Ever heard of GTA? Yeah, we thought so. Grand Theft Auto’s creators; Rockstar games are notorious for developing some of the best titles that have ever blessed our screens. Ranging from gunslinging cowboys to fierce, fighting schoolchildren, it’s no wonder they are one of the best-known game-developing companies in the world.
So, sit back, hide away from the outlaws, mobsters and bullies and enjoy our countdown of the Top 10 Rockstar Games to Play Today.
10. L.A. Noire
Unleash your inner detective...
L.A.Noire Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afy1l4nbEpc&list=PL1AF1F0CC435D69B7&index=8
Harness your inner Poirot as you make your way through the dark and violent crimes of 1940s Los Angeles.
In this 2011 action-adventure detective game, you assume the character of Cole Phelps; a veteran hero of World War Two and rookie cop. Throughout the game, you solve all manners of hideous and twisted crimes, the solving of which, rises Cole through the ranks of being a detective. Interestingly, many of the crimes that you uncover are based on the real crimes of LA at this time.
What sets this aside from your other ‘run of the mill’ detective games is the MotionScan technology that shows every fine detail of the actors’ facial expressions. The game utilises the feature incredibly well, as you need to read each suspect’s face to determine if they are telling the truth or trying to deceive you.
Known for its neo-noir setting and ‘frustrating’ final plot twist, L.A. Noire is definitely one detective game you will want to investigate.
Play L.A. Noire if you like:
- The shadowy aesthetics and themes of film noir. As this game enables you to live through the stark contrasting lights as the typical cynical hero you’d expect from any film noir movie.
- Hard-hitting detective games. Unlike the Sherlock Holmes games that are filled with small immersion-breaking puzzles, L.A Noire truly puts you in the shoes of Cole Phelps.
- Jazz. This game is accompanied by a beautiful and well-fitting jazz soundtrack, I can still hear those sweet blues now.
9. Bully
No one likes a bully
Bully Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88KNf0MtU14
Experience the life of a mischievous teenage boy, where you’ll try to flirt with girls, play a variety of pranks and stand up to high school bullies and nasty teachers. I can feel all the school memories flooding back to me now.
What this game lacks in high-octane explosive thrills, it more than makes up for with its variety of mini-games that are uniquely designed for each individual subject; such as dissecting carcasses for biology.
Whilst you are expected to attend two lessons a day, this game gives you complete free-roaming freedom to pick fights, take on factions and cause as much mayhem as you see fit.
Just try not to get kicked out…
Play Bully if you like:
- Being a good student. Seriously, whilst targeting jocks and principals with well-timed firecrackers can be entertaining; the true heart of this game comes from its unique school environment.
- A well-rounded and inviting storyline. Whilst the story of being an ex-bank robber in GTA is amusing, Bully allows for us all to associate and empathise with the characters. Giving it a warm relatable feeling, that other games often can’t match.
- Embarrassing and humiliating jocks. That’s it, that’s the point of Bully, boiled down to the basics.
8. Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
It's not as weird as it looks, or is it?
The Ballad of Gay Tony: https://youtu.be/LMKvTd7aNsU
Ok first things first, yes The Ballad of Gay Tony is technically one of the two episodes in ‘Episodes from Liberty City’, however, Rockstar themselves say it’s a fully complete game so we’re going to run with it.
The Ballad of Gay Tony is surprising exactly what it says on the tin. You play as bodyguard Luis Lopez and spend the majority of the game saving the eccentric nightclub owner ‘Gay Tony’ from attempted assassinations and his own bad habits.
Known for using the same Liberty City map from Grand Theft Auto 4, The Ballad of Gay Tony takes a wildly different theme than the doom and gloom of GTA 4. Where its predecessor focuses on the misery and realism of its unfortunate characters, Gay Tony pushed that all aside for what can only be described as a fast-paced hilarious time.
Take part in wacky golf buggy chases and outrageous story developments and meet the funniest characters that Rockstar have ever created. This game in particular is full of the loveable dark humour that Grand Theft Auto has become known for.
Play The Ballad of Gay Tony if you like:
- The humour of other GTA games. As we said, this game is essentially GTA with all the darkness and complexity replaced for outlandish and over-the-top comedy.
- Liberty City. Ballad uses Liberty City’s detailed and refined map in the best way possible, taking the original map and injecting it with camp fun.
- Grand Theft Auto 4. Not only does it utilise the same map, it also rounds off storylines from GTA 4 and the Lost and the Damned, making it a useful source of lore for the series.
7. Manhunt
Play at your own risk...
Manhunt Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnhtpDP1ff8
Banned in several countries, implicated for a murder in the UK and the source of much controversy across the world, Manhunt is definitely an interesting one…
Manhunt sees you take control of James Earl Cash; a death row inmate forced to murder rival gang members and criminal kingpins and take part in horrific snuff films centred around these violent murders.
Mostly known for its grisly and sadistic methods that you use to murder various criminals, Manhunt is certainly a very different game, be that for better or for worse. The game also features Brian Cox (Succession) who instructs you all through the game in the perverse ways you need to ‘take people out’.
If you want to see how dark Rockstar can get then you definitely need to check out Manhunt, just maybe don’t play it right before bed.
Play Manhunt if you like:
- Third-person horror games. Manhunt really pushes the limits of what horror gamers can endure
- Stealth games. I don’t know about you, but I love stealth missions in games. Manhunt is like the perfect blend of stealth games like Hitman and horror like outlast.
- Controversy. Dubbed as ‘a disgusting murder simulator with no reason to exist’ Manhunt is possibly the most extreme and outrageous game to ever be made.
6. Grand Theft Auto 4
Dark, surreal and profound, is this still GTA?
Grand Theft Auto 4 Trailer: https://youtu.be/mNrm7wqnpVI
Hey Niko wanna go bowling? Anyone who has played this game for even 10 minutes will see that quote as synonymous with the game itself.
GTA 4 follows Niko Bellic fresh off the boat from Europe, looking to escape his past and make his fortunes in the city that never sleeps. Playing as Niko, you eventually succumb to your nature and start making your riches through the criminal underworld.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is widely renowned as the most miserable, realistic depiction of America in the series. It shows how New York can chew up and spit out immigrants like Niko.
This entry also saw Rockstar completely upgrade their physics systems in driving, shooting and general features, giving the game a more detailed feeling. The most revolutionary feature being the ‘ragdoll’ system which is highlighted best when jumping from heights or hitting regular citizens with your car… Hey, GTA has never been known for its morality.
Play GTA 4 if you like:
- Other GTA games – No more needs to be said.
- Detailed Open World Systems – It’s arguable that GTA 4 has some more realistic features than 5.
- New York – Much in the same way that Los Santos is essentially LA, Liberty City is the New York of the series.
5. Red Dead Redemption
Feeling nostalgic yet?
Red Dead Redemption: https://youtu.be/okt98KhYK7Q
Before Arthur Morgan there was John Marston, an ex-outlaw forced to kill or capture his old friends and ex-gang members. Red Dead Redemption sees you being used as a puppet of the government all to ensure the safety of your wife and child.
Set in a bare and dusty landscape, it walks a knifes edge and somehow manages to be simultaneously jampacked with detail and completely sparse. Rockstar ditched the ridiculous satire and insanity of the GTA series and crafted a wonderful toned down and emotional, grounded masterpiece in Red Dead Redemption. So much so that it is still considered by many to be the best story that Rockstar has ever made in a game.
Sporting a 3-hour epilogue (no spoilers here) and a plethora of detailed and phenomenal side quests that will make you laugh and cry, this is one game that you definitely don’t want to miss.
Play Red Dead Redemption if you like:
- A beautiful soundtrack – Relaxing, unique and telling a story of their own; the music of Red Dead is enough reason alone to make you want to play the game.
- A grounded storyline – Sporting the impressive achievement of being the only game to make me cry, John Marston’s emotional and tragic tale is the best aspect of this game.
- The Wild West – Heavily inspired by Sergio Leone’s western classics, if you like cowboy movies then you’ll love Red Dead Redemption.
4. Max Payne 3
Bringing pain to the max
Max Payne 3 Trailer: https://youtu.be/4Uc_dbG7MR8
Max Payne 3 is so different to its predecessors that it can be difficult to view them as the same game series. With changes to its style, themes and appearance of the protagonist this entry was a refreshing and relatable change to the much-loved series.
Set 9 years after the second game, Max Payne 3 opens with the titular character living on the streets of Brazil. Max finds work as a private security contractor in Sao Paulo but his job quickly becomes infused with murder, death and betrayal that makes Macbeth look tame.
The game is often known for its ‘bullet-time’ action that could go head-to-head with the Matrix for slo-mo shootouts. In fact, I’d pay to watch a fight between Neo and Max any day.
Play Max Payne 3 if you like:
- Tactical shootouts – Max Payne 3 is known for its revolutionary take on the ‘cover’ system when it comes to gunplay.
- Slow motion satisfaction – The bullet time really is Max Payne’s bread and butter. It makes you feel like a genuine action hero.
- Hawaiian Shirts – I mean just look at that little number, enough said.
3. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
You picked the wrong house fool
San Andreas: https://youtu.be/daw8xhaGj2s
All you had to do was follow the God Damn train CJ.
GTA San Andreas has been at the centre of gaming pop culture since its release in 2004. Whether you know the famous quote above or the infamous meme of Big Smoke ordering fast-food it’s likely you are aware of GTA San Andreas.
But for those who are unaware; San Andreas puts you in the shoes of CJ, a man who previously had run away from Los Santos - San Andreas but after the murder of his mother he is dragged back into the crime-filled world that he tried to escape.
Set on a scale that is impressively bigger than the original two games, being much larger than both combined. This game is so much larger than gamers of the time were used to and it truly paved the way for more modern AAA games.
San Andreas also wonderfully encompasses the music of its period such as Boyz in the hood and taps into the spirit of groups like NWA.
It’s hard to believe that it is now 18 years old, considering how many gamers regard it as part of their childhoods.
Play San Andreas if you like:
- The ‘Modding scene’ – Despite being 18 years old, San Andreas is still one of the most modded games to ever be released. There are so many mods available that it would be hard to think of something that hasn’t already been done.
- Hip-hop – San Andreas arguably has the best soundtrack of any Grand Theft Auto game to date. Featuring mostly hip-hop but also synth pop and rock.
- Diverse Open-Worlds – San Andreas seriously revolutionised how diverse and detailed open-world games can be. Comprised of 3 islands with extremely realistic cities, San Andreas’ map still holds up today.
2. Grand Theft Auto 5
You already knew this would be on here...
GTA 5: https://youtu.be/VNbONMSObfs
Here it is, the final boss of triple A videogames. The second-best selling videogame of all time, selling over 170,000,000 copies, it was always going to be high up on the countdown.
Known equally for its incredibly compelling single-player story and its chaotic enchanting online multiplayer; GTA 5 is a titan of modern-day gaming. In spite of being released in 2013, it is still one of the most-played games around the globe.
The story gives you the option to swap between the three heavily entwined main characters of: Franklin, a young up-and-coming career criminal looking to make bigger scores to make more money. Michael, an ex-bank robber who was taken into witness protection and now lives a luxurious life with his wife and two kids. And Trevor, a washed-up and crazy ‘hillbilly’ who within 5 minutes of screentime kills the protagonist of ‘The Lost and the Damned’
There isn’t much to say about GTA 5 that isn’t already known, it’s one of the best games ever made, now go out and play it.
Play GTA 5 if you like:
- Frenzied Multiplayer – GTA online is a chaotic mosh pit at the best of times, filled with players trying to kill you, cars flying around and explosions at every corner.
- Varied Gameplay – Aside from the masterpiece of a story, GTA 5 has multiples ways of keeping you distracted, be it mini-games, races or random events, there will always be something for you to do.
- Side Quests – Perhaps even better than the main storyline are the numerous beautifully constructed side quests that take you across the whole map in search of adventure.
1. Red Dead Redemption 2
The most beautiful game ever made.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer: https://youtu.be/g-WKpapqVU8
In my opinion Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game ever made, hands down.
The enormous map is filled to the brim with exciting and incredible detail. The graphics, beautiful. The story, perfect. The gameplay, fantastic.
This entry is Rockstar’s biggest game to date and it shows, the game immerses you so deeply in the rapidly changing world of Arthur Morgan. A member of the Van Der Linde gang who faces the intensely modernising world that no longer has room for cowboys and outlaws.
The story tests your sense of loyalty and makes you question how far you would go for your friends and family. Although, the game is so densely packed with extra material that you could lose yourself in it without ever playing through the main story.
Now get out there and become the best of the west, but don’t forget to remind your horse that he’s ‘a good boahy’.
Play Red Dead Redemption 2 if you like:
- Vast Open Worlds – This game has a larger and more intricate map than any other game and accompanied with its random events such as lightning and ambushes, you can truly allow yourself to become Arthur Morgan.
- Grounded Storylines – The main story is grounded in exploring the protagonist’s emotions and how he feels about the world evolving around him.
- Red Dead Redemption 1 – If you like the original then you will adore RDR2, it has everything 1 has but 10x better. Seriously, you will not regret playing this one.