15. HiHi Puffy AmiYumi
Back when Cartoon Network City existed. And when CN cared what the audiences wanted.
But considering good shows like Megas XLR and Samurai Jack got canned (although the latter would come back after almost a decade), Ami and Yumi barely made much history on the once amazing channel.
The show was strange yet accepting. And let’s be honest, during the early 2000s, most of us didn’t exactly comprehend Japanese culture. Especially if we grew up on the English dub of Pokemon (when they called a rice ball a DONUT).
But Ami and Yumi intrigued us with the fact they were, indeed, Japanese girls who rocked the world with their J-style music. As kids, we thought their culture was amazing and wanted to learn so much more. That and the actual artists sang the Teen Titans theme song.
A lot of classic CN shows deserve to come back with another season. Or just make a comeback in general.
And NOT like how CN tried to do so with Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10, and Teen Titans NO.
14. Skunk Fu
This show had its run during one of Cartoon Network’s darkest years. Alongside shows Hero 101 and Chop Socky Chooks, Skunk Fu was more favored in comparison.
Sure, the show lacked a lot of things, like basic plot and poorly-timed jokes. But it still had its charm. And we all honestly wanted to see how Skunk’s future as the Valley protector would have been.
Did he fulfill his destiny? Did Dragon ever escape his prison? How would Baboon’s role have gone further in the series? Did Fox and Rabbit ever admit they liked each other?
There was supposed to be a movie. But given how low in ratings (and the constant f*ckery caused by Cartoon Network), both that idea and this series never grew.
I do hope for the day the rights for this show will be given to a more reliable company. And we could finally reunite with Skunk for more of his destiny-fulfilling adventures.
13. Harvey Beaks
First C.H. Greenblatt got screwed by Cartoon Network. Then he got screwed by Nickelodeon and was forced to “give an apology” for speaking his mind on the matter.
Harvey Beaks held a lot of charm, and it went too soon. And on a tearjerker of a finale that didn’t feel like a finale. But more like a ‘goodbye for now’.
So when exactly will we say hello again to Harvey, Fee, and Foo?
12. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go
When Jetix was a thing on Disney Channel and the cartoons were funny, action-packed, and felt like Saturday morning nostalgia.
That “final episode” still grinds me like coffee beans today. They end it right when the ultimate battle is about to start, and never went from there?!
The boy and his monkey pals have been training since episode 1 for this moment. We’ve been watching and waiting for this very moment!
11. Yin Yang Yo
Remember that music video featuring That’s So Raven’s Kyle Massey? Yeah, great times…
Not exactly forgettable, but not exactly on everyone’s mind when it comes to Disney cartoons. But it still held a lot of charm and adventure compared to most cash grabs today (like freaking Tangled: The Series).
Two seasons of humor, fart jokes, and a goofy bunch of villains. NEVER forget Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard. And Ultimoose, but he was not as fabulous as Carl.
We were going to get a third season.
But no, because Jetix got the boot and Nick/Disney being the asshats they are today, we’ll never see the gang fight Ferocitus. We’ll never know who the hell is Yin and Yang’s mom!
10. Time Squad
Back when Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was a thing and our childhood was blessed with all the wholesome humor that was characters just interacting.
Time Squad may not have been as obsessed over as Kids Next Door or Courage the Cowardly Dog, but it was still cherished and beloved as every other CN classic. Like 2 Stupid Dogs/Super Secret Secret Squirrel.
That “finale” was BS. After everything Tuddrussell and Larry have been through with Otto, the first thing they assume when he goes missing is that they were being ditched? And then decide to replace him with a similar substitute?
Yeah, pretty sure to this day, even after the series was canned, Otto’s STILL pissed at them.
9. Happy Tree Friends
This show isn’t exactly cancelled. But the hiatus has been pissing us, the HTFans, off since their recent episode back in 2016 (it came to YouTube in 2018).
Whatever the hell Mondo Media is doing, they better be doing something or else we gonna riot.
What I would give for another Disco Bear centered episode. More Buddhist Monkey kicking ass. And hopefully more interaction between Flippy and Flaky (haters, I see you).
And when the merch comes back to Hot Topic, I’d like to buy something other than a freaking tin of mints.
8. Mucha Lucha
KidsWb was an amazing childhood experience that we wished never ended. We really wished The CW and 4Kids never happened.
Mucha Lucha was an amazing animation done completely through flash. It even had a movie with Tim Curry!
There was so much more for this series. But due to the network being another pawn in the monopoly of network media, it never came to be.
The creators did say that if the show does get a second chance, they’d bring it all back. Rikochet and the gang would come back.
I want that classic Warner Brothers feeling back.
7. Ducktales (2017)
Disney did not care one bit for this series despite how much it brought together new and old fans. How it honored the original. And how much it made us grown-ups feel like we were back watching Disney Afternoon.
Everything had to be squashed and squished into the third season. There could have been so many more adventures. More history to be re-written.
But no, Disney had to go f*ck over everything to make way for the “new stuff that sucker kids will like”.
How long will The Ghost and Molly McGee last then?
6. Star Vs. the Forces of Evil
While Disney does have some blame for that BS final season, the Daron Nefcy has plenty have fault for how this once-amazing series just went downhill.
Any haters who come here and say “the finale was perfect”, go back to your Starco-centric fanfiction and AU kid fanart.
Everything before season 4 had been amazing. It went from Star actually fighting the forces of evil and changing Mewman/monster history...to her and Marco simping over each other. Over everything else that was actually more important .
The show dragged the better characters like Eclipsa, Ludo, Toffee, Sean (he’s the green moose guy voiced by Josh Sussman), and especially Tom all the way back...to make room for Starco.
I just want the fifth season to fix everything that fell apart in the fourth. And break the “power couple” up because they don’t f*cking deserve each other. Or maybe they do because they surely did f*ck everyone else over.
5. The Angry Beavers
Besides Hey Arnold (before we finally got that jungle movie), the way this show ended was pretty tragic. Too bad the final episode never happened because, once again, Dickelodeon butted in.
But then maybe it’s a good thing the finale episode didn’t happen? If you listen to the audio on YouTube, it would have messed us up as kids.
If Rocko, Arnold, and especially Zim were able to get closure after years off the air, I just want Norbert and Daggett to get the same. CatDog was able to get their happy ending (and their revenge on the Greasers), would it hurt for Norbert and Daggett to receive true happiness?
4. Wander Over Yonder
This was the moment I realized Disney did not care how much a show was loved, they just wanted to move to the next money-making, sucker kid project.
Made by the creator of The PowerPuff Girls, WoY was a show for everyone.
Love, friendship, self-esteem, trauma, everything that was felt and needed to be acknowledged.
And neither felt nor acknowledged how good of a show it was.
Even though it’s already been 5 years, the fandom still pleads and spams through social media just for that third season.
We just want to know what Dominator is up to. Where exactly does Lord Hater stand between being a hero and being a conqueror. And possibly Wander’s origin.
Even if this article among many things is ignored by Disney, anyone who comes across this and agrees is a step closer to bringing the show back.
3. Sym-Bionic Titan
I cannot say “F*ck you” enough to Cartoon Network for cancelling this gem of a series.
Does the network not know how many teens and older audiences watch this? Hot Topic could have sold shirts, posters, mystery boxes, and we would have gladly given all our money for it!
It is not fair how this show got canned. Actually, it’s not fair how any show gets canned. Especially for stupid, BS reasons that executives come up with just because they’re in a position to say so.
Samurai Jack finally got its final season after almost a decade. How long we got to wait, and how much we got to demand, WE WANT JUSTICE FOR SYM-BIONIC TITAN.
2. Glitch Techs
Well, Dickelodeon didn’t exactly cancel this show. But they’re not exactly doing much about another season either.
They’re just milking the damn Spongebob cash cow drier than that time he and Patrick were in Shell City (which was SUPPOSED to end the series overall).
Glitch Techs is unlike any show Nick has come up with. Not that lameass Sanjay and Craig. Not the disgusting crap known as Pig Goat Banana Cricket. And especially not “following with the kids” failure known as Breadwinners.
This show had a diverse, relatable cast. Plenty of video game references. And a plot that had us begging for more.
Just like Disney, Nick is blind to the potential GT has. How much money it could actually make compared to Spongebob. And especially The Loud House (do not watch the live-action movie).
1. Teen Titans
Out of all the shows on the list, this is the one we REALLY want to have back.
And how do they respond? By giving us the middle finger with every new episode of the reboot.
Does everyone still feel the burn of that one TTG episode with Control Freak where even the pissed-on parody cast wonders why the original never got that 6th season?
Look, I get trying to be clever and funny with the kids. But even if the issue wasn’t about not living up to the original, the lessons this reboot gives will turn someone’s child into a complete asshole.
Robin and his team practically hate each other, and they don’t exactly save the city like their real versions do. Hell, even the villains are practically more heroic compared to what these Titans have committed.
Also, making them the poster children for anti-bullying was stupid.