15. Vibration (turned off)
Vibration is a feature that is available on most controllers and available in most games. Vibration in games like Apex is to give the player some sort of "experience" to make them feel like they're in the game, basically to simulate shooting a gun. Keeping the vibration setting off is essential, and it is somewhat recommended to keep the vibration setting off to prevent any distractions from your aim. Besides, you don't feel it on Steam Deck to begin with because it's light and not noticeable anyway unless you connect an Xbox or PlayStation controller.
Most players prefer vibration. Some like the feel of it while playing and find comfort in it; however,as I mentioned before, in some cases, it can be a distraction in some.
How does vibration (off) give you an advantage?
Although it's mostly a preference for some, turning vibrations off is better because it's less noisy and can be turned on. Keeping this feature turned off, especially if using a controller, helps you focus more effectively, especially when playing on Steam Deck, Plus. You don't feel the vibrations on it, so it doesn't matter if you have it on or not. Plus, it can help your battery last longer for more gameplay.
But we must list this setting at 15 because whether your vibration setting is on or off will not affect your gameplay too much. Hence, it's primarily up to you, but most people will recommend turning this feature off since it's kind of unnecessary to keep on.
If you keep this setting off, your gameplay experience will feel lighter, and you'll be able to focus better on your game.
14. Voice Chat settings (Open Mic)
The in-game voice chat in Apex allows you to talk with people within Apex rather than typing in text chat. It is excellent for clearly communicating how you want to play with your teammates. And it's more convenient than texting in the text chat since the Steam Deck is not meant for typing. Even when connected to a keyboard, it's very awkward.
How does Open Mic give you an advantage?
Speaking with your (preferably open) mic is faster and easier than typing in the text chat. Plus, with Steam Deck, it's tough to text in the game in the first place. Also, having an open mic, especially on Steam Deck, is a lot easier than "push to talk" since using a keyboard on Steam Deck is very uncomfortable, especially since it's mostly made for its built-in controller and touchscreen.
However, if you must mute yourself, you can switch to "push to talk" through Apex settings.
13. Enable Back Grip Buttons
It's exactly what the setting title says: it enables the extra back paddle buttons on the back of your steam deck. It's essential if you want better and easier gameplay and if you want more button combos for a higher advantage of gameplay over other players on other devices that might not have back buttons. They are also convenient for some functions/actions in Apex and other games as well, if available).
How does it give you an advantage?
It gives the player an advantage by allowing them to set each back button as a function of their choice in Apex and other games in general. For Example, I programmed my back L4 button as the "Enter" key to quickly pop up the Apex chat box if I must type a message in the game. You can also use the back buttons as a Dpad.
For Example, usually, the health wheel menu on Apex using a controller requires the down D'Pad; however, sometimes, when you're panicking in the middle of a fight, it's hard to bring up the health menu, and it gets stuck, so programming one of the steam deck back buttons to one of the Dpad functions can help bring up your health menu items faster to help you heal faster. Another advantage for some players who enjoy the movement and tap strafing in Apex is that they can easily map the back paddle buttons to their liking to help them tap strafe better than someone who's using a controller on a regular console with no back buttons and an equivalent tap strafing levels to those that use mouse and keyboard.
So you have a higher advantage with those with regular controllers and an equal advantage to those on M&K Probably even more than M&K as well due to aiming assist) (since Steam Deck functions as both a PC and handheld Console at the same time). Still, Apex recognizes the Steam Deck as a PC. Therefore, it's a miniature PC with a built-in Controller. This is why, with this setting enabled, you have the advantages Of both PC and Console. Back buttons enabled means more button combos are available to choose from.
12. Gyro Control
Gyro is another form of aim control. Gyro allows users to move their viewpoints just by simply physically moving their Steam Deck. Most Steam Deck Players will recommend enabling this feature since it helps make your aim feel less stiff than just using the joysticks alone.
How does it give you an advantage?
It gives the player an advantage by emulating the feeling of aiming with a mouse. This setting also gives you an aim assist boost, which feels like cheating, but it's not, and since this feature is built into the system, you don't have to worry about being banned for taking advantage of this "super boosted aim assist" setting.
It's just a helpful tool/setting for playing against mouse and keyboard players. It's meant for smoother aim control and camera control rather than relying on the right joystick alone.
11. Fan Control
Other Steam Deck users have reported that having this setting off helps keep the Steam Deck more relaxed while playing high-demanding games like Apex, which is one of the settings that gives your Steam Deck a performance boost.
How does it give you an advantage?
This setting gives players an advantage by Improving the Steam Deck's performance. And we all know as gamers that better performance means better and smoother gameplay.
When this setting is turned on, the handheld Console overheats, and no one likes it when their gaming devices overheat.
Protecting this device from overheating will allow you to play the game longer with a longer battery life. This will help you enjoy the game more without plugging it in as often.
10. Frame Rate Settings
The frame rate settings allow you to adjust how much frame rate you receive when playing a game such as Apex Legends. The minimum frame rate on the Steam Deck is 15, and the maximum is 60, or you can set it off to "uncap" it.
Keeping the frame rate at a lower setting is recommended and essential to most players because it helps with the battery life and stability of heavier games. You'll notice that many of these "performance settings" will benefit game performance and smoothness. And we all agree that our frame rate is critical, especially in online games like Apex, Fortnite, COD, Overwatch, etc.
How does Frame Rate Settings give you an advantage?
When you have this setting on a lower frame rate, especially on heavy-duty games like Apex, it can be helpful to keep your game's framerate from feeling "jittery," and it keeps the frames from "spiking up, significantly" in other words, keeping you from lagging while going against your opponent. Lastly, this setting, which is, which is set to a lower frame rate. Lastly, it will make your inputs feel buttery smooth, which will help you get a faster reaction time.
9. Refresh Rate Settings
Similarly to "frame rate" settings, this setting also helps improve your gameplay performance. This setting is essential for a smoother gaming experience. On the Steam Deck, you can adjust the frame rate anywhere between 40 and 60. This setting goes hand in hand with the frame rate setting.
How does it give you an advantage?
The amount of refresh rate depends on the game, the more heavy and demanding the game is on your system like Apex other FPS games it is recommended to set it at a higher refresh rate. One of the key advantages is smoother responsiveness, which is perfect for a fast-paced game like Apex. Another great advantage of this setting is the improvement in motion clarity. The higher the refresh rate, the better it is for a better overall visual quality. You need this setting turned up for Apex; this game is so fast-paced and intense.
8. Resolution settings
The setting is Self-explanatory. It's where you adjust your Steam Deck's screen's display/screen size/Resolution of your Steam Deck's screen. The resolution you select is essential for the comfort of your viewing experience. The best-recommended resolution for games like Apex on Steam Deck is 1920X1080(1080p).
How does it give you an advantage?
This setting will give you an advantage by providing you with a better viewing experience and better graphics. We can all agree that games are more aesthetically pleasing and more fun to enjoy with better graphics. This setting will give you sharper image quality. It can also help provide a wider field of view to help see your surroundings better in-game.
Another considerable advantage of this setting is that it can help you see things on this device, given the Steam Deck's tiny screen.
7. Brightness level
The brightness level settings allow users to Adjust the brightness level to their liking and comfort level. Higher brightness level is recommended for dark and low-light environments, while lower Brightness levels are recommended for highly lit environments.
This setting is essential because it helps you see your screen better. However, keep in mind that keeping this setting at high levels for long periods can quickly drain your battery life, especially if the Steam Deck is not plugged in. Keeping the level at 50% is recommended to have the perfect balance between light and dark.
How does it give you an advantage?
This setting (with lower brightness) can reduce eye strain and reduce glare, especially in brightly lit environments. You can play around with this setting and adjust it to your eye comfort. It's mainly a personal preference, depending on the situation. For Example, if you prefer your screen to be brighter, you can see more details, such as color accuracy and more vibrant colors. Playing around with the brightness controls could also help with accessibility as well. For Example, adjusting this setting could help those with visual sensitivity disabilities by assisting them in seeing their screen better and, like I said before, putting less strain on the eyes. These are all the ways brightness level control can have advantages when playing games like Apex.
6. Apex FOV (Field Of View)
The FOV is technically an in-game setting for most FPS games like Apex, but it still works the same for other shooter games like Fortnite, Overwatch, COD, etc. Depending on your preference, you can use this setting to increase or decrease the amount of "game world" around You that is within your point of view. It is crucial to play around with this setting to find out what feels comfortable to you; however, most pro players and streamers will recommend a FOV of at least 90 or higher since anything lower blocks out some world visuals. This setting is essential to help you better view the enemies in Apex and other shooter games in general.
How does it give you an advantage?
In Apex Legends, when setting your FOV to 100-110(110 being the max level)gives you better situational awareness, and enhanced navigation, making it easier to detect your enemies.
However, here's where the preference comes in.
A lower FOV (90-95/100 or lower) can also be advantageous, increasing accuracy, focusing your views better, and improving with target acquisition.
So, in this setting, you must rely on what works best for you.
Personally, for me, I use the max 110 since that's what everyone seems to recommend. After playing Apex for over 6k hours, I've gotten used to the 110 FOV setting. But at the end of the day, it is up to you and what you're comfortable with; either way, you'll still have some type of advantage.
5. Communication Filter
This setting is built into Apexand and is more of a communication preference setting. It has three communication options (everyone, friends only, and nobody), and I'm pretty sure other online multiplayer games have a setting or settings similar to this. This setting is suitable for when you have to mute teammates for whatever reason.
How does it give you an advantage?
This setting is mostly a preference. Some people like to communicate with random players, and some feel uncomfortable when talking to random players, so this setting allows you to choose whether or not you want to speak to your team.
My personal preference is set to "friends only" because, based on my personal experience in Apex, I've run into many toxic or annoying players. This setting allows talking to your friends only. It will keep the voice and text chats muted (unless you decide to add them after the match).
Having muted teammates can help you focus on the game better without having people talking to you with annoying background noises to distract you. Plus, Apex is a perfect ping system that barely requires you to use your mic. And even if you do need your mic, you can always Unmute them if you have to tell them something important.
So, this setting is perfect for those with social anxiety or for anyone who has had a lousy experience with toxic players.
4. V Sync
V sync is a graphics setting that can be toggled on or off and has three different levels: disabled, dynamic, and triple-buffered. When enabled, the V sync setting in Apex Legends, when enabled, can help reduce and prevent screen tearing. It can also cap the frame rate by limiting the refresh rate of your device's display. This setting is also essential for reducing the GPU load on your device, which can slow down the workload of your GPU. Doing that can help prolong/increase battery Life on the Steam Deck, decrease power consumption, and, lastly, reduce heat.
How does it give you an advantage?
The only disadvantage and downside to this setting being enabled is that it Could lead to possible input lag. Other than that, there are some excellent advantages to using this setting. First, it can provide a competitive edge in Apex Legends by reducing visual distractions, enhancing visual clarity, and overall enhancing aiming accuracy.
Another advantage to this setting is that it can sometimes provide better gaming performance by preventing excessive frame rendering and lighting up the GPU load. This setting also makes the player's images less distorted, therefore, making it easier to track enemies and making aiming more precise due to the better, smoother, and more stable picture quality. These are all the advantages of having V sync enabled.
3. Controller settings
The Controller settings in Apex, or any game, in general, have to be one of the most critical settings to customize, especially on a handheld device like Steam Deck, where it's required to use its built-in controller (even though you can input a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard). It's just more accessible and more convenient to use the built-in controller on the Steam Deck. These customized controller settings will help you out with your aim and movement in Apex.
How does it give you an advantage?
Well, if you want to feel like a pro player/streamer, here are The controller Settings they usually recommend for that "aimbot" feel,
Look sensitivity: 4 This determines how quickly your view rotates.
Look sensitivity (ADS) default (3) This setting determines how quickly your view rotates while aiming down sights. The linear response curve will determine how the analog stick input is used to turn your view. It is raw input, and many Apex pros recommend it. Look, it's a dead zone. This setting has three options: none, small, and large. I have mine set too small to prevent stick drift.
Movement dead zone: This setting prevents movements from drifting when you're not touching your stick. The options are small or large. I have mine set to large.
Inverted look (this is Self-explanatory) inverts/reverses the look up/down the controller's axis. I have mine set to off as a personal preference because an inverted look is confusing and uncomfortable for me.
Still, everyone is different, so just experiment with what works best for you with any of these controller settings in general. Many pro players love these settings because they give them smoother and more accurate aiming to the point where the average player will accuse them of cheating (even if they are not cheating). These controller settings help a lot with aiming, even if your aim is "bad." just test out these settings in the firing range and figure out what makes you comfortable for a better gaming experience.
2. Gameplay settings
With this setting, there are many categories to choose from that will help enhance your gameplay experience in Apex. Gameplay settings are essential because they can "make or break" your gameplay. Each category has a different advantage, but like with most settings in Apex on Steam Deck, it's mostly preference for the most part. In the next part, I'll go over and explain the advantages of each sub-setting within Apex's gameplay settings of. Apex, do they give you an advantage?
The first setting we will discuss under the gameplay settings is "always sprint." I think I'd keep this turned on even though it could delay your shots and reduce control of delicate movement. It's still better to keep it on so that way you don't have to push as hard on your joystick to get your character to move. When this is turned off, it causes your character to move slowly at a walk pace, and you'd have to put more effort into making them sprint if this is turned off. Auto run with this setting when turned on by double tapping the left analog stick the character will start to sprint forward Indefinitely and automatically run on their own, I would recommend keeping this setting off so that the character doesn't move on their own especially if you have to go AFK.
Another setting under gameplay that can give you an advantage against other players is to enable the "enemy health bar." This displays the amount of health an enemy has for 3 seconds after damaging them. This will help you determine their weaknesses and whether you should push them.
Lastly, another setting in the gameplay setting that gives you a good advantage is the "weapon auto cycle on empty." By enabling this, once your first weapon's ammo is depleted, it will automatically switch over to your second weapon, giving you the upper hand while in the middle of a fight with your opponents. These are my favorite gameplay settings because they all make everything easy and convenient.
1.Skip Apex Cinematic Intro
This setting will help you remove the Cinematic Intro when you first launch Apex Legends, which will help you load your game faster. It's frustrating that there is no official setting to skip the intro, so you kinda have to "hack" the game to remove it. This setting is essential, especially if your system crashes a lot.
How does this give you an advantage?
This setting gives you an advantage because it's perfect to get you back into your match faster, especially if your game crashes in the middle of a match. It also reduces the game's load time since the opening intro is a little long.
This concludes our top 15 Apex settings on Steam Deck. We hope you find these settings helpful and valuable. Remember that most of these settings are the preferences and opinions of other players and my own opinions; remember to keep experimenting and testing out different settings to see which ones work best for you!
These settings are recommended because everyone's comfort level and gaming experience differ, these settings are recommended.
- Best aim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqaNOsGP_nE&t=356s
- Skip Apex Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxNCWfjlKBU
- Best 15 Steam Deck Settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qj7FEemln4&t=227s