Assassin’s Creed is one of the most iconic video games of all time; a series that inspired millions of kids around the globe to put on a random hoodie and start walking around with a pen strapped to their wrists, secured by a random rubber band. Not only that, but many of them are just damn good games!
With over 20 installments in the franchise, however, it is only natural that there are some stinkers. However, this also went on to show us that the best games in the series are so good that they can completely change the trajectory of the entire franchise. So, let’s take a look at the best games!
10. Assassin’s Creed - 2007 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360)
The one that started it all. 2007’s Assassin’s Creed is the one that really took the entire stealth-action video game genre to the next level and definitely revolutionized the gaming industry. Altaïr was a great and super badass protagonist and he really showed everyone the game and how it works.
With a primary focus on stealth based gameplay and fluid movement throughout the city by way of parkour, it did really well to set the groundworks that the rest of the series followed. Though, if you play it now, it obviously doesn’t hold up as well due to it being a 2007 release. Despite that, however, it is still a classic for a reason!
Choose AC1 if you like:
- To see the roots of where the franchise came from
- To see fan favorite assassin, Altaïr, in action
- A faithfully reimagined historical setting of the Crusades
9. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - 2018 (PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, Nintendo Switch)
I’ll be very clear here; this is not an Assassin’s Creed game. Ubisoft just really wanted to make an open world fantasy RPG so they slapped on the AC brand to make it sell more copies. I should also note that as a pure Assassin’s Creed game, this would be at the very bottom of the list because it has very little to do with the fundamentals of the series.
The stealth aspect literally feels like an afterthought as combat seems to favor direct engagements rather than the sneaky approach. However, other than that, this is far and away the most beautiful game Ubisoft has ever made, which is really saying something. Odyssey is vast and is the perfect game for those that love everything about Ancient Greece.
Choose Odyssey if you like:
- Vast and sprawling open worlds
- Beautiful locations
- Ancient Greece and ancient history
- Mythology
- Something to immerse yourself and spend hours in
8. Assassin’s Creed Revelations - 2011 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360)
Our third game with the legendary Ezio Auditore was the perfect way to say goodbye to this character whose life we saw progress in its entirety and is one of the reasons why he is unanimously regarded as one of the greatest video game protagonists ever written. We saw his growth from a brash young man to an aged legend of the Brotherhood at the end of his career.
The game takes place in a great and faithful recreation of Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) and is the best place to cap off Ezio’s story. The map is beautiful and very historically relevant, along with entirely new gameplay mechanics that, at this point of the story, were really great and would later go on to be staples of the series. Plus, you have a really cool new kind of hidden blade.
Choose Revelations if you like:
- A very historically relevant sandbox map to explore
- Ezio’s story
- Brilliant characters and story
7. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate - 2015 (PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, Nintendo Switch)
AC Syndicate was the much anticipated follow up to the troubled launch of Unity and was also one that many fans were eagerly anticipating. This is because London was a setting that players had been asking for many years at this point for a number of reasons; namely the aesthetics and the fact that it served as the perfect AC setting.
While it is far from a perfect game and has a number of problems, it is still a great time you can have. The story and characters are far more light hearted than most other games in the series, which some may like and others might not, but London is absolutely gorgeous and faithfully recreated and there are so many things to do and secrets to uncover that you will have a great time doing it. This is also the only game in the series that features 2 different characters with their own strengths and weaknesses so each mission feels fresh and entertaining.
Choose Syndicate if you like:
- Feeling like a mob boss
- New and improved parkour
- Playing with 2 unique characters
6. Assassin’s Creed 3 - 2012 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U)
Assassin’s Creed 3 was the final game that concluded the overarching modern day apocalypse arc and was also the final game where we get to play as fan favorite modern day character, Desmond Miles. While this game was initially met with a fair bit of criticism, it has proved itself to be one that has aged considerably well and it feels just the same to play it today as it did back in 2012.
AC3 has us playing as Conor Kenway; the tallest, broadest and most physically imposing of all the assassins that we see in the entire franchise. He is an absolute force to be reckoned with and he is an absolute tank with the best assassin robes out of everyone that we see in these games. Though this game is one that is slow to begin, it is a really great time.
As Conor, we fight the Templars in Colonial America and get revenge on those who have wronged us, all set in a brilliant recreation of the United States.
Choose AC3 if you like:
- To play as an absolute unit of a man
- American history
- To hate on the British
- Compelling characters
- Rich world
5. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood - 2010 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360)
Brotherhood was the second game with Ezio as the protagonist and it saw him further along in his quest to restore the Assassin Brotherhood, while at the same time following through with his quest to get revenge on his family's enemies, the Borgias.
It saw Ezio move on from his home to Rome and while the story itself wasn’t as memorable as that of AC2, the rest of the game is nothing short of a masterpiece, with hundreds of things to do and secrets to uncover. Even the eternal city of Rome was absolutely incredible and is one of the best settings in the series.
Choose Brotherhood if you like:
- A ton of memorable side content
- Tons of secrets to uncover
- A great setting
- A great story
4. Assassin’s Creed Origins - 2017 (PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Stadia)
Origins was the first of the RPG Assassin’s Creed games and is by far the best out of all of them. This is because while it was the first to introduce RPG mechanics to the series, it never forgets its identity as an AC game. The mystery and grounded-in-reality allure of the series is in full swing in Origins.
Set in one of the best worlds that Ubisoft has ever made, Ancient Egypt is a faithful and great place that shows that when they actually try, Ubisoft can make truly legendary worlds. All this is topped off with Bayek, arguably the best protagonist in the franchise and the one with the best performance out of all of them. A must try for all fans of the series.
Choose Origins if you like:
- Ancient Egypt
- Mysterious worlds
- Origin of the Assassin Brotherhood
- History
- Immersive games to spend hours in
3. Assassin’s Creed Unity - 2014 (PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Stadia)
This is a pick that I might get some hate for. When Unity launched back in 2014, it was a bug ridden mess that honestly brought down the entire experience a lot for the players. It was lauded as the next revolutionary game in the series in terms of the gameplay, so naturally it garnered a ton of excitement amongst the fandom, but was unfortunately too buggy initially.
However, Unity is now the game that holds up better than any other in the franchise after all the technical problems have been fixed. It is still absolutely gorgeous and by far the most fluid and compelling in terms of movement, animation and action.
Arno is also the most stealthy and deadly assassin in the entire series and in this game, a lot of focus is put on the secretive nature of the Assassins and the stealth that they exercise. Due to this, this is the most true AC game in the franchise and the one that sticks to the identity of the franchise the best.
Choose Unity if you like:
- Detailed and alive cities
- Shows, movies and games that have secret societies
- Amazing parkour, animation and movement
- Immersive storytelling
2. Assassin’s Creed 2 - 2009 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360)
Yet another controversial pick! Assassin’s Creed 2 was really the game that put this series on the map and made it a staple and iconic franchise of the industry. It was the game that introduced us to Ezio, one of the greatest characters ever made. This game had everything; from a bustling city, incredible story, characters, secrets and so much more left to uncover.
Most fans of the series tend to put this at the very top of the list and it is very easy to see why. It is honestly a toss up between the top 2 games in the series and AC2 can definitely take it. The reason it isn’t at the top of the list for me is because it doesn’t hold up as well as it once did back in 2009.
Ezio is a character that feels like a good friend, and running around on the streets of Venice and Florence in this game makes us spend time with him and get to know him, etching this game experience into our minds forever.
Choose AC2 if you like:
- Rich storytelling
- Amazing characters
- Incredible and emotional story
- Secrets
- Rich worlds
1. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag - 2013 (PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360)
Black Flag is the best Assassin’s Creed game for reasons that may not be very easy to understand for outsiders to the franchise. All these games are very immersive, but Flag Black takes that to a level not seen before or since, in that it actually feels like a home away from home. It is just very odd to explain.
Black Flag took the moment to moment gameplay of AC3 and refined it incredibly well, due to which it also further added many things that are now main stays for the franchise. The ship combat was greatly expanded upon and was made into one of the main parts of the game and was just the most fun thing ever, allowing every player to live out their childhood pirate fantasies!
But despite all the new features and the amazing gameplay and the breathtaking locations, Black Flag excelled most in its characters and stories. Edward starts off as a greedy pirate only looking out for himself, eventually becoming an Assassin and never losing his humor or charm, making him stand shoulder to shoulder with Bayek and Ezio as the best characters in the series.
The supporting characters and main story were all just as amazing, with Black Flag delivering one of the most heart wrenching and beautiful endings I have ever seen in a video game.
Choose Black Flag if you like:
- Amazing gameplay
- Pirates
- Amazing story
- Amazing characters
- Just good video games