[Top 25] Best Greek Mythology Movies (That Are Fun To Watch)
The classic works of Greek Mythology have made it into the big screen several times, with filmmakers repeatedly attempting to adapt them into fun and engaging screenplays. Some have made it into the Pantheon of movies as genuine classics. Others have been watched countless times as genuine jokes. Find a little bit of everything on the list below.
25. Hercules in New York (1970)
Starting off our list with the worst of the worst, Hercules in New York was the first movie young Arnie ever starred in. Playing the titular role as a hero out of his time in a fish out of water narrative we follow Hercules as he tries to make sense of the big city after we are supposed to believe he lived in Ancient Greece. The problem is Arnold Schwarzenegger had no prior acting experience and that, combined with his heavy Austrian pronunciation, the results are hilarious. The narrative plays as a high school show and, while this one is as far from Greek Mythology as we can go, it’s a blast to watch. Grab some beers and go for it. It’s the best worst movie you have ever seen.
24. Little Hercules 3D
"Little Hercules 3D" trailer
Yeah, that’s not a fake movie, Little Hercules 3D stars Hulk Hogan as Zeus, King of the Gods. When it’s time for young Hercules, the alleged Prince of Olympus, to take his place as a God, he instead decides to travel to Earth and live as an average human child (with superpowers and hair straight out of a spoof shampoo commercial), after dropping into a backyard pool. The movie has everything. from horrible special effects to dubbed lines for the protagonist and fight scenes to make you crave for the sweet release of Death. The only thing that puts this one above Arnie’s is Zeus communicating with his son using a toilet, like a wayward Harry Potter scene.
23. Xanadu
Moving from fun trashy adaptations to fun trashy adaptations with a strong cult following, Xanadu follows Olivia Newton-John as an Ancient Greek Muse (a minor goddess of the arts) falling in love with a human. The movie was a lovable disaster with critics and the box office alike but, on the upside, there is no other movie on this list that can combine Ancient Greece with roller skate-wearing actors dancing to what amounts to a rave party.
22. Immortals (2011)
Immortals - Official Trailer
We have left campy fun behind and we are carefully treading through mediocrity with this one. Immortals star Henry Cavill long before he became Superman, and long before he retired as Superman, as a body-building demigod named Theseus (yeah, the same Theseus) as he tries to stop Mickey Rourke from releasing the Titans using the Bow of Epirus. The movie has some good moments, however, it proves that topless dudes in lazy greek outfits don’t always equal box-office success.
Fun fact: Epirus is an actual region in Greece.
Fun fact number 2: The Bow of Epirus is completely made-up for the movie.
Fun fact number 3: Epirus continuously produces great feta cheese and rarely produces actual bows that can free Titans.
You are welcome.
21. Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans - Official Trailer [HD]
Before Cavill’s Theseus, Sam Worthington’s Perseus hit the big screens in the remake of the 1981 movie of the same name. This movie had an identity problem, as the younger audience didn’t know this was an actual remake, while the ones who did were served the same movie with mediocre CGI. The 2010 version is, indeed, a bland, grey movie, with a protagonist who seems to be constantly dragged around to the next set-piece. At least Liam Neeson as Zeus gave us the “Release the Kraken” line, so at least the movie managed to give us one of humanity’s earlier viral memes. And no, no Kraken or magicians is riding giant scorpions in Greek Mythology.
20. Wrath of the Titans
Wrath of the Titans Official Trailer #1 - Sam Worthington Movie (2012) HD
This sequel to Clash of the Titans came a year after Immortals, probably confusing moviegoers who barely knew how to pick the two movies apart. No matter. This one has Zeus abducted by his evil colleagues/relatives, Zeus and Ares, with Perseus running around to rescue him. Not much to say with this one, at least Titans are being released in this one. Price of admission, check.
19. Clash of the Titans (1981)
Clash of the Titans (1981) Official Trailer - Laurence Olivier, Harry Hamlin Movie HD
The original Clash of the Titans is no masterpiece by any means. It includes Perseus, a mechanical owl, which even cameoed in the remake, and has its own set of problems, including a schlocky plot, flimsy effects, and questionable monsters and characters. The film, as mentioned before, however, had some of the most terrifying stop-motion and practical effects put on film in 1981 and this certainly counts for something. The 2010 remake put all its cards on Medusa, with satisfying results, and that was all because of the terrifying original Medusa. The movie won’t exactly provide academic knowledge of the Greek myths or Perseus’s story but it will make for a fun movie night with the family.
18. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief HD Movie Trailer
When Rick Riordan made the Percy Jackson series he wanted to introduce a new generation of children and teenagers to Greek Mythology by combining a modern setting with the myths, monsters, and characters present in Ancient myths. The adaptation of that took note of all these points and then chucked them out of the window like Hera chucked out Hephaestus when she saw how ugly he was, making a generic, although somewhat fun, movie in the holy year of 2010 when the greek mythology was being milked dry by Hollywood. Logan Lerman does an okay job as Percy Jackson and Sean Bean is always as fun as Zeus, who spends the whole movie looking for his bolt of lightning and a reason to slap Percy to Hades.
17. Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters (2013)
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Official Trailer #2 (2013) - Logan Lerman Movie HD
The sequel to the first Percy Jackson vowed to change some things in response to fans’ complaints and a sense, despite the main cast staying more or less the same, the movie feels more like a minor reboot than an actual sequel. Percy is supposed to be 13 in the book the movie is based on, instead, Logan Lerman,21 years old when the movie was released, plays a 21-year-old who often thinks, acts, and reacts as his 13-old self would do. The movie also has a big pacing problem, managing to cram the ending of the last book of the series, which would normally be 3 movies into the future, in the last act, probably knowing that there wouldn’t be another one. You can watch the two movies in inverted order and it probably wouldn’t change a thing.
16. Hercules (2014)
Hercules Official Trailer #2 (2014) - Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane Movie HD
Yes, we have another Hercules on the list, this time played by former WWE superstar, Dwayne “Τhe Rock” Johnson. This time Hercules busies himself with completing his Labours, and while that’s promising by itself, he soon witnesses his family die and turns his back on the Gods. Another different take on the Hercules formula that Hollywood, despite the literal volumes of stories that could be adapted, chooses to follow. The movie is a simple meh, both in its story and its execution but Dwayne Johnson is made to look like the Greek demigod and the action is super fun to watch.
15. Jason And The Argonauts (1963)
Jason & The Argonauts (1963) Trailer (1080p)
One of the most accurate movies on this list by far, Jason and the Argonauts depicts Jason and his crew as they attempt to retrieve the Golden Fleece. The movie is visually impressive for 1963, some of the effects hold up relatively well, with the wonky stop-motion effects strangely giving the film a warmer, more genuine feel to it. The movie has a heart and the people who worked on it had a clear and set out to achieve it.
Sadly the movie was supposed to work as an epic two-part series which never came to be, leaving the story unfinished.
14. Iphigenia (1977)
1977 Iphigenia Official Trailer 1 Greek Film Center
One of the highest-rated movies on this list, Iphigenia depicts the ancient Greek tragedy of Iphigenia in Aulis, written by the tragic poet Euripides and it depicts the events leading to the sacrifice of the titular character, Iphigenia, the daughter of King Agamemnon, to the Gods so the ships can sail to Troy and begin the 10-year siege. The movie is a combination of a classic ancient Greek tragedy and mythological events, it was directed by Michael Cacoyannis, and features Greek actors and actresses. If you are interested in classic tragedy, a whole subgenre of poetry in ancient Greece be sure to check this one out.
13. Medea (1969)
Medea (1969) Original Trailer [FHD]
Medea depicts the classic story of Jason and his quest for the golden fleece in a darker, tragic tone, perfectly fit for the story it was based on. The story serves as a retelling of the myth and a continuation of Jason’s story after retrieving the fleece, with the help of Medea, the land’s most powerful sorceress, who falls in love with him and decides to assist him in his quest. Medea is one of the darkest and most tragic characters in Greek mythology and the movie rarely shies away from that.
12. The 300 Spartans (1962)
The 300 Spartans (1962) Trailer
Not to be confused with Frank Miller’s novel and Zach Snyder’s movie adaptation of that, The 300 Spartans sacrifice CGI elephants, CGI blood, and CGI abs for historical accuracy. Truly, you won’t find spectacle in the scale of 300, the movie however boasts incredible attention to detail, with dialogues and outfits straight from the historical archives. Plus, the movie was so inspiring and epic in execution, that it inspired Miller to write his graphic novel. You are welcome. Or not.
11. 300 (2006)
300 - Official Trailer [HD]
We just had to follow up with that. Widely considered to be Zach Snyder’s best work before he took over as the questionable director-in-charge of the DCEU (remember that one?) 3oo follows the events of the battle of Thermopylae in a fast and loose way, with Gerard Butler leading the Spartans to battle in his tight speedo. The movie sacrifices a lot of what made the story remotely accurate or plausible in any way for spectacle, slow-motion, and Leonidas epically screaming throughout the whole movie while stabbing Persians. Grab your popcorn and beers, you are not learning history today but this is one of the most fun projects related to Greek Mythology on the big screen.
10. 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
300: Rise of an Empire - Official Trailer 1 [HD]
The sequel to 300 was released 8 years after the original 300 and depicts the follow-up to the battle of Thermopylae and the betrayal of Leonidas by Ephialtes. The protagonist of the film, Themistocles of Athens, goes up against the Persian king Xerxes, who served as the main antagonist of the first film, and who, in this movie, is depicted as an actual giant bald, hairless demigod. Yes, we are not kidding. Unfortunately, while Sullivan Stapleton tries to make Themistocles his own, by trying to depict him as the wise and cunning General of Athens, he ends up looking much more reserved and low-key compared to Butler’s King Leonidas. The highlight of the movie is Eva Green, depicting the cunning Artemisia with all the sex appeal and wild energy Green brings to her roles, and she is having fun in the role.
9. Wonder Woman (2016)
WONDER WOMAN - Official Trailer [HD]
Gal Gadot portrays Diana of Themyscira, an island of warrior women named Amazons, as she tries to stop the first World War and Ares, the God of War from corrupting the minds and souls of men. Yes, most of you know Wonder Woman as one of the most prevalent DC superheroes, however, she is closely based on the birth of the Goddess Athena, as a wise, powerful immortal being created to keep humanity safe and lead it away from darkness. Gal Gadot embraces the role of Diana. playing off well against Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor, a U.S. soldier marooned on Themyscira by accident.
8. Alexander (2004)
Alexander (2004) Official Trailer - Colin Farell, Angelina Jolie Epic Movie HD
The story of Alexander the Great was brought to the big screen in 2004, attempting to give a mythical element to the historical events leading to Alexander’s rise to power and death at 32 years old. The story doesn’t include mythological elements, such as monsters and gods, it however gives a surreal vibe to the story and character of Alexander. Which, funny enough, fits perfectly with the countless myths and exaggerated stories surrounding him. The movie is not good but it includes some surprisingly accurate points and Angelina Jolie is always fun to watch as Olympiada, Alexander’s overprotective and cunning (and probably sorceress) mother.
7. Minotaur (2006)
Minotaur - Trailer HD #English (2006)
Tom Hardy plays Theseus, trying to find his way and survive against the titular Minotaur, a being created from Queen Pasiphae and the Cretan Bull Zeus had gifted to King Minos and made to roam a labyrinth to devour 4 girls and 4 boys every year. The minotaur himself is a mix of bull and human, an unholy creation of blasphemy, depicting mental sickness and rejection in a more mythological manner. The movie is not great by any means but Tom Hardy is always great to see and the horror elements give this movie valuable entertainment points.
6. Ulysses
Ulysses 1954 Trailer with Kirk Douglas
Taking some weird freedoms with the source material, Ulysses, the roman name for Odysseus, follows Kirk Douglas who gives a gritty, powerful performance as the cunning hero of Troy as he tries to get back to his home island, rescue his family from a bunch of ill-mannered suitors and restore his place as King. The aforementioned freedoms include the change of some of the original Greek names to their Roman counterparts, with Ulysses being hunted by Neptune. Nevertheless, the film is super fun to watch and is unexpectedly dry and brutal in all the right ways.
5. Troy (2004)
Troy (2004) Official Trailer - Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom Movie HD
Brad Pitt helms the epic story of the Trojan War as Achilleus, a near-unkillable demigod and the hero of the Illiad, the saga in which the movie was (loosely) based. The story streamlines the narrative, characters, and the timeframe of the war to fit it in a blockbuster movie and yet somehow manages to grasp the twists, struggles, and epic scale of such a clash, for the most part. Pitt makes Achilleus his and easily steals the show with his sheer rage and brutality. Troy is a flawed but enjoyable spectacle, just don’t expect historical accuracy to top it off.
4. Hercules (1997)
1997 Hercules Official Trailer 1 Walt Disney Pictures
Disney’s animated loose adaptation of Hercules’ origin story is a vibrant, happy story, leaving aside the Labours and the struggles Hercules went through to follow the hero in his fight against the charismatic and extremely flammable Hades. Hercules wasn’t exactly the commercial success Disney had hoped for and it’s as accurate as Arnie’s adaptation is but the visuals, songs, musical numbers, and Hades are always fun to watch.
3. Electra (1962)
Ηλέκτρα (Electra, 1962) - Trailer | AOAFF 2018
A sequel to Iphigenia, Electra follows the titular character after the fall of Troy and the murder of her father, King Agamemnon, by his wife and his brother as she seeks revenge. Michael Cacoyannis directed this one again and Irene Papas as Electra is both stunning and terrifying, as she portrays the sheer rage of a daughter betrayed by her mother. Mikis Theodorakis, one of the greatest composers of all time, composed music for the film, and the result was electrifying (no pun intended). The film went on to win the Best Film Award at the 1962 Cannes Film Festival as well as an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Film in 1963.
2. Hercules (1958)
Hercules trailer (1958)
We had to re-check and count the times Hercules has appeared in this list. Yes, it’s too many but this one probably takes the cake. The film barely follows the adventures of Hercules (classic, we know) and instead serves as the world’s oldest crossover/re-imagining with Jason and the Argonauts’ quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece. It’s super weird but it’s a strong (pun intended) film with imposing visuals, costumes, and sets, and Steve Reeves as the humongous Hercules helps sell it all.
1. Helena (1924)
Helena - Helen of Troy (1924) deutscher film
Fittingly, on the top of our list, we have the oldest one of them all, a German silent drama depicting the story of Helen of Troy, a mythical figure and the world’s most beautiful woman, who supposedly was the reason the Trojan War took place. While other films tried to portray Helen in a very black and white way, by either depicting her as the proprietor of one of the bloodiest wars of history or forgetting her completely, this film makes her story the focus. The movie is 204 minutes long (that’s 3 hours and 24 minutes, yeah) and it is completely silent so it’s a hard watch to sell. However, if you are interested to see one of the most ambitious projects in the history of cinema and can find the film somewhere give it a watch.
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