Who doesn’t love a good game? Games are fun and can take our minds off of stressful situations. They also help us learn more about ourselves. And other people.
But then there are those games.
Those games that leave you checking to see if you’re bleeding by the time they’re done. Maybe not so much fun for everyone playing.
But they might be great for people who have that entrepreneurial mindset.
Check out my Top 11 Board Games for an entrepreneurial mind.
11. Ticket To Ride
For 2 - 5 Players, Ages 8+
No ticket, no ride.
Ticket To Ride Play:
How To Play Ticket To Ride
Ticket to Ride is great for the business minds of the world.
The US version shows a 20th century map of North America. There are other versions for other countries such as Asia, Germany and India.
The US board shows North American cities laid out with pictures of different train routes connecting them.
When the game begins, you select Destination cards which show you the routes you need to connect. Each player chooses a color for their train routes and takes turns to perform one of 3 actions:
- You pull a train card.
- Claim a train route.
- Get another Destination Card.
During play, you plot how to connect your routes. You can also stop other players from making theirs. But be careful: this reduces the number of trains that you can use for your own routes.
You earn more points when you create longer routes. You also get extra points at the end of the game if you have the longest train route.
This game is great for the entrepreneurial mind because:
- It teaches you to be responsible. You are responsible for your own actions and decisions and where they land you. Business owners must understand this concept as well.
- It promotes a growth mindset. When the game begins you start with nothing and grow your routes for success. The business mindset must also understand that you often start with nothing and work hard to grow your company.
- You get to develop critical thinking skills as you plan and strategize your routes. In business, you must also have strong critical thinking skills when making decisions for the company.
- This game is driven by actions. There are many things to do like select cards and lay trains. Businesses are driven by actions. You can’t just make a plan. You actually have to do something in order to succeed.
- It causes you to be decisive. You have to decide which route to take, if you should block an opponent, take another Destination card etc. The entrepreneurial mind must also be decisive and confident with their decisions.
10. Ice Cream Empire
For 2 - 4 Players, Ages 9+
Victory never tasted so sweet.
Ice Cream Empire Play:
How To Play Ice Cream Empire
The only place where you buy ice-cream for hundreds of dollars with a smile.
The board shows a map of the US with colorful spaces going around the edges. Players choose 1 of 4 ice-cream trucks as their game piece. Each truck is a different color.
The game has 6 tons of 4 different ice-cream flavors. They fit neatly in the back of the truck.
You roll the die and drive your truck around the board buying and selling ice-cream. Inventory cards tell you the market rates for each flavor.
The goal is to be the first person to build 8 stores and have $3,000 cash.
Here are 5 reasons why Ice Cream Empire is great for an entrepreneurial mindset:
- It teaches you to be independent. You have to go around the board to various places in order to be successful. All on your own. This is great for business owners who have to step out on their own in order to build their brand.
- It builds healthy competition. This is one game where you don’t need to strip another player of what he has in order to win. You just need to build your business bigger and faster. This is a great mindset for business owners in the real world.
- The game builds confidence. You have to be confident as an entrepreneur to go out and sell what you have and make a name for yourself.
- There is great opportunity for learning. In this game you learn about buying, selling, market rates etc. Entrepreneurs don’t just run a business. They have to learn about their industry - best practices, their buyers and their competitors, for example.
- It teaches you that business can be fun. The game is built around a fun concept - ice-cream. Entrepreneurial minded people can think of one of their hobbies or interests and see if they can build a business around it.
9. Chess
For 2 Players, Ages 8+
All this game is missing is blood splatters.
Chess Play:
How To Play Chess
Chess is an oldie but a goodie.
It is played on a chessboard that has 64 squares. Each player has 16 game pieces:
- 1 king
- 1 queen
- 2 rooks
- 2 bishops
- 2 knights
- 8 pawns
Standard boards come with white and black pieces. The person playing white starts the game and then the players take turns moving. You cannot skip a turn even if it means your next move will be your downfall.
The goal of Chess is to put your opponent’s king in a checkmate position. This means that the king is under immediate attack. No matter what your opponent plays, he can’t escape and loses the game.
The different pieces move in different directions. The rooks move horizontally and vertically, for example. The bishops move diagonally across the board.
The knights move in an ‘L’ shape. The queen can move any number of spaces in any direction. The king can only move in any direction but only by using one square at a time.
These various rules and limitations make the game interesting. Players must use strategy and tactics in order to win.
Chess is great for the entrepreneurial mindset because:
- It builds critical thinking skills as you strategize. Entrepreneurs must make critical decisions as they plan the way forward for their business.
- It builds a mindset against giving up after failure. Chess is one game where you will lose many times as you learn the rules and how to navigate the board. But if you keep working you will learn what not to do and how to get closer to success. The same is true for the entrepreneurial mindset. Even when you fail, don't give up.
- Chess brings out the competitive nature in players. And for those who play timed games the pressure is even greater. For entrepreneurs the pressure is on to be better than the competition. Especially when time for deadlines and projects is against them.
- It is growth-oriented. Chess has so much scope for growth with various clubs, scholarships and tournaments. This can help business owners understand that they should always see their company as an opportunity for growth over time.
- It highlights your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is important to the entrepreneurial mindset. You will know when you can do something on your own and when it’s time to get someone with more expertise or talent on board.
8. I'm The Boss
For 3 - 6 Players, Ages 12+
Said no real boss ever!
I'm The Boss Play:
How To Play I'm The Boss
Let’s take this one in bite sizes:
This game has a board with spaces. Each space represents a deal that can be made and the amount of returns to Investors on the deal.
The Investors are shown on 6 different cards lettered A - F. They are shuffled and shared face up to the players. If there are extras they are placed on the board for the time being.
There is also an Influencer card deck. Players are given 5 cards each, faced down.
A dollar marker is shared by players on their turn. It is placed on a space. Players can then decide if to make a deal there or roll the die and move the number of spaces to a new location.
Players try to make negotiations for a deal with Investors. The player(s) holding those Investor cards will decide if they will take the deal. And if so, how the returns will be shared.
Or the player can choose instead, to draw a certain number of Influencer cards to their hand. These cards can influence deals. So the other players can use their own Influencer cards to affect deals in progress.
If a player ever has more than 12 cards after drawing, he must decide which ones he will discard to equal 12.
Once deals are made the Bank pays out money and that space on the board is now covered with a Deal tile. It can no longer be counted when players go around the board.
After 9 deals, the die is rolled after each subsequent deal in order to determine if the game ends. The player with the most money wins.
Here are 5 reasons why I’m The Boss is great for an entrepreneurial mindset:
- It develops critical thinking skills as players negotiate and make deals. The same is required for entrepreneurs as they negotiate and make deals in real life.
- I’m The Boss builds courage. It takes courage to negotiate with others to get what you want. Especially if they appear to be richer or brighter. This characteristic can be developed in the entrepreneurial mindset by playing this game.
- It forces you to learn how to adapt. In the game you may have your heart set on a deal but another payer gets it. Do you just crumble or regroup and make plans for a new deal? This game helps people with a business mindset to learn to adapt to the unexpected or disappointing events in their lives.
- This game teaches basic Accounts and Economics. This is great for entrepreneurs. No matter what type of business people have or the size, they must have company accounts and understand the market in which they are working.
- This game helps you to focus on SMART goals. Goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time sensitive. As you play you have to decide which deals make sense and which ones don’t. In the business world SMART goals are always encouraged. The game can help people develop this practice.
7. Life
For 2 - 6 Players, Ages 9+
If only everyone looked so happy with theirs.
Life Play:
How To Play Life
Many versions have been made over the years. The 2021 version includes invest cards. This is great for persons with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Life comes with a board that has many spaces. Each space represents events that can take place in a person’s life - getting married, having children, getting paid etc.
Life tiles are shuffled and placed Life-side-up near the board. Players select 4 Life tiles without looking at them and also place them Life-side-up on Millionaire estates.
The other Life tiles are divided into 4 decks: Career, Salary, House deeds and Stocks. You also have Car and Homeowner’s Insurance Policies as well as Bank loans and money.
You must decide on how you will begin your life - by going to college or starting a career. Your choice determines the cards that you start with from the Salary deck or the Career deck.
Players take turns driving around in their little car pawns. They spin a numbered wheel and move the required spaces on the board. The spaces are color coded to give specific instructions:
- Orange spaces - the majority of the spaces are orange. You must follow the directions given on the space.
- Blue spaces - these are optional for players. You don’t have to follow them.
- Green spaces - these are payday spaces. You collect what’s shown on your salary cards.
- Red spaces - there are 3 of them (Get married, Get a Job and Buy a House). Follow that action and then spin again and move around the board.
When you land on or go past the last square you ‘retire’. You have business to settle like selling your house or paying outstanding debts.
After all players retire and settle their affairs, the person with the most money wins.
Here are 5 reasons why Life is a good game for the entrepreneurial mindset:
- It teaches balance. Sometimes business owners are so caught up with making money that they forget that life has other things to offer; things to enjoy like getting married and having kids.
- Life teaches about Economics and Accounts. In the game there are houses to buy, stocks to invest in, loans to take out etc. This concept is needed for persons with a business mindset.
- The game teaches you how to make wise decisions. Sometimes in the game, early decisions (like starting a career vs going to college) can haunt you for the rest of the game. For business owners, they can learn to make good decisions early in their career. Bad business practices can negatively impact them later in life.
- It helps you to be independent. In the game, it is just you in your little car going out to make a life. The entrepreneurial mindset must also learn that he/she is responsible for going out and making the business work.
- Life teaches you to be responsible. You are responsible for your own bills, paying back loans and buying houses. For business minded people, they too must understand that they are responsible for their bills, debts and decisions.
6. Planet
For 4 players, Ages 8+
Build your way to victory.
Planet Play:
How To Play Planet
Planet is a great game for business minded people.
The goal of the game is to create the best ecosystem for animal life.
Each player has a 12-sided 3D planet core. Over twelve rounds, each player takes turns selecting tiles which fit into the sides of their 3D core. These tiles show landscapes like oceans, deserts and mountains.
Your job is to fill your planet core with the best combos of landscapes. You also have objectives to complete as you build your ecosystem. There is Wildlife to get but they need the correct landscapes in order to thrive.
Each player’s job is to build natural habitats as they complete objectives and build the most populated ecosystem.
People with an entrepreneurial mindset should play this game because:
- It promotes creativity. Players have to determine the best combos of landscapes to use in order to build their ecosystems. For the business minded person, creativity is a must. Entrepreneurs must come up with creative ways to market their products and services.
- Planet encourages a growth mindset. You start with an empty planet core and build. You grow. People with the entrepreneurial mindset must also understand that they are growing their business from nothing to the vision that they have for it.
- This game teaches responsibility. In Planet you are responsible for the world you create and whatever lives in it. For entrepreneurs, they must also understand that they are responsible for their company and all who are in it - customers, employees etc. And their understanding of that responsibility will dictate the decisions that they make.
- It teaches you how to adapt. In the game you may not get the planet tile that you want. Your plans will have to change as you decide from what is left back, the best option to achieve your goals. This mindset is necessary for entrepreneurs who may have to change plans for their business if deals fall through or money is lost.
- Planet is a very action-driven game. You select tiles, lay them on a core. You build. Successful entrepreneurs understand that they can’t just talk, but they must ‘do’.
5. Catan
For 3 - 4 Players in the standard version; 5 - 6 Players with expansions
Ages 10+
It’s settled. I am the Lord of Catan!
Catan Play:
How To Play Catan
This game has a brilliant concept.
The board itself is made of hexagonal tiles called hexes. These are removable and can be placed in any position at the start of a new game. You can also expand the game for a bigger board and for more players to join in.
A board game that changes each time you play makes for endless fun and possibilities when playing.
There are some versions though, that have the layout printed so that it is the same for each gameplay. If you have a preference for one version, make sure that you check carefully before buying.
Catan is based on a made-up island. Each player’s job is to establish settlements, cities and roads in order to be the Lord of Catan.
There are different land types such as hills, forests, fields, pastures and mountains.
These land types produce resources which are used for building your Catan kingdom:
- Fields produce grain.
- Pastures produce wool.
- Mountains produce ore.
- Hills produce bricks.
- Forests produce lumber.
Numbered discs (2-12) are randomly placed on each land type.
Players take turns selecting a point where 3 hexes meet and lay 2 settlements each at the start. From there, they build and extend their starting settlements to increase their kingdoms.
During play, players roll the dice. The numbers rolled correspond with certain land types. The players with settlements on those land types get the resources which the land produces.
So let’s say a 9 is rolled, for example. A hill hex has a 9 disc on it. Since hills produce bricks, whichever players have a settlement touching that hill will get some bricks added to their resources.
But there’s also a desert wasteland that produces nothing. At the start of play, a ‘robber’ sits in the desert. Players who roll number 7 can choose to place the robber on any land type of their choice. That land type can no longer produce resources until the robber is moved to another hex.
Also, players who have 8 or more resources when 7 is rolled lose half of their cards. They must now hope that the roll of the dice makes them rich again.
There are cards which help you to gain advantages in the game. You keep building until the first player reaches 10 points.
Persons with an entrepreneurial mindset should play this game because:
- The game teaches you to be deliberate about how you begin. In Catan, the places you lay your settlements in the beginning very often determine your chance at success. For business minded people, the way in which you start a business - location, practices, prices - can have a serious impact on how well your business does.
- Catan is very action driven. You have to build roads, build settlements and upgrade to cities. Entrepreneurs must understand that they must put their hands to the plow and work. They can’t just plan or talk about what they want. They must do as well.
- It encourages a growth mindset. Catan is an excellent example of how to start small and expand your empire. Sometimes entrepreneurs may be afraid to branch out or expand their business. But the game can teach entrepreneurs how to pace themselves, acquire resources and build slowly in order to grow their companies.
- Catan teaches you how to stay focused. You cannot waste time in this game or you may end up losing resources or allowing another player to build in an area that you wanted. In business, entrepreneurs must learn the value of being focused on goals and the timing of those goals.
- This game promotes critical thinking and strategizing. Players must strategize on where to place their settlements, which settlements to advance first and when it’s time to upgrade. For the entrepreneurial mindset, strategy and critical thinking are required in order to be successful.
4. Steam: Rails to Riches
For 3 - 5 Players, Ages 10+
Full steam ahead!
Steam: Rails to Riches Play:
How To Play Steam: Rails to Riches
In this game you build railways and deliver goods across the map chosen. The game has a double sided board which is pretty neat.
One side shows cities and terrain for the US and Canada (best for 3 - 4 players). The other side for Europe is better for 5 - 6 players. However, either side can be used for any number of players.
Throughout the game players improve their trains and upgrade their towns. You must also select the best goods to transport on the longest journeys for the most profit.
The money from deliveries is added to your income or victory points. This balances the need to invest against your goal to win the game.
Steam: Rails to Riches is great for the entrepreneurial mind because:
- It promotes critical thinking and strategy. Players must decide on whether to invest, make deliveries, build trains or upgrade trains. In real life, people with the entrepreneurial mind must make decisions based on good strategies and critical thinking.
- The game encourages players to grow an empire. You start small and upgrade trains, towns etc. Business minded people should have this same mindset. Their business is an opportunity for growth in areas like increasing stock and establishing new branches.
- This game also builds a competitive spirit in players. Every player has the same goal. You must think of ways to achieve your goals faster and better. This is also true for entrepreneurial minds who are competing with similar businesses in the same industry. They must find out how to build their companies bigger and better than the competition.
- This game builds confidence and independence. Each player must go out on his own and build. The maps represent unknown or unfamiliar territories. In real life, people with an entrepreneurial mindset must be independent and confident. They step out on their own into unknown or unfamiliar waters in order to build their brand.
- It teaches players to be responsible and decisive. Players choose which routes to build and which trains to improve, for example. They make a decision and then live with it for the rest of the game. For entrepreneurial minds, they must accept that they are responsible for their business decisions. Both the good and the bad ones.
3. Monopoly
For 2 - 6 Players; (Or 8 in some versions). Ages 8+
Better have my money!
Monopoly Play:
How To Play Monopoly
Monopoly is a classic game that has many different business elements in gameplay.
The game is played on a board with 40 spaces. They are made up of:
- 22 streets (shown in 8 different sets of colors)
- 4 railroads
- 2 utilities
- 3 Community Chest spaces
- 3 Chance spaces
- 1 Luxury Parking
- 1 Income Tax space
- 4 corners which show a GO space, Jail/Just Visiting, Free Parking and Go To Jail.
Players roll two dice and take turns going around the board buying and trading properties. They can also develop most properties and increase their value by building houses and hotels.
You collect rent from other players who land on your properties. Sometimes you may land on Community Chests or Chance spaces and draw a card which may bring good or bad luck. Tax spaces cause players to lose money.
There are many different versions of Monopoly but the goal is the same in all of them. Bankrupt your opponents so that you are the richest player at the end of the game.
Here are 5 great reasons why those with entrepreneurial minds should play Monopoly:
- It builds good communication skills and confidence. Players negotiate and make deals with each other. In real life, business minded people must learn how to communicate with potential partners, investors, employees and customers. This means they must have confidence and good communication skills.
- It is a game that inspires growth. Players buy properties, put up houses and then hotels.They start with no assets and try to acquire them. For the entrepreneurial mind, it is important to understand that a business should always be seen as something to grow.
- Monopoly teaches you how to be organized. Properties are color coded. They go up in value as you go around the board. Rent reflects the value of the property. It is very straightforward and simple. Business minded people can take a page from Monopoly’s book - keep things simple: The way info is given to customers. How websites are designed. How items are laid out in the store. You can be organized which makes customers happy since the buying/selling process becomes easier for them. They are most likely to return as repeat customers.
- The game helps with budgeting. You have to determine if you can afford a property. Can you afford to buy houses or hotels at this time? Will you have enough money left back if you need to pay out a large sum of rent?Entrepreneurial minds must also be able to budget well. They must determine things like purchases to be made and when to make them.
- This game highlights your strengths and weaknesses. You may be good at making deals but need help budgeting. In real life, entrepreneurial minds must know and accept their strengths and weaknesses. They will know when they can do certain jobs on their own and when they need to get help from more skilled people in other areas.
2. Acquire
For 2 - 6 Players, Ages 12+
Get your grubby paws off!
Acquire Play:
How To Play Acquire
Acquire is about building and developing hotel chains.
Game tiles have letters and numbers (e.g. 9A, 1B etc) on them. They correspond to specific spaces on the gameboard.
The tiles are turned face down before the game begins. Players draw a tile that shows where they will start. The tiles are placed on the corresponding space on the board.
The player drawing a tile closest to 1A begins the game. Each player draws 6 tiles which remain hidden from the other players.
At the start of the game players determine if their stock shares are Public or Private. This can influence the game’s length. If stock is private and players can’t remember how much stock other players have bought, the game can take much longer.
On each turn, players must do the following in order:
- Play a tile from their hand on the gameboard in its matching space.
- Buy any stocks from active corporations. But you can only buy a maximum of 3 stocks on your turn.
- Draw a new tile from the pile that is face down.
As players place tiles on the board here is what can take place:
- Forming corporations. When players found a new corporation they mark the corporation with a building marker.
- Growing existing corporations and expanding your territory.
- Merging corporations. If the tile is placed between 2 corporations, they merge. Players with stock in the smaller company must declare their shares. The one with the most money becomes the majority shareholder. The second highest number owns the minority stock in that smaller company. Their stocks are paid out accordingly.
- Having a safe corporation (11 tiles which cannot be absorbed by another chain).
- Buying, trading, holding or selling stock.
The game ends in one of 2 ways:
- A player on his turn, announces that all of a player’s corporations are safe.
- A player has 41 tiles on the board.
Announcing this info is optional. A player may realize that it profits him more to keep the info to himself and keep playing.
Once the game ends, players with majority and minority shares get bonuses for the stocks they have in active corporations. These bonuses are based on market shares indicated on information cards.
Stock that is not on the board has no value.
The person with the most money wins the game.
Acquire is a great game for the entrepreneurial mindset because:
- It teaches a lot about the business world. Players learn about forming corporations, merging corporations, having majority and minority shares in companies. People with an entrepreneurial mindset should be aware of these principles as they conduct business.
- Acquire builds critical thinking skills. You can’t just spend money because you have it. Players must decide if to buy stocks, if to hold them or trade them. People with an entrepreneurial mindset must also make critical decisions in their businesses - what to buy, where to open business, who to hire and when to hire.
- This game also encourages a driven mindset. You must have the drive to keep working towards building your hotel chains. In real life, entrepreneurs must have the drive needed to be self-motivated and go after their goals.
- This is yet another game that encourages action for success. There is lots to do like draw tiles, place tiles, buy stock and pay bonuses. The entrepreneurial mind must understand this principle - they can’t just talk or plan. They must also make steps.
- Acquire helps players be adaptable. You may be building a chain and are taken over by a bigger chain. The initial reaction may be to lose hope and give up. But the game teaches you to regroup and keep focused on a new plan toward success. In real life, business owners must develop this same mindset. There will be setbacks but you adapt to the changes and plan for a comeback.
1. The Entrepreneur Game
For 2 - 6 Players, Ages 12+
I wanna see those faces after the game ends.
The Entrepreneur Game Play:
How To Play The Entrepreneur Game
The name alone should tell you that this game is great for entrepreneurial mindsets.
Here’s why:
This game is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) based. The board has a layout that is similar to Life. There are many spaces that show events that entrepreneurs can experience. Some examples are Payday and Invest.
At the start, game cards are sorted according to color and name. They are placed on the board in the designated colored areas - Trump Cards (orange), Marketing Cards (green), Losses (red) and Wild Card (yellow).
Players decide before playing what type of business they want to start. They also name their business. You then determine if it’s a Home Based Business run from your house or a Brick & Mortar company at a location away from home.
The gameboard starts on two different paths - 1 and 2. If you have a Brick & Mortar business you travel on Path 1 to start. If you have a Home Based business you start on Path 2. Each type also has different start up dollar values and specific limitations on what you can do or own as the game progresses.
You take turns going around the board. Before your turn you make decisions before rolling the dice about your business - trying to get investors, putting money in your Marketing account or, establishing another business, for example.
As you build businesses you get loans, buy buildings, rent buildings, get paid.
When you land on a space with one of the four card decks, you pull the corresponding card and complete the action shown. If you reach the finish line first you still collect money and experience losses while others try to reach the end.
After all players reach the last square, the one with the most money and assets wins after all debts have been deducted. Millionaires are crowned the Mogul of Business.
Here are 5 reasons why entrepreneurial minded people should play this game:
- It builds effective communication skills and confidence. You have to negotiate with other players for deals and communicate clearly what you want and explain what they will get in return. For those with the entrepreneurial mindset, they must be able to communicate clearly and confidently with their employees, customers and partners.
- It also teaches the principles of Economics as people buy, sell, get loans and repay debts. This principle is needed for people with the entrepreneurial mindset as they operate their businesses.
- The game encourages creativity. From the get go players must decide what type of business they want and give it a name. For those with the entrepreneurial mind, they must also be creative - what type of business to open, what to name it, what products/services to offer and how to do it better than competitors.
- This game teaches good collaboration skills. You make investments with other players which opens the doors for establishing good business partnerships. People with the business mindset must also learn the value of making good investments and partnerships with other companies.
- This game is forward thinking. The world is already very tech driven with many industries relying on the STEM principles for business. This encourages the entrepreneurial mind to consider ways to blend STEM principles into their businesses as they take it into the future.
And here ends my business Board Games list. Play these games if you want to develop or sharpen that entrepreneurial mindset. You can even play them with other like minded people and see how you can bounce ideas and insights off of each other.
But before you go:
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