10. Cultist Base Encounter
Link: https://youtu.be/vKRfrp-_ySg?t=380
Mission: Cultist Base
Taking place early within the game, this combat encounter is where I realized just how easy it is to be overwhelmed. It is an early taste of just how intense the game will become due to the great area design and the variety of enemies introduced in this encounter and mission. The amount of verticality and movement in this encounter is one of the, if not the best, of the early missions in this game.
Why the Cultist Base encounter is awesome:
- Provides plenty of movement freedom.
- Encounter provides a great testing ground for the newly acquired rocket launcher.
- Good-looking snowy setting.
9. 2nd Urdak Secret Encounter
Link: https://youtu.be/klfOk7op0HE?t=905
Mission: Urdak
Secret encounters are a new addition to the franchise to provide more incentives to explore maps and new challenges for players to overcome and this one is quite a challenging one. It is the last one within the game and is also one of the hardest as it requires the player to defeat multiple demons, including the Doom Hunter, within 25 seconds.
Why the 2nd Urdak secret encounter is awesome:
- Challenging but not impossible.
- Feels very satisfying to complete if you have completed every other secret encounter up to this point.
8. ARC Complex Slayer Gate
Link: https://youtu.be/SGIFhbKBF1k?t=547
Mission: Arc Complex
Another new addition to the franchise, Slayer Gates is DOOM’s version of a horde mode. Players must survive 3 waves that become increasingly more difficult as both more and new demons spawn in to slay the Doomslayer.
Why the ARC Complex Slayer Gate is awesome:
- Provides the adrenaline rush of Slayer Gates without being too intense like some of the other challenging gates.
- Badass soundtrack plays in this Slayer Gate - The Only Thing They Fear Is You - by Mick Gordon.
7. Marauder Secret Encounter
Link: https://youtu.be/vZ_rcwNcMl4?t=27
Mission: Taras Nabad
While some players may say battling Whiplashes or platforming sections as the hardest challenge in this game, I think the majority of players would say that Marauder takes this spot. Unlike most enemies, players must be focused in order to even damage the ax-bearing beast while avoiding being hit by his spirit dog. Since this is also a secret encounter players have to defeat him within 35 seconds, which seems near impossible to complete without a BFG.
Why the Marauder secret encounter is awesome:
- Very challenging boss battle.
- Feels less like another encounter and more like a grand duel between a condemned soul and a God.
- Players can use this encounter to train and understand how to defeat the Marauder.
6. Khan Makyr Encounter
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hAQC5gFKpg&t=22s
Mission: Urdak
An encounter with an 11 mission lead-up, this encounter sees the Khan Makyr come face to face with the Doomslayer. This fight is one of the most intense in the game, almost too intense towards the end of her health bar. Ultimately her abilities are too restricting and are more of a nuisance than a real threat but the fight still is entertaining.
Why the Khan Makyr encounter is awesome:
- Takes place within Urdak, the realm that she holds supreme rule over.
- Is an important part of the Doomslayer’s story.
- The closest Destiny players can currently get to killing Eva Levante (same voice actors).
5. Doom Hunter Encounter
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgYHEWCTVLE&t=7s
Mission: Doom Hunter Base
Referred to as the Slayer’s archnemesis, this mechanical contortion combines machinery and a punished soul to create an ultimate hunter to kill the Doom Slayer. Not only is there badass lore behind him but this is also the first boss fight within this game.
Why the Doom Hunter’s encounter is awesome:
- First boss battle in this game.
- Features the Doom Hunter, a badass looking foe that sets your expectations for the boss battles within this game.
- Doom Hunter is a great example of a boss that is not easy to defeat at first but once you understand its weaknesses it becomes much easier to deal with.
4. Final Slayer Gate
Link: https://youtu.be/4MP8Xobca74?t=7
Mission: Taras Nabad
The sixth gate y brings both a challenge and one of the best encounters with it. While it was not as hard as the 5th gate (for me at least) this gate is more enjoyable due to the sheer variety in enemies and is the final step to be taken to being able to unlock the Unmakyr.
Why the Final Slayer Gate is awesome:
- Another badass theme - Meathook - is played in this Gate. I credit surviving all three waves on my first attempt to this song pumping me up so much.
- Nearly every enemy in this game, ranging from the arch-viles to the whiplashes, make an appearnce in this gate.
- As long as you have completed all previous Slayer Gates you will be able to unlock the Unmakyr once you return to the Doom Fortress after completing this gate.
3. The Gladiator
Link: https://youtu.be/VCTAJtoEMDM?t=78
Mission: Sentinel Prime
Fighting in the arena that the Doomslayer once fought in millions of years ago, this encounter is one of the most fun encounters in this game. Not only is the Gladiator a large, badass opponent to face but it is accompanied by another great theme. The location and the multiple boss phases make this into one of the best combat encounters in the game.
Why the Gladiator encounter is awesome:
- Has two different phases that drastically change the Gladiator's fighting styles Badass location
- Even more badass theme
- One of the most memorable parts of this game, both due to the lead-up showing a lot more about the Doomslayer’s origins then I was expecting from this game and due to how much fun the actual encounter is.
2. Icon of Sin
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c54ajySIELw
Mission: Final Sin
Returning from DOOM 2: Hell on Earth the Icon of Sin is one of the biggest, baddest enemies that you’ll fight in a game. Unlike his first appearance, he is much more than a giant head in the wall this time around. This is a well-designed fight that is also one of the most enjoyable encounters I have had in a video game in recent memory.
Why the Icon of Sin encounter is awesome:
- Has the ‘everything has led to this’ kind of feeling since it is the last encounter in the game.
- Two-phase boss fight with the goal in phase 1 being the player has to destroy his armor and in phase 2 the goal of the player is to kill the Icon.
- Well-designed as the boss does not feel like a nice looking background piece that feels very disconnected from the battle like most gigantic video games bosses usually do.
- Icon himself has a great character model
- Ensuing cutscene and the way the Doomslayer finally slays the Icon is a great victory for the game to end on.
1. Marauder Encounter
Link: https://youtu.be/lzMpLv6DCk4?t=80
Mission: ARC Complex
The second boss you face in the game, the first Marauder is arguably the toughest and most badass enemy to face in this game while also becoming my personal favorite encounter and memory in this game. Originally serving as soldiers for the Night Sentinels, the Marauders betrayed their fellow warriors and swore their allegiance to the Khan Makyr during the Night Sentinel Civil War. They were resurrected with the sole purpose of hunting the Doomslayer, making for a deadly foe for the Slayer. This battle changed my feeling of being an unstoppable force of nature to being a punching bag for the Marauder and his dog until I finally defeated him after 30 minutes of trial and error.
Why the Marauder encounter is awesome:
- Very challenging which makes it one of the most memorable.
- Marauder has a very badass intro, appearance, and dialogue.
- Encounter requires players to adapt to defeat the Marauder.
- Begins a long-lasting feud with Marauders as every mission going forward I feared that the Marauder would appear and slaughter me before I reached the next checkpoint, which did indeed come true.
- After defeating the Marauder, the thought of knowing another Marauder would come for me was on my mind a lot. This encounter created a feud that made each future Marauder encounter feel that much more intense to me.
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