Choose your guns carefully!
Offering so many guns, utility, and perks, Blackout can be a confusing BR if you don’t know what you’re looking for. While you will be able to work your way through the utilities and perks available pretty fast, knowing which guns to prioritize is an entirely different story.
Depending on your style, you might prefer some guns over the others. Regardless of your preferences, however, there are objective differences between weapons that could make or break your Blackout experience.
With that in mind, let’s have a look at what you need to prioritize and what to avoid in Blackout. No particular order.
Top 5 Best Blackout Guns
This baby will be your best friend for short and medium range engagements. With its high stability and reliability, it’s among the most effective ARs; I’d argue it comes second, right after the KN.
- Superior fire rate for a fast TTK (Time To Kill)
- Low recoil at full auto; it literally lasers people out if you learn how to tame that recoil and control the spray
- Easier to headshot people, thanks to its improved stability and balance
- It’s almost as effective as an SMG at close-quarters
- Lower damage than other ARs
- High TTK for distances over 200-250 meters
Overall, the SWAT RFT is deadly up-close and at medium range, but falls short when it comes to long-range engagements. My advice is to combine it with a sniper for maxim efficiency on all distance levels.
4. KN
KN is by far the best AR in the game (fight me, noobs!). Although its damage output, recoil, and rate of fire have been adjusted several times over the past updates, it remains a killing machine of incredible effectiveness.
- High damage
- Consistent damage output over range
- Stable recoil, making it perfect for short and medium range spraying
- Reliable for long-range tapping
- Takes in hybrid mag, which is priceless
- It needs all the attachments to reach its full potential
I guess every game needs all the attachments to achieve its maximum performance, but that’s even truer for the KN. Without a stock, for instance, controlling the recoil is like trying to p*ss in the toilet bowl when you’re dead drunk; you should consider yourself lucky if you get anything in.
3. Paladin HB50
I would argue that the Pally is the most devastating and reliable gun in Blackout. Master it, and you will instill fear in the hearts of all the window peakers, tree huggers, and rock dwellers.
- One-shot kill to the head without a lvl 3 equipped
- The lowest bullet drop in the game
- The highest bullet speed in the game
- Unique sound signature that sends chills down the target’s spine
- The high body damage input that breaks people’s mental composure
- The highest armor shattering effect
- The most effective weapon against the lvl 3 armor
- Attracts a lot of attention due to its loud gunshot signature
- It’s useless in short range scenarios (unless you’re either a God, or the luckiest man alive)
- Inconsistent headshots – Sometimes you one-tap 200-hp guys from 300 meters away. Other times they’ll tackle the bullet with their face from 50 meters away and refuse to die. The difference between these two scenarios is just as much of a mystery as the Kennedy assassination, 9/11, Area 51, and modern feminism.
If you’re a sniper lover, this is your tool of choice. If you’re not, become one! The Paladin HB50 is too good to pass.
2. MOG 12
Hello haters! I just came here to say that I don’t care what you think. The MOG 12 is a beast, it exists, and I’m going to rank it like it deserves.
- 2-shot kill at short-range
- Easy to use, which is why it’s so hated in the community
- It overpowers SMGs in most scenarios
- It overpowers all guns in close-quarter combats
- I would argue that the fast mag makes it OP
- Less effective without a fast mag and long-barrel
- Only two-shots people at very close range (which is actually a pro?)
You can call this a noob gun, but I’d say it’s actually a beginner’s gun. Once you get acquainted with all the ins and outs of the game, you can find ways to counter it. The next weapon is a good tool for that.
1. Daemon 3XB
The Daemon is probably the most loved and feared SMG, along with the MP40. To say it shreds people would be an understatement.
- 3-round bursts in rapid fire (the rapidity of the shots is only limited by the capabilities of your index finger)
- It takes the hybrid mag, which is always a plus no matter the weapon you’re using
- It melts people through the level 3 armor
- It’s probably the most stable SMG with all the attachments
- The laser sight allows you to massacre people without even ADSing
- It’s not reliable…at 300 meters? (I don’t know, it felt weird not to mention a con, so I came up with this)
Needless to say, this is by no means an exhaustive list. We could have easily included the AUGER DMR here, Koshka, Outlaw, or Rampart. But we only have 5 spots available. So, I had to mention only 5 of the best weapons, in my opinion. And you’ll have to accept it.
Top 5 worst Blackout guns
Just as you need to know which guns to look for, you also need to know which of them to avoid. These include:
5. Titan
Such a great name for such an unfitting weapon. This one’s a pass:
- Great at wrecking vehicles
- Large mag capacity (75 rounds)
- Relatively good at close and medium-range (so long as you don’t spray above 100 meters)
- For the love of God, whatever you do, don’t reload; or at least make sure there’s no one around you in a 300 meters radius so you can have enough time to do it
- It’s extremely heavy, which means you’ll have decreased mobility and sprint capabilities
- It has a slow firing rate
- It takes forever to ADS
Use it only if you have no other choice. And even that’s debatable.
4. VKM 750
The fact that this gun uses 50 cal. is an insult to 50 cal. It kills in 6-7 shots at medium range, at which point you begin to question the very reason for its existence.
- It shoots bullets
- It’s more effective than a peas slingshot
- It uses 50 cal. which is hard to come-by – combine this with the paradoxically high TTK, and you’ll be able to see the full picture
- The firing rate (the opponent will probably have time to use a bandage between two bullets hitting him at full-auto)
- The reload time – don’t reload; when your mag empties, just use it as a baseball bat
- It exists
If you find it laying on the ground, make sure to pick up the ammo, laugh, and run in the opposite direction.
3. Mozu
A high-firing rate revolver, with decent damage, that’s totally avoidable and forgettable. It may be worth to pick up the operator mode, but that’s about it.
- High firing rate
- Highest damage among all pistols
- Unbearable reload time without speed loader, which makes it useless in close quarters combat, which is precisely where the gun is supposed to shine
- Low mag capacity; with only 6 shots available, high firing rate, and enemies bunny-hopping around, it’s guaranteed that you’ll miss some or most of your shots
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died trying to use this piece of metal. Does that mean I’m a noob? Probably. But you can’t deny that this is, at most, a niche gun.
It takes time to master it and even then the results aren’t guaranteed. And with so many other more reliable options at your disposal, I say – what’s the point?
2. SDM
We all remember the SDM’s days of glory, when it destroyed people in two taps. Granted, it was way too OP, but it now seems to have fallen in the opposite direction.
- Yes
- Severely reduced damage
- Weird recoil, which renders the weapon almost useless
- High bullet drop, which renders the weapon equally useless
There’s a reason why almost nobody uses the SDM anymore. Just find an AUGER and you’ll be fine.
1. Hellion Salvo
Gone are the days when the Hellion killed in one shot, no matter the vehicle you were riding. Nowadays, an infantry unit can tank a shot, heal that pesky rocket scratch, and carry on with their business. Which makes a lot of sense for a rocket launcher.
- It destroys razor wire in one shot
- It destroys quads in one shot (unfortunately, more often than not, the enemy will leave their quads eons before your projectile hits)
- It’s good at making enemies bail out of helicopters
- Enemies receive sound alerts even when just aiming the launcher at their vehicle
- The sound alert increases with the rocket approaching the vehicle
- These two cons make the weapon pretty much useless
The Hellion is a situational weapon, with reduced effectiveness, and that’s about it. If you ask me, they should remove the sound alert when locking onto the vehicle. At least give us a chance to actually kill something with it.
There you go, the 5 best and worst weapons in Blackout. Like I’ve already mentioned it, this is not an all-encompassing list. It’s just a guide, invariably touched by personal preferences. That being said, test the weapons, choose your favorites, and master them for maximum impact.