Honorable Mentions
These upgrades are Top 10 worthy but due to at least one drawback they do not make my own Top 10 list.
Saving Throw - Rune
Grants players an extra chance and slows down time temporarily after being hit with an attack that would have otherwise killed them.
- One-time use for the ability as it recharges only with the player’s death.
Why this is useful:
- If playing Extra Lives or on Ultra-Nightmare Difficulty this ability is probably the best ability you can use.
Why it does not make the list:
- One time per life use.
- It is only useful for when a player would otherwise die. Using an ability that may prevent you from reaching this point in the first place is better in my opinion.
Hot Swapper - Praetor Suit upgrade
Fundamentals upgrade: 2 points
Increases weapon swap speed.
Why this is useful:
- It enables players to react as fast as possible to deal with different enemies.
Why it does not make the list:
- While it is useful it is not a necessary upgrade by any means.
Hazard Protection - Praetor Suit upgrade
Environmental upgrade: 1 point
Your rad suit operates longer while swimming in toxic water.
Why this is useful:
- There will be a lot of radiated water encounters, especially later into the game, that will be easier to navigate and find collectibles with this upgrade.
- Inexpensive
Why it does not make the list:
- This only helps in a few areas.
- Experienced players usually will not need this upgrade.
Frag Stock Up - Praetor Suit upgrade
Frag Grenade upgrade: 5 points
Players now have two grenades to use before it must recharge.
Why this is useful:
- It should be self-explanatory as to why having double the amount of grenades is beneficial.
Why it does not make the list:
- Very expensive
- Frag grenades are less effective then flame belch and ice bombs so players should be upgrading those before investing a lot of points into grenade upgrades.
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