What are the best Street Fighter wallpapers out there?
Street Fighter has been around for over 35 years now and throughout this time there have been thousands and thousands of interesting and beautiful pieces of art showcasing the colorful cast.
Whether we’re talking about official Capcom creations, fanmade artwork, or even cover arts for full-on games, one thing is for sure, and that is the material for quality Street Fighter wallpapers is never-ending, and we’ll be breaking down the 25 best Street Fighter wallpapers that look freakin’ awesome.
25. Final Fight Team
This piece showcases best friends Guy and Cody Travers from Final Fight. Both these characters debuted in Street Fighter during the Alpha series and have become fan favorites ever since.
In the background, you can see Metro City, where both of these guys are from, and the relationship the friends share is evidenced by Cody’s wanted posters (originated by his goodwill-based but erratic behavior) being seemingly ripped by Guy’s ninja techniques.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/Final+Fight?p=2
24. SFV Arcade Edition
Street Fighter V had a second life coming when its Arcade Edition was released. This image was released by Capcom in order to promote the game and this version of Akuma is the one used as the cover for the game.
The simplistic black and white color scheme contrasted with the accentuation of the character-specific tones like Rashid’s yellow lens, Juri’s pink spots, and Ryu’s red bandana and gloves look just epic, and Akuma at the center makes this a fantastic wallpaper.
Download: https://wallpapersden.com/street-fighter-5-wallpaper/
23. SF6 Luke
This image serves as Luke’s introduction for his Street Fighter 6 iteration. Being the face of the new game and of Street Fighter’s entire future, Luke perfectly fits SF6’s aesthetic and theme.
SF6 promises to be bombastic, full of color, heavy, intense, street-culture oriented, and shining with personality, and this image pretty much encapsulates Luke and the upcoming title for the series in outstanding fashion.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/3667589
22. SFII Turbo for SNES
This is the classic art for Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting for the SNES console. It showcases Edmond Honda using his Hundred Hands Slap on a stunned Sagat in Honda’s bathhouse.
This piece is timeless and easily recognizable by most Street Fighter fans. Even to this day, it works perfectly as a retro-style desktop wallpaper.
Download: https://www.nintendo.pt/Jogos/Super-Nintendo/Street-Fighter-II-Turbo-Hyper-Fighting-793238.html#Introdu__o
21. Chibi Fighters
Street Fighter has had a few chibi versions of its characters even in official games. Since most characters in the franchise are super recognizable in any shape or form, they look great in any art style, and are especially cute in chibi form.
This wallpaper combines eight fan-favorite characters in expressive motion on top of a multi-colored background.
Download: https://www.wallpaperbetter.com/en/hd-wallpaper-ukiom
20. SFxTekken Ibuki
This art is from the Street Fighter X Tekken series and it perfectly captures Ibuki’s essence.
There is a sense of youthful joy in her eyes contrasted with the eerie eyes on the afterimage created by her forward dash. Ibuki is as visually striking as she is implacable with her mix-up-based rushdown offense, and this angle showing her in movement while fiercely wielding a kunai is a treat for any Ibuki fan.
Download: https://www.itl.cat/wallview/wooJJo_tekken-street-fighter-x-tekken-street-fighter-ibuki/
19. Comics-Style Alpha
This is a Street Fighter Alpha series homage, showing multiple characters drawn in a comic book style, reminiscent of Jim Lee’s work.
There is an awesome detail in all the good characters being under a blue sky and the baddies being under dark clouds, while Ryu is split between light and darkness, hinting at his Evil Ryu persona.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/Rose+%28Street+Fighter%29
18. SFxTekken Guile
Here we can see Guile’s cinematic art for Street Fighter x Tekken. The angle is great, showing Guile’s massive arms performing a Sonic Boom movement, with a yellow-green splash of energy that gives life to the piece.
In the background, we see an airplane, associated with Guile as he’s part of the American Air Force. This art style is insane and it works really well with Guile’s fierce design and color scheme.
Download: https://wallpapersafari.com/w/uWoBO1
17. Creepy Blanka for SNES
This is the original cover for Street Fighter II for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the game that spawned the early days for SF console players. The cover is now iconic and it shows Blanka attacking Ryu and Chun-Li in the streets.
Many kids in the 90s thought Blanka was the main boss and one of the evilest and scariest characters in the entire game, due to the seriousness in which he poses as a threat in this image. That’s hilarious and it absurdly contrasts with Blanka’s actual status as a comedy character in the series, but that shows just how much striking power this image has.
Download: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/523964-chun-li
16. 3rd Strike
This notable wallpaper shows every Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike character through a vertical frame, with brothers Gill and Urien serving as both the bottom and top points, respectively.
Each character is performing a signature pose, making this a perfect vertical wallpaper for any 3rd Strike enthusiast.
Download: https://wallpaper.dog/street-fighter
15. Mika vs Abigail
Quasimodox is a fantastic artist with a huge catalog to pick great drawings and wallpapers from, and ultimately we had to include something from him in this list.
This astonishing image shows little Rainbow Mika grabbing Abigail during his V-Trigger II headbutt, absorbing all the gigantic impact in the process. Go check out Quasimodox work, it is definitely worth it.
Download: https://www.deviantart.com/quasimodox/art/Mika-Vs-Abigail-820398650
14. SFV Poison
A Street Fighter V wallpaper showcasing Poison, sexy as ever, swiftly posing provocatively.
With a whip in her hand and a Mad Gear Gang location as background, this is a simple yet effective wallpaper that goes well with anything.
Download: https://imgur.com/t/1920x1080/Errf6sd?nc=1
13. Oro
Oro is a quirky character with a simultaneously strange and hilarious personality, and this artwork by Nishi breathes new life into an already pretty vivacious character.
The expressiveness is clear in both Oro’s face and his physique, and the pure-white background accentuates the penetrating nature of his unique gaze.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/Oro+%28Street+Fighter%29
12. Hyper Fighting
This is part of the official art produced for the Hyper Fighting version of Street Fighter II.
Featuring Ken’s Shoryuken, Chun-Li’s Kokoken, Blanka’s electricity, and hungry and hopeful gazes from members of the cast, this poster offers an exciting immersion in the world of Street Fighter in beautiful fashion.
Download: https://pics.alphacoders.com/pictures/view/334447
11. Shadaloo Organisation
Posted by tsuart on Pinterest, this Shadaloo wallpaper uses Hyper Street Fighter II’s art style and tweaks it to create a unique aesthetic showing the original Four Kings of Shadaloo embedded in some sort of war propaganda.
Download: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/319896379751410786/
10. Udon Comics
Udon has been making Street Fighter comics for a while now, providing deeper insight into the world of Street Fighter outside of the fighting game panorama.
This amazing wallpaper produced by Capcom and Udon shows a multitude of Street Fighter characters from several games in a mashing feast of amalgamation, character interaction, and personality showcase.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/108047
9. Ultra Ryu
Ultra Street Fighter IV is widely regarded as arguably one of the best, if not the best Street Fighter game of all time, and this golden wallpaper of Ryu fastening his bandana is part of the official art for the game.
This wallpaper propels any Street Fighter player to want to pick up their arcade stick and start playing, for the sheer sentiment that the image transmits.
Download: https://wall.alphacoders.com/by_sub_category.php?id=211849&name=Ultra+Street+Fighter+IV+Pap%C3%A9is+de+Parede&lang=Portuguese
8. All the Gals
This incredible wallpaper includes every single female Street Fighter character, in a hip, fluid art style.
From Chun-Li to Akira, every single one of the girls is included here, even the more obscure ones like Ingrid and even Necro’s girlfriend, Effie.
Download: https://www.zerochan.net/Shadaloo+Dolls
7. Q in the City
There has never been a Street Fighter character as mysterious as the mask-wearing Q.
This digitally designed image offers an interesting shady side of Q, with bright yellow eyes shining through his mask in the darkness of the city, in an image somewhat resembling Rorschach from Alan Moore’s Watchmen.
Download: https://www.goodfon.com/wallpaper/street-fighter-5-q-plasch.html
6. 30th Anniversary Collection
Shinkiro has reached legendary status as a fighting game artist. He has been involved in many legendary games, from Street Fighter to King of Fighters and his style never fails to amaze us.
For the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection released by Capcom, Shinkiro produced this amazing piece showing the main characters for the SF games of the 90s in front of the globe bursting with energy.
Download: https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/582442164287950457/
5. Akuma vs Seth
This image is epic in every sense of the word.
In a very characteristic, funky style, it features Akuma performing a Raging Demon while battling a confident, boss-level Seth, looking immovable in face of unstoppable destruction.
Download: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/street-fighter-iv-seth-akuma-artwork-1550x1058-video-games-street-fighter-hd-art-wallpaper-sdfsr
4. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Gang
This is one of the most stunning wallpapers ever created for Street Fighter. Featured in a few official fascicles associated with Capcom, it shows every single character in the Street Fighter Alpha 3 arcade game.
The visual style is absolutely perfect, dazzling even, and the image shows the entire roster in the middle of the street, with logical positioning in the frame for each character.
Download: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/334955291030702306/
3. Hadoken
A brilliant depiction of Ryu about to throw his Hadoken.
The artist was fantastic in capturing the essence of the devastating power Ryu wields between the palms of his hands, as the entire wallpaper gets affected by the heavy waves coming from the famous fireball.
Download: https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/530017449902334534/feedback/?invite_code=273692739e534888b58b8a37c5a95b28&sender_id=795518859087186757
2. Ryu vs Ken
This wallpaper shows Ryu battling Ken, the two original playable characters, and it is from Street Fighter IV.
A pretty humble image, but a symbol of the entire new generation of players spawned from the success of Street Fighter IV, and it truly represents the PvP nature of the entire fighting game genre in a nutshell.
Download: https://www.10wallpaper.com/pt/view/ryu_vs_ken-Street_Fighter_5_Game_HD_wallpaper.html
1. Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Taking the number one spot on this list is a modern fan-made wallpaper showing the roster of the popular Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
The art is explosive and dynamic, with the iconic roster depicted as expressively as possible. Each character is doing their own unique thing, yet all of them come together perfectly as a whole, in what is a perfect Street Fighter wallpaper with the classic roster.
Download: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/video-games-street-fighter-1680x1050-video-games-street-fighter-hd-art-wallpaper-sjqnp
There are too many cool Street Fighter wallpapers to be found on the Internet, and this is nothing but a small drop in the vast ocean of SF art out there.
You probably have your own favorite wallpapers that did not make this list, but hopefully, you could get to know some freakin’ awesome images to add to your repertoire.