[Top 10] Adepta Sororitas Best Units (Ranked)

Sisters of Battle
05 Sep 2024

The Adepta Sororiats or sisters of battle are an army that recently got a codex and with it a massive boost in popularity and power. That being said though they are a relatively medium-popularity army so some people might not know what is strong and what isn’t. Luckily this guide is here to help show off the top 10 strongest units in the Sororitas army.


10. Sister Novitiates


Sister Novitiates excel at early-game pressure with their infiltrate ability and two flamers. It’s very easy to put them on a point out of the way of most enemy fire and reap the rewards, whether that is using their simulacrum to farm early-game miracle dice or complete actions and secondary objectives. 

And with the two flamers, it makes them a good overwatch unit to take some wounds off of anyone trying to take their objective.

Pick Sister Novitiates if:

  • You want a good infiltrate unit that loves being on objectives.
  • You want to control the mid-board early and score some quick miracle dice.
  • You want good secondary mission completers since they can do actions on objectives quickly.


9. Battle Sister Squad

Battle Sister Squad

The iconic Battle Sister Squad is up next with the ability to be whatever you want. With access to both a heavy weapon and a special weapon, they can fill different roles from armor killers to an overwatch unit. Not to mention the ability to take a Canoness and another character with them for more variety, the Battle Sister Squad is the jack-of-all-trades unit that can be used to fill any infantry role you need.

Pick the Battle Sister Squad if:

  • You want a very flexible unit with a variety of weapons.
  • You want to stack character buffs with a Canoness or Palatine.
  • You want a unit that can take objectives since they get the ability to hold them after leaving.


8. Castigator


The Castigator is the main battle tank of the Adepta Sororitas and it does a good job at being a ranged threat. With access to either a battle cannon or autocannon and three heavy bolters, the Castigator will turn any armored infantry and even some transports into paste. 

Add its ability to give one unit it hits a debuff that grants every other Sororitas unit an extra AP on all of their weapons against that unit and the Castigator is not only a valuable tank but an invaluable support unit as well.

Pick the Castigator if:

  • You want to add some armor to this mostly infantry army since most units are toughness 3 with 1 wound.
  • You want to debuff a durable enemy unit and make boltguns have an extra AP.
  • You want some long-range firepower since most Sororitas shooting is close range.


7. Palatine


Our first character unit on this list, the Palatine is a strong melee combatant that also gives whoever she’s leading lethal hits. This works great in a unit like Dominions which can bring a lot of meltas or storm bolters. Enhancements benefit her a lot as well because each detachment for the Sororitas has an enhancement that strengthens melee turning the Palatine into a monster. 

Top it off with the ability to discard a miracle die and add mortal wounds on top of her normal damage and the Palatine turns into a must-pick for the faction.

Pick the Palatine if:

  • You want a strong ranged buffer and a deadly melee character.
  • You want a character that synergizes with enhancements well.
  • You want a unit that can burn bad miracle dice.


6. Immolator


This tanky transport sports powerful guns and can even split bigger units like Dominions and Battle Sister Squads in half letting your normal sisters hold the home point. These two things already make the Immolator a unique and welcome addition to the army but their ability to take the cover away from an enemy unit gives the vehicle a great supporting role for the sisters inside.

Pick the Immolator if:

  • You want a bulky transport with 1 more toughness and wound than a rhino.
  • You want to have a small squad hold the home objective since you can split large squads in half.
  • You want to transport some high-damage units like Dominions since the Immolator’s ability can take cover away.


5. Seraphim Squad


These jump-pack-wielding sisters specialize in hit-and-run tactics with the ability to deep strike and move 6 inches after shooting. Add that access for 4 hand flamers per 5 models you have a cheap flanking unit that can do actions or clear an enemy unit off of a point.

Pick the Seraphim Squad if:

  • You want a good deep strike unit that doesn’t have to care about the 9-inch limitations since flamers have a 12-inch range.
  • You want a unit that can do easy secondaries like engage on all fronts or containment.
  • You want a ranged flanking unit that can flush enemies off of objectives.


4. Paragon Warsuits


The Paragon Warsuits is a very strong tank-busting unit with access to multi-meltas and high-damage melee attacks. With their ability to add +1 to hit and wound rolls against monsters and vehicles turns the multi-meltas they have into serious threats into even the highest of toughness vehicles. 

Top it off with a 4-up invulnerability save, 7 toughness, and 4 wounds and these are some decently tough Sororitas units.

Pick the Paragon Warsuits if:

  • You want a dedicated anti-tank unit with their plus 1 to hit and wound rolls.
  • You want a decently tough Sororitas unit with their toughness 7 and 4-up inulnerability save.
  • You want to use Morvenn Vahl who can make them reroll all of their hit and wound rolls.


3. Dominion Squad


If the Battle Sister Squad focuses on variety the Dominion Squad focuses on speed and firepower. With access to 4 special weapons, the Dominion Squad can bring the firepower whether that is anti-armor with meltas, overwatch threat with flamers, or marine killers with storm bolters. 

Add that with the ability to advance and shoot all of their guns plus a d6 reactive move and the Dominion Squads become a must-pick for Sororoitas infantry.

Pick the Dominion Squad if:

  • You want a hard-hitting infantry unit with a ton of special weapons.
  • You want a fast unit with its strong assault weapons and reactive move.
  • You want a unit with good character synergy with Palatine’s lethal hits.


2. Morvenn Vahl

Morvenn Vahl

The Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas, Morvenn Vahl is a powerful character that makes Paragon Warsuits even stronger giving them re-rolls on hits and wounds. Add her strong ranged and melee weapons and you can point her unit at a problem and delete it from the game.

Pick Morvenn Vahl if:

  • You want a character to lead your Paragon Warsuits and make them reroll their hit and wound rolls.
  • You want to have a unit that can get rid of a strong enemy unit since not much in the game can survive a full assault from Vahl and her Paragons.
  • You want a threat at close range with 18-inch multi-meltas and some deadly melee.


1. The Triumph of Saint Katherine

Saint Katherine

The Triumph of Saint Katherine is an iconic Sororitas model that is one of the strongest buffing units in the game. To start off it gives you a 6 miracle dice at the start of your turn which is incredibly useful and already earns back its point cost by round 3, but it also has a plethora of buffs it can give within 6 inches ranging from increased movement to a 6-up feel no pain and even 1 more AP on melee attacks. 

Add all of that with 18 wounds and a 4-up invulnerability save and this massive buff unit doesn’t really need a bodyguard to protect it from most enemies.

Pick the Triumph of Saint Katherine if:

  • You want to farm miracle dice with their guaranteed 6.
  • You want an amazing buffing unit that can fit in any Soroitas list since more speed and melee threat are always good.
  • You want a buffing unit that has a hard time dying because 18 wounds is a lot of health.

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