An Era of Pumpkin Eaters
Spyro Reignited Trilogy has a lot of interesting mechanics that make the gameplay fun and enjoyable, but since it’s a remake of a series that started on the PlayStation 1, it’s bound to hold up some of those values and expectations that came with the games of that console era. Cheat Codes are an old concept, but one that isn’t as common today. Though the idea will never fully die out, it isn’t something you see in even half the games released for newer consoles. Even still, Spyro Reignited Trilogy holds true to that PS1 era concept! Here are 10 cheat codes that every player in Spyro Reignited Trilogy should know:
[Please Note: To perform these cheats, you must be in the pause menu while in the game. All cheats carry over between games unless the cheat does not apply to the game. All of these cheats DO NOT disable trophies/achievements! You can have any of them active and still play the game to trophy/achievement completion!]
10: Small Wings
The first on our list is a simple one, as many of the cheats are. This cheat makes it to where Spyro’s wings are extremely tiny compared to their normal size. The tiny wings are a comical sight, especially when flying. Add in a couple of other cheats on top of it and it feels even more ridiculous. The problem with it, though, is that in comparison to all of the other cheats, you can barely see it.
Small Wings Code:
XB - Left (x4), LB, RB, Right (x3), A
PS - Left (x4), L1, R1, Right (x4), X
PC - A (x4), Q, E, D (x4), Space
Switch - Left (x4), L, R, Right (x3), B
9: Big Head
Big Head Spyro is just as ridiculous as tiny wing spyro, completely throwing off the balance on how he could even fly with such proportions. This cheat is clearly more visible, and while it gets old pretty fast, it still is funny to look at every once in a while.
Big Head Code:
XB - Up (x4), RB (x4), B
PS - Up (x4), R1 (x4), O
PC - W (x4), E (x4), Left Click
Switch - Up (x4), R (x4), A
8: Small Head
Small Head Spyro is significantly more preposterous than the previous two cheats, and is a perfect combination with the small wings cheat. His head is shrunken so much that he looks like some sort of dinosaur just from a distance, or he looks like that meme of the guy with the really big neck.
Small Head Code:
XB - Right (x4), RB, LB, Left (x4), A
PS - Right (x4), R1, L1, Left (x4), X
PC - D (x4), E, Q, A (x4), Space
Switch - Right (x4), R, L, Left (x4), B
7: Flat Spyro
Flat Spyro is much like Flat Earth, ridiculous but amusingly strange to comprehend. From the side he looks normal, but when looking at him from the front or back, he looks like a page as it’s turning.
Flat Spyro Code:
XB - Left, Right, Left, Right, LT, RT, LT, RT, X
PS - Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square
PC - A, D, A, D, 1, 3, 1, 3, Right Clock
Switch - Left, Right, Left, Right, ZL, ZR, ZL, ZR, Y
6: Squid Board
Squid Board is the first cheat that isn’t really on the amusing side, but is still fun to have! It’s a nice change from the plain skateboard you ride throughout Spyro 3, and its tentacles move! The biggest issue, however, is that it’s only in Spyro 3.
Squid Board Code:
XB - Up (x2), Left (x2), Right (x2), Down (x2), X (x2), B
PS - Up (x2), Left (x2), Right (x2), Down (x2), Square (x2), O
PC - W (x2), A (x2), D (x2), Right Click (x2), Left Click
Switch - Up (x2), Left (x2), Right (x2), Down (x2), Y (x2), A
5: 99 Lives
This cheat grants you max lives, 99 to be precise if “99 lives” didn’t give it away. This cheat is useful if you don’t like the idea of a life system and is especially powerful since cheats don’t disable trophies! Have fun dying, noobs! There’s plenty more where that came from.
99 Lives Code:
XB - RT, LT, RT, LT, Up (x4), B
PS - R2, L2, R2, L2, Up (x4), O
PC - 3, 1, 3, 1, W (x4), Left Click
Switch - ZR, ZL, ZR, ZL, Up (x4), A
4: Retro Spyro
Retro Spyro is one of the cooler cheats on the list and probably the most unique, as it’s the only one to change Spyro’s model into something that isn’t goofy or just a color palette. It’s very true to the older PS1 models from the original Spyro 2 and 3, but it’s not the exact model. It has some differences, but it still feels retro nonetheless. Pair it with the Retro Music setting and you’re back in the PS1 days altogether!
Retro Spyro Code:
XB - LB (x4), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Y
PS - L1 (x4), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Triangle
PC - Q (x4), W, S, W, S, W, S, F
Switch - L (x4), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, X
3: Shades Spyro
Shades Spyro is especially amusing seeing as Spyro actually wore them at the end of Spyro 1 in the cutscene following the Gnasty’s Treasure Horde level. But that’s not the only thing that’s cool about them. On the Switch, and on Switch alone, there is an alternate version to the shades to show off your pride! A colorful pair of glasses for a colorful personality!
Shades Spyro Code:
XB - RB (x4), Left (x4), Down, Up, Y
PS - R1 (x4), Left (x4), Down, Up, Triangle
PC - E (x4), A (x4), S, W, F
Switch - R (x4), Left (x4), Down, Up, X
Pride Shades Code:
Switch - R (x4), Left (x4), Down, Up, Y
2: Permanent Superflame
Spyro’s Superflame cheat is the most important cheat on this list! At the end of Spyro 2, after getting 100%, you can obtain a powerup that allows you to play with infinite Superflame, and it persists even if you restart the game. The problem is that you cannot turn it off in the settings and if you want to restart with an authentic beginning, you have to use the cheat. Another catch is that this cheat is ONLY in Spyro 2, and not the others, which is a bit of a disappointment but it possibly conflicted with the alternate characters in Spyro 3.
Permanent Superflame Toggle Code:
XB - Left, Right, Left, Right, RB (x4), X
PS - Left, Right, Left, Right, R1 (x4), Square
PC - A, D, A, D, E (x4), Right Clock
Switch - Left, Right, Left, Right, R (x4), Y
1: Every Spyro of the Rainbow
Finally we have the many colors of Spyro! Grab your favorite Lantern Ring and pop it on with this cheat code, and don’t forget the pride glasses if you’re on switch because you’ll be one colorful little dragon! You can be Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Pink, Purple, or Black! I personally found difficulty disabling this cheat so if you have trouble, activate the retro skin cheat code then put the retro code in again to return to normal Spyro!
Spyro Colors Code:
XB - Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X, RB, RT, LB, LT, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, [COLOR]
PS - Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, [COLOR]
PC - W, S, A, D, W, Left Click, E, 3, Q, 1, W, D, S, A, W, [COLOR]
Switch - Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Y, R, ZR, L, ZL, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, [COLOR]
Xbox Colors: Blue (A), Green (Y), Yellow (Up), Red (B), Pink (X), Purple (Right), Black (Down)
PlayStation Colors: Blue (X), Green (Triangle), Yellow (Up), Red (O), Pink (Square), Purple (Right), Black (Down)
PC Colors: Blue (Space), Green (F), Yellow (W), Red (Left Click), Pink (Right Click), Purple (D), Black (S)
Switch Colors: Blue (B), Green (X), Yellow (Up), Red (A), Pink (Y), Purple (Right), Black (Down)
Remember: Some Cheats Stack!
If you’re interested in seeing these cheats in action, check out this video which showcases all of the cheats on PS4!
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