[Top 15] AC Valhalla Best Skills To Have (From Early To Late Game)

21 May 2023


Assassins Creed Valhalla has such an enormous skill tree, but which ones should you focus on getting first to help you pillage the lands and discover long lost secrets. 

Below are 15 of the most useful and best skills in the game both early on and in the end game stages. 


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Starting out nice and basic with a stomp. In a gaming universe of infinitely cushioning hay bales and French people with cockney accents, the stomp can be learnt so early into the game with only 7 skill points needed to unlock it. Early to get, good damage and useful in the flow of combat, makes this a great early game choice to carry through. 

What Stomp Excels in

  • Early to get, meaning you get used to using it in battle
  • Great damage, especially early game
  • In the first branch of the way of the bear skill tree so you will get it no matter what

Stomp Full details

  • Quick and easy attack
  • Uses minimal stamina
  • Can’t be interrupted
  • Surprising damage


14.Parry Damage
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A good defence is a good offense, or is it a good offense is a good defence? With this skill they become one in the same. All melee weapon types have a parry ability and is a way to reduce the enemies stamina bar and stun them, and being able to throw in a bit of damage along with it only sweetens the deal. 

What Parry Damage Excels in

  • Endlessly useful through every battle
  • No stamina cost
  • Also a skill that can be obtained early on

Parry Defence Full details

A way to cause damage while protecting yourself…whats not to like?


13.Heavy Dual Wield
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More of a late game skill however is low on this list as it wont fit some playstyles. Being able to use a heavy weapon in each hand can make you feel like a god or a jotunn (giant) with huge damage with a slight drain on stamina, this skill can be a lot of fun. 

What Heavy Dual Wield Excels in

  • High damage
  • Fun to play around with in the late game when your stamina is built up
  • Opens up even more combat options

Heavy Dual Wield Full details

A dane axe in one hand and a great sword in the other…whole armies will quake in fear


12.Bow to Melee Link
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Any boost to attack damage is beneficial in any combat game. So this skill giving a small boost when alternating between ranged and melee combat is incredibly useful. Can be gained fairly early on through the game and if you are pushing the combat options to the limit and utilising melee and ranged during a battle this skill will pay for itself. 

What Bow to Melee Link Excels in

  • Will be active in almost every combat encounter depending on how you play
  • Can be gained quite early on
  • Extra damage is always good

Bow to Melee Link Full details

With the right playstyle this can be the most useful skill


11.Stealth Recon
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The 7th skill on the way of the wolf skill tree makes this the way of the wolfs version of the stomp. Meaning this skill is excellent throughout the game. When crouched and undetected any enemies around you glow red, even through walls and other obstacles. 

What Stealth Recon Excels in

Makes a stealthier approach less stressful 
Helps identify targets with the change to the eagle vision mechanic 

Stealth Full details

Essentially this is Eivorr’s version of Agent 47’s Hitman Vision or Batmans Detective Vision from the Arkham Series. 


10.Sprint Attack
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This skill makes charging headlong into battle a much better idea. Being able to get one solid hit in immediately into an encounter, even before your opponents are ready, could help to even the odds. 

What Sprint Attack Excels in

  • Increases the flow of movement in and out of combat
  • Good attack power

Spring Attack Full details

When pressing the light attack button while sprinting you will jump up and strike your enemy with heightened attack power. 


9.Battleground Bolt
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“Spears, axes and swords oh my!” And all of which can be hurled at your enemies in the heat of combat. Incredible accuracy and speed this mid game skill will be a valuable lesson learned for any play through. 

What Battleground Bolt Excels in

  • Fast attack
  • Auto aim helps with accuracy
  • Easier ranged attack during combat than your bow

Battleground Bolt Full details

This skill allows you to throw weapons dropped via your defeated enemies. 


8.Slide Focus
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A way to slow time to help with accuracy while also closing ground is a great skill to learn, and can be yours through the way of the raven skill tree. 

What Slide Focus Excels in

  • Can buy you time before a battle starts to make a plan of action
  • Gives you ample time to hit weak points with your bow

Slide Focus Full details

Aim your bow while sprinting and the world around you will slow down, this acts as a Viking bullet time to hit those all important weak spots. 


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For those gamers who want to hoard and collect every scrap of valuables possible this skill saves time. There is also a different version where you utilise your raven Synin, to collect the loot from foes killed from range. 

What Auto Loot Excels in

  • You will miss less opportunities for getting loot
  • In tricky combat encounters with a special enemy holding a key for instance, all you have to do is take them out and make your escape
  • Saves time

Auto Loot Full details

You auto loot gold and items from your fallen foes. 


6.Assassination Damage 
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Gone are the days of insta-kills with the hidden blade from the start of the game. This falls under a “minor skill” in the game as there a multiple ones to access and increase your stats rather than give you an ability. 

What Assassination Damage Excels in

  • Can allow to removal of the toughest enemy in an area instantly
  • It really wouldn’t be an Assassins Creed game without it

Assassination Damage Full details

Nice and simple…it increases your damage whilst performing an assassination move. 


5.Fight Ready 
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Adrenaline is what Assassins Creed Valhalla’s skills use up when used. These adrenaline meters build up through combat so being able to start an encounter with one already filled can give you an edge in any fight. 

What Fight Ready Excels in

  • The adrenaline gauge being filled instantly is great

Fight Ready Full details

At the start of any combat encounter you fill an adrenaline slot


4.Any Damage Increases
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From the very origins of games where you can improve your character, there have been damage increase skills. 

What Any Damage Increases Excels in

  • Increases your damage in multiple areas…nice and simple

Damage Increases Full details

You can improve your light and heavy attacks, ranged attacks, any melee attacks and even increases to individual weapon types


3.Chain Assassination 
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Going down to only one hidden blade has stopped the dual assassination ability…but it’s replacement is very fitting. 

What Chain Assassination Excels in

  • Allows you to take out another enemy with ease

Chain Assassination Full details

After completing a successful assassination, you can look at another enemy and press the light attack button to throw an axe directly at them, 


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All these skills are useless if you can’t last long enough in a fight to use them. 

What Health Excels in

  • These minor skills increase your overall health…need I say more?

Health Full details

Combining a high amount of health with a large armour class can make you a viking tank


1.Adrenaline Upgrade
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Adrenaline slots are used for your bonus attacks learnt from books of knowledge found throughout the game. The more of these you have the more fun and powerful attacks you can use. 

What Adrenaline Upgrade Excels in

  • Adds an adrenaline slot each time…again nice and simple

Adrenaline Upgrade Full details

Gaining these improvements from the skill tree will allow you to have 4 slots in total. You begin the game with 1 slot and can gain 3 more from the skill tree with 1 adrenaline slot in each individual branch.

These are 15 of the most useful skills in AC Valhalla. Let me know down below if this has been of any help and let me know what your go to skills are. 

Happy hunting. 

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