How Many of These Pirate Games Have You Played?
Let’s admit it, day to day life on dry land can be a drag, and even when you’re knee deep in adventure games you might still long for the open sea. And really, piracy is hard and dangerous, not to mention illegal, so why not give these games a shot in order to experience that fleeting vicarious thrill of conquest and adventure on the high seas?
If you enjoy these games, or have suggestions for other ways to experience the endless thrill of nautical combat and swashbuckling, we’d love to hear from you.
** The Order of the following 27 games does not have any significance**
27) Maelstrom
Maelstrom gameplay
Developer: Gunpowder Games
Genre: Action/Strategy
Theme: Multiplayer Pirate Battle Royale with Sea Monsters
Maelstrom is not a game for the ordinary pirate. This game transports players into dangerous seas with bloodthirsty buccaneers, pirate warships and deadly sea monsters. In this fantasy world, players choose from 3 factions: Phoenix Empire Humans, Orc Pirate Lords, or Steamborn Dwarves and then engage other pirates in thunderous naval combat. Each faction has 3 unique battleships for waging war on the seas.
Gold is looted by destroying enemy ships and is used to upgrade your firepower, sailing speed, crew and armor. Players can also recruit various "Captains" who will give buffs to the ship, like increasing its crew size or giving it more firepower. The game is multiplayer with a 15 person battle royale style gameplay and pits players in a fight to the death in the Abyssal Ocean.

Each Maelstrom battle will fit up to 15 pirate ships. That means you're up against 14 other warships and a giant sea monster waiting to destroy you. Use cannons, battle rams and maneuver your ship to crush your enemies.

Either run, take that monster down, or get eaten alive!
26) Sea of Thieves
Sea of Thieves gameplay
Developer: Rare
Genre: Action/Adventure
Theme: Open World Multiplayer First Person Pirate Adventure
Sea of Thieves bring players into a world where pirates own the seas, and only the most cunning survive. The game puts you in a first-person mode, where you can man your own ship with 3 other crew members (real players), swim underwater looking for sunken treasure, or set foot on islands in search for hidden treasure.
But beware, for the seas are stormy and enemy pirates prey on you. The game has both a realistic and fantasy feel to it as it makes players steer their ship, reload cannons, aim and shoot, or even launch themself from a cannon onto an enemy ship to engage enemy crew in sword fighting and flintlock pistol combat.
The game launched on 20 March 2018 and saw 1 million players (or pirates), rushing in to get their taste of pirate adventure in the first 48 hours the game was released. Sea of Thieves would continue to grow to 2 million active players by 29 March 2018 and become the most popular pirate game of 2018.

Work together with up to 3 other players to sail your ship, find treasure, do battle, and fulfill your destiny as "Pirate Legend".

Arrr...! Launch yourself onto enemy ships and engage them in close combat with your cutlass, musket or trusty flintlock pistol.

Set foot on islands in search for buried treasure and dig them up. But beware, monsters may lurk around and they wont be happy about you stealing their treasure!
25) Blackwake (2016)
Blackwake’s unique pvp set up, will have you jumping into the fray again and again, if only for the chance to kill other pirates.
Developer: Blackwake / Kickstarter Funded
Genre: FPS
Theme: Team Naval Battles as Pirates
The upcoming Kickstarter funded multiplayer FPS battle game Blackwake, brings piracy to a new level. Being a Captain to NPC’s on your deadly ship just isn’t a very immersive experience. In Blackwake you are grouped with other team members (real players) and placed on your ship moments before battle. You will either be the Captain or a part of the crew. The Captain calls out objectives, steers the ship, and even gets to name and flag your vessel before the match begins. As the crew, you can vote to overthrow your noob Captain, help steer, board other ships, put out fires, and complete other bonus objectives to help your team win.
The enemy ship won’t stand still, so while you reload your cannons try to gauge where the ship is moving next. Every shot gains points for your team, leading to the glorious victory!
There will be multiple types of ships, some with a capacity of 40 people! Your teammates will have to choose between different roles and weapons in order to prepare for the upcoming onslaught. As you fight to protect your ship, you will also be ranking yourself against all pirates. With every mission you will gain a rank, and possible pirate booty. Show off rewards (like hats and clothes) to intimidate the enemy players and express your treacherous history as a daring pirate.
Blackwake will throw you into different environments, and you will need to adapt. It could be a chaotic hurricane, or a silent spot by a sandbar. Either way you need to be prepared.
Blackwake has a lot of potential in the pvp scene, as well as in our pirate themed genre. Even though the game originated on Kickstarter, this will not stay a small game. Join in and be the first to destroy ships, kill pirates, and claim your spot as Captain.
24) Blood and Gold Caribbean (2015)
Blood and Gold Caribbean offers an interesting trade empire and explosive battles for your fleet to enjoy.
Developer: Snowbird Game Studios
Genre: RPG
Theme: Adventuring Pirates
Blood and Gold Caribbean is an adventure action rpg in time of Caribbean piracy. If the game looks familiar at all, it’s because it’s based off of the popular action rpg game Mount & Blade. Blood and Gold Caribbean offer a lot of freedom to their players by using an open world system. You will explore the vast Caribbean while you trade goods, capture ships, complete missions, and sell slaves.
Be the Captain of trading vessels, or ships meant to withstand the havoc and destruction of naval battle. The other ship and crew are there for the taking.
The economy in Blood and Gold Caribbean is the main source of “end game content”. As you explore the Caribbean and complete tasks, you will gain different types of reputation until you join a faction. This faction gives you access to things like being a part of a trading empire, governing a city, and fighting your faction's enemies. If you want some time away from up close and personal land combat, steer your ship into a heated naval battle. Just remember, everything is up for grabs when you’re a pirate.
Build and govern property in Blood and Gold Caribbean. Everything you build will drive the diverse economic system and trading empire.
23) Uncharted Waters Online: Episode Atlantis (2016 Expansion)
Shape history in this pirate based MMORPG, because the world is there for your taking.
Theme: Historical Exploration
Uncharted Waters Online came out with its newest expansion “Episode Atlantis”, and with it more content. Explore the diverse landscapes while you search for hidden artifacts, and meet interesting characters. If exploring isn’t your forte, there are 75 professions to try and master as well as plenty of player vs player battling. It’s not just your typical pvp battles, but massive naval battles with the reward of conquering new cities if victory is achieved. The ships you buy or build allow you to customize them how you please, but they are more than that.
Every ship counts as you enter the massive 100 v100 naval battles. You could lose it all, or gain power of one of the most profitable cities in the world.
The historical significance in this MMORPG does more than just add an interesting feature to the game. The base of the game is based on real world history (countries, ship names, general exploration). However, the players ultimately start shaping history themselves as the game begins. You can build the future of the 15th century by choosing to be a merchant, soldier, or adventurer as you conquer your preferred aspect of the game. Maybe you want to retire from the pirate life for a little while, and you can with the ability to purchase a home or build a profitable farm. This is your chance to change history…for better or worse.
Search for hidden artifacts through the peaceful, lush landscapes. You never know what you may find in all the countries waiting for your eager eyes.
22) Man O’ War: Corsair (2016)
Sharks and enemies lunge for your hard earned ship, wishing to tear it and you apart piece by piece.
Developer: Evil Twin Artworks
Theme: Monsters and Pirates
Man O’ War: Corsair is a tabletop based game in the world of Warhammer Fantasy. You are a pirate Captain traveling between 50 different ports on a vast explorable sea. While you guide your daring fleet from port to port you will encounter great struggles. Enemy ships will attempt to drive you into Davy Jones Locker, and legendary (and monstrous) sea creatures will try to swallow your crew whole. Beware of the behemoth shark!
You may be able to counter attack fellow pirate ships, but your crew will have to work together to defeat the mighty beasts that lurk beneath the water’s surface.
While you are a pirate Captain unlocking the great mysteries of the deep ocean, there’s also a bit of fantasy involved. You can hire different races (like elves, and dwarves) to crew your ship, or find assistance in wizards and snipers for your battles. A heroic journey waits for you across the sea, in Man O’ War: Corsair. All you need is a ship to get you started.
A ship and a crew will start your long voyage into fame, as the most successful and intimidating pirate that ever did live.
21) Braveland Pirate (2015)
Treasure is the most important thing to a pirate, and so now it is the most important thing to you too.
Developer: Tortuga Team
Genre: Casual RPG
Theme: Treasure Hunting Pirates
Braveland Pirate is a treasure based RPG where you play a Captain of a helpful crew. You’ll have to track down notorious enemies and defeat them before they take you out. While you travel around on your own ship you will also be searching for top notch treasure. Every treasure chest you come across has a chance for rare artifacts and gold. In order to keep up with all the interesting adventures, you will be able to improve yourself in a Captain Talent Tree. This talent tree has the power to change your entire gameplay and lead you to rewarding success.
Stand beside your crew as you face a group of enemies drooling at the thought of your flesh in their claws. Plan your battles carefully!
Be careful as you voyage across the sea, because creatures hide in wait for your arrival. With enemies on land and sea wanting to kill you, you’ll have to play it smart. Above all, Braveland Pirate is a game to casually play when seeking an adventure.
The islands you sail to will hold unique landscapes and hidden treasures. You’ll have to search every corner of the island, or risk losing some of the rarest treasures available.
20) Salt (2014)
Explore seas and islands for challenging fights, rare rewards, and surprising encounters.
Developer: Lavaboots Studios
Genre: RPG
Theme: Oceanic Adventure
The game Salt may not have amazing graphics, but it does have a lot of challenges. You may not be a pirate in this RPG, but you can happen across pirate villages, fight them, and find their treasure. In order to succeed on your adventures you need to have weapons, armor, boats and other essential items. Every island you visit will have abundant resources for you to gather, hunt, or fish for. All of your essential items must be crafted which makes collecting these resources very important. Salt has all the key features that RPG’s need, from merchants with goodies, intense fighting, and an open world full of lands to explore.
As you explore the game Salt, each island will bring new adventures and sights for your character. Take a moment to watch the sunrise, sword in hand, before jumping back on your ship and welcoming the next adventure.
Take a break from your travels to empty your full bags and make a quick coin! Merchants hide throughout the world with unique items for sale!
19) Port Royale 3 (2012)
Your voyage begins in the prosperous New World of the 17th century.
Developer: Gaming Minds
Genre: Action/Strategy/Simulation
Theme: Adventure & Trade
You are a young man of Spanish descent when you wash up at Port Royale in the Caribbean. You are lost until you meet the love of your life, the daughter of the Viceroy, Elena. In order to show your love you must either impress her through trade or war.
If you choose to be a trader, your goal is to create a large city from nothing. Make trade agreements with other towns, set up businesses around the world, and buy as many permits as possible. Your small community must turn into a successful, and busy, outpost for trade and all things economical. Now, if you choose to impress fair Elena through battle you shall become a deadly adventurer. Sadly, Elena has been taken hostage by pirates. These pirates were paid a rich sum from a wealthy Frenchman with intent to marry Elena. You must now start a war against the French to free her and begin your happily ever after. You will have to pirate other ships after tactical naval battles, invade and raid towns for supplies and goods, and possible become a recognized bounty hunter.
Slowly build an economic powerhouse of a city in Port Royale 3. Trade routes will need managed, and don’t forget to always keep an eye on the ever changing market.
Some of us are overachievers and want to be a glorified adventurer and trader. Well Port Royale 3 offers a free play mode that allows you to mix the two aspects of the game in any way you choose. If you start and find out it’s too much to do by yourself, you can always play with up to 4 friends in multiplayer mode! Whether you play solo, or with others, Port Royale 3 has enough adventures to keep you distracted on a rainy weekend.
In the distance you see the ship you’ve been chasing... no hunting. You want the crew, the treasures, and above all the destruction of their ship. Hold on to your cannons because a ferocious battle awaits you in Port Royale 3.
18) Dead Man’s Draw (2014)
A card game of risk and reward, meant for those who can take a chance.
Developer: Stardock Entertainment
Genre: Casual Strategy
Theme: Pirate Themed Card Game
Dead Man’s Draw is a popular card game, which released an online version currently available on Steam. Like most card games this one is all about strategy. If you risk it all you could win great treasures or lose everything. The graphics are pleasing to the eye but not demanding on your PC (which is a major plus). But let’s explore the gameplay a little.
Who will you be when you win it all in a match of extreme strategy and risk? Will you be beautiful, scary, intimidating, or someone funny?
Each player pulls cards one a time in hopes of gaining the upper hand by the point values assigned to each card. However, it isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Cards also have special effects that if aligned properly can result in major plays. If you can set up enough cards you could start a Killer Combo, turning the game into your favor instantly. Once you’ve practiced enough against other players, you can enter tournaments. These tournaments have different sets of rules that keep the players on their toes when deciding on game winning strategies. All of this is themed around the Pirates glorious treasure seeking life.
You’ll have to place your cards based on value and special effects at the right time or risk losing everything you’ve gained. Are you a risk taker?
17) Swords & Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story (2015)
Explore the grand adventure on sea and land in this turn-based RPG, Swords & Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story.
Developer: Epic Devs LLC
Genre: RPG
Theme: Humorous Pirate Adventure
Swords and Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story starts you as a pirate whose friends have been kidnapped by the most famed, and treacherous, pirate Duke A. Blizzardo. You must now quest through the starting island to free your past pirate crew to help you again on your new adventure. Bosses will stand in your way, weapon in hand and ready to turn you into pulp! Good thing each of your crew members have helpful unique abilities that can basically level up as you fight devious creatures like alligators, sea monsters, killer parrots, and more. The action is turn-based and once you adjust to it you’ll notice how fun it can be.
Look out for your enemies and decide how to strategically place your crew in order to ensure a successful battle.
Another aspect of the game is what we know as simulation. You have your own island that you build up into a tourist attraction (though you don’t have to!). Your crew will need a house to stay at, and shops to help work in. Funding you and your brethren is an expensive business, so you need to make money. Hire NPC’s to collect resources and build up your town to a new state of glory. However, you can’t solely work on your trading empire because in order to be successful you’ll have to explore.
The start of your town begins with your house and then ends with an extremely profitable tourist spot, allowing you to continue exploring the islands known as Antipodal Archipelago.
Exploring in Swords & Crossbones is a major part of the gameplay. You unlock vision on maps as you complete quests, as well as plots on your island to build on. While you can quest and kill bosses as you explore on land, exploring on the three sea’s is harder. If you don’t have enough food and supplies on your ship you are forced to return to land. As your crew grows larger, you will need to build a better and bigger ship. So many rewarding opportunities await you, but most of all, the defeat of Duke A. Blizzardo.
16) Pirates of the Burning Sea (2008)
Will you be an established trader or an intimidating pirate? In both cases, power and control are inevitable.
Developer: Flying Lab Software
Theme: Optional Pirate Play
You must choose a nationality and a career as soon as you start playing Pirates of the Burning Sea. Your options aren’t extremely diverse, but it does have a nice simplicity to it. You can either be British, Spanish, French, or Pirate. The three possible careers for the known nations are Naval Officer, Freetrader, and Privateer. Now if you choose to be a non-landlubber, the careers you can choose from are Buccaneer or Cutthroat. Each career offers a unique variances and ways to perform in the game. From trading, to pvp, to conquering fallen ships are just some of the ways to entertain yourself in Pirates of the Burning Sea.
One of the more interesting aspects of this mmorpg is their Swashbuckling system. Basically, it’s a hands one character battle with different ways to try and win. You can fight dirty (pistol and cutlass), use the Florentine method (using dagger like weapons), brawl (hands only), or Fence (typical sword fight). When you win these swashbuckling battles you rank up and earn skill points. These skill points progress your character past others, as well as aid you with difficult encounters and battles. Either way, you can enjoy the pvp, pve, and market strategy in this pirate themed mmorpg whenever you want to. It’s time to decide where you fit in, in the world of Pirates of the Burning Sea.
You are under heavy fire, and must return heavy blows or fear being abandoned to the vast sea. There’s no time for hesitation in the life of a Pirate.
Prepare to battle for your honor, riches, and above all your life. Prove who the real scallywag is in some epic hands on battles.
15) Sea of Thieves (2017)
Wait with us for this fantastic open world journey in the life of a true pirate.
Developer: Rare
Genre: Adventure Game / MMO
Theme: Open World Adventure as Pirates
The best thing about being a pirate is getting super drunk and singing tunes on your grand ship. We’ve all wanted a flagon of rum in one hand, a steering wheel in the other, and treasure on the horizon. Well in Sea of Thieves you are going to get all that and much more. Sea of Thieves is an open world multiplayer adventure that should cater to all types of players.
Man the sails, and steer forward…because we’ve got treasure to find…and steal.
You are a pirate with free reign to move as you please when playing Sea of Thieves. If you want to play a social game, you can drink merrily with your comrades and sing songs of bravery and glorious riches. If you want to place yourself in the hall of fame then go out with your 4 other crewmen (actual players) and hunt down other 5 manned ships. If blasting cannons isn’t enough to take down the enemy ship, ram your own vessel into theirs. All of this is so you can steal their loot and make it your own. If you just aren’t ready to steal treasure, don’t worry. There are ancient treasure maps ready to be found leading to great riches. While you explore you can always complete quests for special items and gold.
The only way to find out what lies inside this hidden cave is to move forward and take a chance. There could be great treasures, or a deadly trap. It’s your choice.
We have big hopes for this first person open adventure pirate world. We’ll be sitting, rum in hand, waiting for the anticipated release of Sea of Thieves next year.
14) Pirate101 (2012)
A great experience for kids and adults alike.
Developer: KingsIsle Entertainment
Theme: Pirates for all ages
KingIsle Entertainment is notoriously known for creating great games for younger children. Their game Pirate101 fits into out Pirate Online Game theme. It opens them up to a world of swashbuckling pirates, shiny treasure, and epic battles. Pirate101 is like most other pirate based games on the market. You become a captain and create your own ship. In order to sail the ship you will need to recruit and train a crew. And, of course, your main goal is conquer and hoard as much treasure as possible. Defeat your enemies by creating fleets/alliances with friends and family. Oh, and one last thing. Since water can be a bit boring after a while…the ships in Pirate101 fly. Yes, you read correctly. They fly.
Steer a ship right through the clouds for some epic sky battles and exploration.
Be careful when searching for treasure, because traps are set to punish those who try to steal. But what can you do, it’s a pirates way of living.
13) Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships (2009)
I think it’s time you took a vacation to the beautiful Caribbean beaches.
Developer: Akella, Sweaward.RU Team
Genre: RPG
Theme: Exploring Pirates
In Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships you start off with an option to join a navy (Englands, France, Netherlands, or Spain) and a choice of 1 out of 3 classes. The classes are: merchant, corsair, and adventurer. Your story and abilities are dependent on what class you choose. You will have to buy or capture ships in order to sail in real-time, and complete a straight forward quest line to really unlock all the content in this rpg.
Take voyage on a grand ship in real-time as you become the best pirate in all of history.
Age of Pirates 2 has a system of attributes (7 to be exact) that spell out the word Pirate. This way it’s easy to remember, and fits with our theme. So you must improve your power, insight, reaction, authority, talent, endurance, and success in order to become the best pirate possible. To me those all sound like they make a perfect combination. So if you want to explore the beautiful Caribbean, plunder enemy ships out at sea, and gear up your fierce pirate then pick up Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships.
Be careful not to be a part of the interesting places you will explore. One false step and maybe your ship is added to this graveyard.
12) East India Company (2009)
Be a part of history when you play the real time strategy game, East India Company.
Developer: Nitro Games
Genre: Real Time Strategy / RPG
Theme: Conquer/ Trading Empire
The PC game East India Company is based off of our world history when exploring and conquering different lands was the go to means of profit. Since the game follows a real time strategy, your fleet or land base are in danger at all times. There are 11 different ships in the East India Company’s disposal with the means to help you become successful as a mogul of the trading industry, or a fearsome pirate laying waste to the seas. Some sense of strategy is needed if you truly want to be successful in this wartime themed game. For example, you can decide to be a free agent or join one of the eight nations hiring in this single or multiplayer game. Being a free agent may open up a lot of opportunities that wouldn’t have been available. However, joining a nation’s faction will also have tis rewards and perks, like special missions.
There’s a diverse and open market for you to take control of in the East India Company RPG.
If you are looking for a game to kill some spare time, the East India Company pc game is a good option. It’s a new world ready for the taking, and there’s a spot for you.
Steer grand ships in the name of your country, and in the name of the crown. You can help decide the role your nation plays in the conquering of India.
11) Risen 2: Dark Waters (2010)
You got your supernatural all up in my pirate business and I’m surprisingly okay with it.
Developer: Piranha Bytes
Genre: RPG
Theme: Monsters and Pirates
Set in a fantasy filled region resembling the Caribbean, Risen 2 follows the story of a hero who is a member of the Inquisition, a group pressed into action by the warring of two ancient gods. If one god falls, the other will surely turn their attention to you (not a good idea). All of this takes place in a grim and gritty world, suffering from a rampant lack of heroes and decency. Trading in the theme of high fantasy from the first game, Risen 2 throws you headlong into a world full of cutlass, muskets, and fancy coats instead of armor.
Not pictured: Hero’s brass balls. That thing has armor bigger than his body.
Piranha Bytes’ resume includes the Gothic series, which were notable for their massive open worlds and a complete and utter lack of hand-holding in progression. The same feature is here, you enter a world where exploration is actively rewarded. Venturing into deep caves in order to grab treasure and fight exciting monsters will leave you with the sense that you’d better not leave any stone unturned, and it’s a bit tighter than the Gothic games where it was perfectly normal to just wander off into the woods and become completely isolated and lost.
Combat your enemies with sword and pistol, engage at a distance with simple muskets, or destroy them with dark voodoo magic. The combat system gains depth as your hero gains in power, and you’ll never be short of something to do in this expansive game.
10) Assassin’s Creed IV: The Black Flag (2013)
So much yes, so little time.
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Genre: Action
Theme: Assassins and Piracy
In Assassin’s Creed IV: The Black Flag, you take are Edward Kenway, an Assassin trained pirate captain about to embark on a marvelous adventure. Unlike previous installments in the series you will need to improve your ship as well as your weapons as you progress in the game, forging onwards through his memories. As always the relationship between the Templars and Assassins will make things ever so complicated.
I cannot describe the amount of things just right in this picture.
Guide Kenway and his ship the Jackdaw through the early 1700’s in the Caribbean while encountering historical figures like Blackbeard and Calico Jack. Engage in combat and intrigue and continue on your fated path, with flashes to the present as well. If there was just one thing that the Assassin’s Creed series could have used to make it more engaging… well, I’d say pirates is probably that thing.
An open world, a beautiful representation of the Caribbean and acrobatic combat all point to this being a fascinating and engaging dive into the deep end of action piracy. Also, there’s literal diving, and sharks, I feel I should mention that.
9) Windward (2015)
Top down action adventure in a randomly generated realm.
Developer: Tasharen Entertainment, Inc.
Genre: Co-op Action Adventure RPG
Theme: Procedurally Generated Piracy
Step into a new level of looting and pillaging alongside your friends, in Windward the world is procedurally generated which means that no two worlds will be alike. You can design your own custom faction before you proceed to enter the world and engage in your nautical misadventures.
Also, zeppelins, it should be noted there zeppelins.
What this means is that you can engage a random world with your friends. The game features lush graphics and destructible terrain. Assault towns and loot enemy ships, the game will get more and more difficult as you expand from your starting point.
Apart from the random world creation, what makes this game truly unique is the enemy AI. They aren’t all seeing and all knowing, instead they will be forced to abide by the same rules as you and your friends, with limited sight ranges and having to explore on their own. You can build up a reputation and watch your enemies flee before you, or team up with those who consider you friends and utilize them to help further your own ends. Endless adventure awaits, and truly with a random world and unique systems, it will be a long time before the replay value runs out on this adventure.
8) Puzzle Pirates (2011)
Yeah, it’s sort of like that.
Developer: Three Rings
Genre: MMO Puzzle Adventure
Theme: Puzzling Piracy
Not all pirate games need to consist of running through scallywags and tearing through their ships with cannons. Puzzle Pirates is a rather unique game even apart from its theme of piracy, seeing as it is an MMO that primarily consists of puzzle mini-games. Everything from naval combat to blacksmithing consists of different puzzle games.
Players exist in a persistent world with their avatar, waiting to make friends or enemies as they take to the high seas. There are many different classes of ships and even different housing available as you progress in the game.
If you want a truly unique MMO experience, one need look no further than Puzzle Pirates. The way is clear, and the game is free to play so there’s no need to wait for another cargo ship arrive before you begin your adventure.
7) Tempest (2015)
Daring assaults and a beautiful ocean, what more could you want?
Developer: Lion’s Shade
Genre: Action RPG
Theme: High Seas Piracy with Supernatural Elements
Tempest is an early access, nautically themed RPG with some fantastic elements. As with all games under the early access flag, it needs to be noted that features may not be implemented as they are when the game is done. It features a robust naval combat system, and you’re not limited to being just a pirate, it’s perfectly possible to take on a number of roles that the captain of a ship might provide.
Getting devoured by a giant, tentacle beast of the deep is a role, right?
With customizable ships and a plethora of weapon types, it’s rapidly apparent that this is a game made to focus on ship combat. In addition to the normal day-to-day plundering, pillaging, and the like you will also encounter a strange cult, and mythical beasts such as the Kraken and Leviathan on your adventures. All detailed in beautiful 3D graphics with impressive weather effects.
You can level up your crew, gain access to legendary artifacts that can call down meteors or summon some of the eldritch horrors from the bottom of the sea to destroy your enemies for you, and explore three vast regions. This game looks to be killer when it’s finally released and is definitely worth the early investment.
6) The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (2015)
An exciting story will keep you coming back for more.
Developer: Lucas Arts
Genre: Point and Click Adventure
Theme: Hilarious, Inept Adventure
It’s hard to overestimate just how much the adventures of Guybush Threepwood meant to early gamers, it was a different time. Point and click adventure games were a serious genre, not just a novelty or something for casual folks to pass the time with. And the Monkey Island series followed the hilarious adventures of a bumbling would-be pirate as he combatted the dreaded Captain LeChuck, tried to win the love of Elaine Marley, and become the most infamous pirate of them all.
Oh Guybrush, observe your ill-fated misadventures.
Action and combat weren’t the focus here, it was instead on moving forward with the story. Utilizing the typical inventory system of the era, you followed the plot. Now masterfully redone, with new voices and much, much prettier animations this throwback to an earlier era was released last year and is a must have for both those who experienced the game in its earlier form and those who might want a glimpse into the past without the need to sacrifice their eyes to the pixel Gods of an earlier aeon.
5) Sea Dogs: To Each His Own (2012)
A bit dated, but ever so tantalizing.
Developer: BlackMark Studio
Genre: RPG
Theme: Piracy in the 17th Century
Sea Dogs: To Each His Own casts you as of Charles de Maure, a young Frenchman who has arrived to aid his brother, and as we all know, that is only the beginning. The graphics may be a bit dated on this Russian gem, but the gameplay certainly isn’t.
Close quarters dueling? I’m in.
With a robust combat system, alchemy and crafting, and deep… everything, really there’s nothing not to like provided you can get over the dated graphics. With an open world and a large assortment of ships to utilize, there’s not much to do except for learn the system and begin on your own great adventure into piracy.
Engage in ship fights and epic duels, command the high seas, your destiny awaits in Sea Dogs: To Each His Own.
4) LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game(2011)
No false advertising here, just LEGO and pirates.
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Genre: Action/Adventure
Theme: Piracy and blocks
As must inevitably happen to all licensed properties, Disney’s fun swashbuckling movies fell under the LEGO spell. What we are presented with is an action game that follows through the course of all four of the Pirates of the Caribbean films allowing you to play as your favorite characters as you continue forward with all of the usual LEGO twists like silent characters.
He doesn’t look as drunk and dirty as I remember, but the likeness is remarkable.
If you’re looking to get the little ones into some piracy action, this is a great option. The LEGO games continue onward, quite unabated, and this is another gem worth the trouble. With the option to play as various different characters, and a plot that spans the four movies there are certainly much worse places to turn for some action on the high seas. It’s a simple action game really, but it’s a good way to dip your toes in if you’re an established landlubber, and especially if you’re just a fan of blocks.
3) Naval Action (2016)
Realistic naval combat in sail ships? Yes please!
Developer: Game-Labs
Genre: MMO Action, Simulation
Theme: High Seas Naval Combat
The first thing you will notice about this early access game is that it is gorgeous, the graphics are absolutely breathtaking. Taking place in the 1800s this game places you as the captain of a vessel of one of various nationalities. You gain your gold through trading or combat, and since we’re talking pirates here, raiding other ships is definitely the way to go.
That stern though…
The combat is very true to actual naval combat, focusing on positioning and wind direction. As usual, orientation of your ship to broadside is required, and the various ammo types ensure that you can damage a ship in the way you wish to. Enemy vessels can also be boarded and captured, and of course their cargo sold off to line your own coffers. The combat is deep, and allows for a wide array of tactics both in the ship-to-ship combat and boarding phase.
It’s in early access right now, which means things can only go up from here as features are added and the existing gameplay architecture is better defined. If attacking enemy ships and nautical realism is your favorite part of being a pirate, this game definitely suggests a serious look.
2) Pixel Piracy (2015)
Cute maybe, but most definitely a brutal simulation.
Developer: Quadro Delta, Vitali Kirpu
Genre: Adventure Simulation
Theme: High Seas Piracy Simulation
Pixel Piracy is one of those games that’s easy to dismiss with a first glance, but it hides a surprisingly deep system of gameplay. You’ll take the control of a captain with the goal of becoming the best pirate in the world by defeating… well, the four best existing pirate captains in the world. Starting with a boat that’s not much more than a raft you begin to undertake your quest by pillaging enemy ships, conquering islands, and hiring more shifty scoundrels to fight alongside you. As you sail on the high seas, you will also deal with two scourges that are rarely dealt with in simulations, scurvy and the constant accumulation of waste from both pirates lacking basic potty training and the constant seagulls overhead.
No kill like overkill.
The combat goes from carefully measured in the early stages, to frantic melees as you venture deeper from your home port. Each of your pirates has individual statistics and equipment to manage as you delve deeper into the game, and eventually your boat will become a veritable fortress and each individual piece can be hand designed using a simple system as time goes on. Your pirates die permanently if they fall in combat or to disease, but they’re easily replaced at the various taverns in towns you encounter as you venture forth. Plunder enemy ships, dig for treasure, meet interesting tribal island people and kill them, all in pursuit of ever increasing prowess and material gain. Just like a real pirate.
In the end, the frantic combat, amusing graphics, and sometimes surprising sense of depth contained within the game makes this another must have game for those interested in the high seas.
1) Sid Meier’s Pirates! (2005)
Sic semper pirata. Thus always to pirates… that aren’t you.
Developer: 2k Games
Genre: Action/Adventure
Theme: Total Piracy
No list of pirate games could ever be complete without Sid Meier’s Pirates. It is possibly the most complete pirating game of them all, not content to simply allow one to buckle swashes and engage in daring high battles on the high seas, you can also find and dig up buried treasure, engage in land warfare to take over settlements, and even engage in the most serious battle of them all, love, by wooing the various governor’s daughters spread throughout the settlements of the Caribbean. This remake of the 1987 classic is a surprisingly deep collection of mini-games that flow fluidly together.
Purple in a pirate bar? Bad choice, my friend.
The storyline is fairly cliché and simple, as a young boy your family is stolen by the dastardly Spaniard Baron Raymundo, and your initial goal is to track them down. This is of course, if you don’t get distracted laying waste to your opponents, stealing massive quantities of gold and accumulating rank and land. There’s no pushing here, the game is pure and free pirate action. Do what you want, become the heroic privateer or backstabbing buccaneer you’ve always wanted to be.
Pirates! has one glaring and obvious flaw in its theme that prevents it from being the perfect simulation of a life of piracy… a distinct and utter lack of parrots.
Yo Ho Ho! So if you haven’t had enough of the sea by reading this article, hop in one of these games for a great adventure. We all want to be three sheets in the wind while sailing our own customizable ship. Finding treasure is in our blood, and thank god we all have our sea legs. So before you turn into a salty seadog, grab a cutlass and a crew to aid you in the conquering of all other worlds. Take a nap in the crow’s nest, because with all this exploring to be done you’ll need more energy. Just remember, once a pirate…always a pirate.
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