Welcome, one and all! We are here with the satisfying game of Satisfactory, where you, a proud FICSIT employee, use your new foreign environment to fulfill your automation dreams. Resourcefulness is a must here, so train your eye to look for those swaying branches filled with Beryl Nuts. Traverse the cliffside, and find those alien artifacts. Everything is usable here! Everything you can jam into your HUB, you can use to build your next corporation.
You can use the water, the plants, even that Hog that chased you for miles. Remember, your enemies are just a zap away from being your newest product. You can use a lot of things to make a lot of things, but making it pretty is what every builder struggles with. My husband can tell you what horrors I’ve tried to build. My horror story won't be your own though, because in this article, I have gathered websites and tools designed to help you build better. So join me as I walk you through 15 Satisfactory Tools and Websites To Help You Build Better.
Building the Basics
Satisfactory Layout Tool (SaLT) by AutumnFallStudios

The Satisfactory Layout Tool (otherwise known as SaLT) is a tool to help us pioneers who need visualization. This is what I struggle with, because I can picture how I want my factory to look, but I can't put it to practice. Not efficiently anyway. This tool has come to my rescue plenty of times because its simple layout makes it easy for me to tinker with the design of my factory. You can import your most recent builds and edit them however you like. You can also export the factories you've designed, so you can share them with your friends and show them your genius!
Using SaLT has saved me from just scrapping my world and starting over, which is what happens when I overwhelm myself with conveyor belts. SaLT is versatile enough for existing builds if you already have something put together, or even if you’re new to the Satisfactory scene, you can use this to get an idea of your factory future. From the node you drill to the storage container you pack, you are able to trace the veins of your factory with this amazing tool.
Why use SaLT?
- SaLT is a simply designed tool that, though still in development, can still help you design your factory into the train portion of the game.
- Using your scroll wheel, you’re able to match as big a factory as you dream. The workshop zooms out so you have as much space as you need.
- The simple design of SaLT is helped by the tool's organization.
- Selecting the cog wheel located in the top left corner, you’re able to import/export any of your designs. Whether you want to try them out in the game, or you want to tweak what you already have. Either is available, and free for you to use!
- You are free to download this tool, and you can donate straight to the creator a price you think is fair for this tool. Did I mention ‘free’? Yes, I did. This tool is free for use made by someone in our community for our community.
Can someone say “Pass the SaLT?”
Satisfactory Layout Tool (SaLT)
2. [Top 10] Satisfactory Best Starting Locations And Why They’re Good by Ryder Smith

Have you wondered where the best place for your feet to wander is? In any survival game I play, I look far and wide for that elusive perfect spot. I know I'm not alone in this, so that's why I bring you this. Here, Ryder Smith provides us with what they’ve found to be the best starting locations in Satisfactory. Whether you're in it for the sightseeing, or you're looking for the next parking lot for your factory, this article has something for you.
You won't be going in these locations blind though. Ryder includes with their description of these locations, what potential ores are abundant in that particular region. When playing a game for a long time, we tend to want to challenge ourselves. That's just human nature. If you find yourself craving that challenge, then glance at Ryder's list for the different challenges in each location.
Are you looking someplace rich with Iron? What about Oil? Whatever you may be searching for for your dream factory, you can find something here to suit your needs.
Why check it out? :
- Ryder has proven themselves knowledgeable about Satisfactory and its mechanics. Their inclusion of ores in each area makes it easier for Pioneers to not short-change themselves when it comes to production.
- In addition to Ryder’s beautiful pictures, there are also coordinates. So if you are wanting to get some tasty screenshots, you can find those coordinates and go explore!
- Ryder tells you what place you would find the most of a particular resource out of. Instead of just giving the full list of resources, they also tell you which one has the most concrete or iron to give you a decision of where you want to build.
- Ryder understands that we need to have a challenge, and in their inclusion of places, they kept in mind places that would give a fun challenge to tired players.
- Ryder doesn't just tell you where the locations are, but they tell you how far you can expect to trek from spawn to reach it.
[Top 10] Satisfactory Best Starting Locations And Why They're Good
3. Satisfactory Tips Guide (Top 20 Things To Do First) by Ryder Smith

In a game where you have free reign, Ryder Smith gives us something to focus your attention on. They are back again with another article, but this time, it’s a guide for your success. Going from setting up your HUB for the first time to Phase 3 of Project Assembly, it shows you what you need to focus on and what you should pivot to next.
This article is all about maximizing your productivity and to have you still progressing bit by bit. If you struggle with pacing, then this article is definitely worth a read.
Why check it out?
- The pacing itself is a great help to FICSIT pioneers who struggle with trying to figure out what they should focus on next...
- Ryder Smith talks about what sort of research you should focus on in the MAM.
- Ryder Smith gives tips on when you should increase your production, especially in the face of increasing difficulty.
- They give enough information in each tip to get you started, but not enough to where it feels like they’re hand-holding.
- The article itself carries you into the late stages of the game with its pacing, helping beginners find their footing and join the ranks of the veteran pioneers.
Satisfactory Tips Guide (Top 20 Things To Do First)
4. Beginners Guide To Making Blueprints in Satisfactory 1.0 by TotalXClipse

I will admit that I haven't considered using blueprints before this. I skipped over them, determined I would untangle my conveyor belts and buildings. This video by TotalXClipse showed me just what I was missing out on, and what I won't let you miss. TotalXClipse goes into the usefulness of these blueprints, and even showcases some of his own designs. Blueprints turn your factory into a puzzle, where you just need to connect the right pieces.
TotalXClipse will show you how to get a natural curve in your buildings. You'll be able to make a natural pavement curve, making your builds look more realistic. Not only that, but with his demonstration of how to make it in the first place, he shows you the blueprint formula as well.
Why check it out?
- TotalXClipse dedicates himself to make videos that are easily digestible. With the video being under 20 minutes, TotalXClipse cuts straight to the chase so there's no dillydallying on your dreams.
- TotalXClipse goes over the importance of organizing your blueprints. My gameplay reflects my desk, an absolute clutter, but TotalXClipse has his blueprints organized, and he will show you how to keep them nice and tidy.
- He demonstrates how to create a manifold production line, and how you can save it as a blueprint.
- He shows you how you can use items like the label signs in order to make some really cool decorations to spruce up your factory.
- TotalXClipse shows you how to make a left and right curve using foundations.
Beginners Guide To Making Blueprints in Satisfactory 1.0
5. 30 NEED To Know Build Tips in Satisfactory by TotalXClipse

TotalXClipse has dedicated hundreds of hours like many of us on Satisfactory. Some of that experience is shown to us in this in-depth video about tips for building. He mentions the ability to use the grid for your advantage when it comes to building your factory. I used to neglect this, which is why half of my buildings look cockeyed in construction. These tips range from being able to connect things to the in-game grid to putting splitters on elevators!
Though TotalXClipse focuses briefly on each tip, the video is short enough where you can rewind to put them into practice. I had come to grips that this game is like Minecraft where you can put curves, but to my surprise, you can make them in Satisfactory. TotalXClipse shows us how to get those curves from games that offers us squares.
Why check it out?
- TotalXClipse goes in-depth to each of his explanations, making sure to show us what he means when he describes building good pipelines or using different build modes.
- His video is short, under 10 minutes. That means that if you’re wanting to focus on a particular tip, you won’t have to scroll far for it.
- TotalXClipse shows a method of how to angle your walls that will help your lighting leading to a more decorated factory that really shines.
- The variety in tips gives experienced and inexperienced Satisfactory players something to chew on to better their experience in Satisfactory.
- TotalXClipse goes over a method called "Cavity Walls" in order to neaten up power distribution.
30 NEED To Know Build Tips In Satisfactory
Factory Layout Tips
6. Daniel’s Satisfactory tools by DanielTheProgrammer

Daniel’s Satisfactory Tools gives us another great visualization of our factories. Much simpler in design, Daniel opts for using flow charts to show the input, output, and ratio of materials. This tool can double as a calculator for your factory, or as a recipe book if you so desire. Along with the ability to do some quick-math for production lines, you can select items you may be searching for and how long it takes to make it.
Why use Daniel’s Satisfactory tools?
- Though unfinished, the tool has a good amount of features for those who prefer this visual style.
- The production input and output for the recipes is simple and easy on the eyes for us who have terrible eyesight already.
- The recipe section is a little barebones, but it does give you a description of the item and what is needed to make it.
- The Calculator makes use of alternate recipes and will make use of the recipe in the production of your needed item. Similarly, you can disable certain alternate recipes.
- If you select a secondary recipe with the first one, the calculator will display both production lines but on separate pages. Allowing you to not be overwhelmed with the multiple production lines taking place.
7. Satisgraphtory by Alex and Adam

This is the final visualization tool, known as Satisgraphtory. This tool lets you practically create your own factory right before your eyes in a visual big enough for the blind. The other ones I’ve mentioned do too, but this one you can see the image and its statistics in a clear form. Once you select the Mk Miner, it prompts you with the node you’re wanting to pull from, whether that's the purest of the pure or the impure.
If you decide to upgrade your Mk Miners, then you can reflect that here. By clicking on the Mk Miner, you can select one of the arrows presented for you to adjust your machine accordingly. You can set what mode you want the tool in, whether that is in night mode for you night owls, or day mode for you early birds.
Why use Satisgraphtory?
- The ability to be able to select which node you pull from in the first place saves the hassle of trying to figure out with pen and paper.
- With color coordination, Satisgraphtory tells you how your factory is doing and what you may need to fix.
- You can control overclocking by using the scroll wheel.
- By clicking on the machines you are able to upgrade them there, so you won’t have to worry about accounting for the wrong Miner.
- The same way you can upgrade or downgrade your machines, you’re able to overclock as well. This gives you another interactive overclock bar which you can adjust to fit how much you want produced.
8. Satisfactory Tips by the Satisfactory Community

Satisfactory Tips is a website that is filled to the brim with useful tools for beginner and veteran alike. This website was filled to the brim with an accumulation of articles based on efficient building to modding for you fellow modders out there. There’s a Factory Layouts tab that is filled other factories other pioneers built and uploaded that you can join by uploading your own factory.
Not to mention, there are some articles located in that same tab. These articles can go from efficient Turbo Fuel layouts to even the ‘basics’ like reinforced plates. There’s Satisfactory guides themselves where you can learn about efficient water tower builds.
Why check it out?
- There are multiple tabs that are guaranteed to suit what you need. The Factory Layouts tab offers from simple efficient builds to complex efficient builds.
- If you are wanting to mod your Satisfactory game for a different experience, in the mods tab, there is an article dedicated to the best Satisfactory mods.
- There’s a display of an active community, where everyone is sharing their designs to be of free-use.
- There’s some challenges listed in the Satisfactory Guide tab if you want a different experience but in a harder way. It even lists the rules and requirements for it.
- If you’re a beginner, they even have an article dedicated to beginners tips to really build your confidence as a FICSIT pioneer!
9. 5 PERFECT Starter Factory Layouts You NEED! by SpectrumDad

To add another course to this buffet, we are exploring SpectrumDad’s video on the 5 PERFECT Starter Factory Layouts. In this video, SpectrumDad shows you how to make 5 perfect starter factories for iron, copper, even for rotors! Demonstrated in a clever way, SpectrumDad takes to the sky to show us in a beautifully designed grid how to build the necessary components for our factories.
While building in this grid, SpectrumDad shows and tells how to build that manifold the others have been telling you about. With just the Iron components alone SpectrumDad focuses on, he stretches out his starter factory to about 9 blocks. 9 blocks to make an amazing and well-oiled machine, that's a pretty steep price.
Why check it out?
- When he goes over the starter factories, SpectrumDad tells you how much space you will need for each one.
- Just his basic iron recipes in the very beginning of the video has a strong foundation that is easy to understand and set up. He even takes the time at the end of each recipe to show you overhead what it would look like so you can compare.
- He does goes a little over underclocking to ensure the efficiency of your machines.
- Though the starter factory for rotors is complicated, SpectrumDad does a great job in going through it step-by-step to be as clear and concise as possible with his guide.
- He goes through great starter factories for iron, copper, and concrete so you won't have to waste as much time grinding out resources for later parts in the game.
5 PERFECT Starter Factory Layouts You NEED!
10. How to setup an EFFICIENT Starter Factory by SpectrumDad

Good business is made from a good foundation. Once again, we hop back on the foundation train as SpectrumDad walks us through an efficient "Starter Factory". From helpful tips to get the ball rolling for your factory all the way to modular frames, SpectrumDad goes through it all. SpectrumDad starts off by explaining what it really means to have a Starter Factory, and how to begin setting one up. This is a great video to watch for building huge factories that are just as neat as they are productive.
Why check it out?
- He goes over different grand factory builds. He starts off with a 12 x 12 factory with a bird's eye view, so you can get in on all the action and expansions.
- He shows the use of the To-Do List, and how you can use it to ensure you have everything you need when you start constructing your factory. With it, you can go ahead and put how many you need of something like the Smelter. Then it will tell you how much of each component of the Smelter you would need to make as many Smelters as you need.
- He uses conveyor lift holes, something I haven’t seen many other people implement. This makes the factory look nicer as there aren’t any unnecessary conveyor belts cluttering up the walkway.
- He goes slower in his description of manifolds and their construction than TotalXClipse did, which I found better suited for me.
- SpectrumDad explains and encourages leaving a truck/train depo beneath your base to have all your resources in one place.
How to setup an EFFICIENT Starter Factory in Satisfactory Update 8!
Efficient Factory Production
11. Satisfactory Production Tracker by sergeantblinky

A great FICSIT employee by the name of sergeantblinky created a production tracker using Google Sheets, and it is fascinating. This is a Sheet with 11 separate tabs to organize your production process. Everything is color-coded, and all you need to do is put in your numbers. The math is done automatically for you, so you won’t have to worry about that. This is what I recommend for those of you who really want a template for production efficiency. While the original document is shared with us as a Google Sheet you can view, you will need to download it in order to input your own numbers.
Why use the Satisfactory Production Tracker?
- Beautifully and well designed, the Satisfactory Production Tracker is organized into 11 different tabs from mining Raw Resources to different machines.
- There’s a version available for you to download, so you can customize it to fit your factory.
- There’s inclusions of overclocking. You can input how much you overclocked your machine, and it will show you how much more you’re producing.
- There’s tabs for your power supply. You’re able to select what power supply you’re using to power your factory, whether that’s simple Biomass or even the power of Benjamin Franklin.
- Within their Production Totals, you’ll be able to keep inventory of what you have already, and what you have coming in. You can have a list on hand that shows you what you may need to focus more on for certain projects.
Satisfactory Production Tracker
12. Satisfactory Tools by greeny, Lucek, and others

Satisfactory Tools, a tool created by greeny, Lucek, and the community for us. It offers a Codex for items and schematics. For the Item Codex, there are listings for items in the game and descriptions for each. Taking the Adaptive Control Unit for example, you are able to see what part of the Project Assembly it is on and even how much power it takes. Not only that, but it will show you what other recipes that item is used for.
Not only that, but Satisfactory Tools has a Calculator tab where you are able to visualize your factory differently. You can add multiple production lines to simulate your factory; if you add the two items in the same recipe, it will merge the two production lines. If you do two separate items from different recipes, it will keep them separate for you, so there's no confusion!
Why use Satisfactory Tools?
- When you select a recipe and how much of it you want, Satisfactory Tools will tell you how much of each machine you need. Whether you'll need 5 Constructors, or 10 Assemblers, it will tell you.
- You’re able to input how much of each item you already have, and it will take account of it in the production line.
- You’re able to add multiple recipes, and it will show both production lines.
- There is an interactive overclock bar that you can use to match what you want your factory at. The recipes will adjust automatically to what you set it, so need to worry about calculating it!
- It shows you the building schematics attached to the item. Whether that's for the Drone, or the Supercomputer, it will show you both!
13. Satisfactory Calculator by AnthorNet

If there’s one thing we like around here, it’s versatility. Thankfully, the Satisfactory Calculator really proves itself to be just that. Created by AnthorNet, Satisfactory Calculator is a tool that is incredibly useful whether you’re a beginner or a veteran player. This handy-dandy tool has a Production Planner, so you can really fine tune your factory lines for the exact amount you need. But you can’t plan for much if you don’t know where you want to build right?
Satisfactory Calculator also offers an Interactive Map, where you can upload your latest save and have it displayed right before your eyes. You can choose what you want the map to display for you, so if you're hunting for slugs or just head-hunting in general, you can have the map display their generation on your map.
But that’s only some of the amazing multi-tools Satisfactory Calculator has up its sleeve.
Why use the Satisfactory Calculator?
- Satisfactory Calculator is a free to use tool that is essentially a collection of a variety of tools put together in one place for our convenience.
- The Production Planner is detailed and offers different ways to view your factory. Depending on how you best understand your factory, you can change it to be shown as a graph. If you feel more comfortable seeing your factory as a drop-down list, you are given that option as well.
- The Interactive Map uses your last autosave to show your map generation. As you upload your saves, you see as your map is updated along with your saves. This makes it a lot easier to track down what you may still need.
- There are blueprints from other FICSIT pioneers so if you see a Blueprint you really like, you can try it out. The opposite is the same. If you really love your Blueprint design, you can upload it here to share it with others.
- It shows a Game Resources tab, where you can get detailed information about items like the Adaptive Control Unit. It displays what items are needed to make the item you want, how long it would take to make said item, and even what machine you need to make it in the first place.
14. Early Game Smelters Blueprint–Compact, Clean, and Tileable by Krydax

This video is the beginning of Krydax’s “Compact, Clean & Tileable” Playlist, where he shows his in-depth knowledge of Satisfactory and takes us along for the ride. In this, he shows us how to make a truly clean and beautiful factory. The “Tileable” part Krydax mentions is for being able to snap together your factory using blueprints and graduate from a small factory to a company.
Krydax prides himself on organization, and you will too after you see this video. The first step in organization is organizing your plans. What does that mean? In this video, it goes over the importance of separating your blueprints so nothing gets jumbled. As you follow along, you can organize your plans then get to organizing your factory!
Why check it out?
- While this is the beginning of his playlist, it provides a strong core for the skeleton of your factory. A good foundation is always worth the extra time as things can fall apart quickly without it.
- He describes more in-depth about using splitters on conveyor lifts so you can save some factory floor space.
- He shows and describes how you are able to adjust your buildings without having to deconstruct and reconstruct them.
- Krydax shows how to avoid clipping your wires to still have even power distribution without worrying about a messy factory.
- Krydax shows how to build an effective manifold to help mass produce things for your factory.
Early Game Smelters Blueprint--Compact, Clean, & Tileable--Mk 1 BP--Satisfactory 1.0
15. Putting It All Together–Example Factory & Base Tour Using Blueprints by Krydax

“Putting it all together.” I couldn’t have worded it better myself. With this last entry in our listing, we will be doing the same. Krydax goes through the process of showing different blueprints he’s made, and that you can make to run your factory efficiently. Blueprints make constructing your factory so much easier with a setup you have already tested. In addition, the blueprints help with expanding your factory, as you can go to a new node and slap down whatever automation you need.
In a game that can be intense in grinding, blueprints are definitely a way to cut some corners. He goes through several different blueprint builds, going from iron ingots to reinforced plates. Krydax continues where TotalXClipse left off with manifolds and further cementing our knowledge of how to use them.
Why check it out?
- This video and the others in this playlist are dedicated to having a more compact and clean factory, so these are the blueprints to having a nicely built factory.
- He, like TotalXClipse, also goes in-depth in his descriptions. This makes it easier to follow along with him and even get some inspiration for your own factory!
- He shows ways you can bring your power lower to the ground using the painted beam to better hide your power lines.
- Krydax gives us a way we can use the production amplifier in order to farm power shards.
- Krydax gives the 'cost' of using a manifold using a formula regarding your factory's input.
Putting It All Together--Example Factory & Base Tour Using Blueprints
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