Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, another of Ra's al Ghul's students, Bane, wants to carry out his master's plan to destroy Gotham. Bruce, who has been in his house for years, must re-emerge as Batman to preserve Gotham at a critical time. The picture provided an excellent climax to what Batman Begins began, and fans still recall several The Dark Knight Rises quotations.
Let’s check out some of the most amazing quotes from the dark knight rises!
15. "I Had This Fantasy, That I Would Look Across The Tables And I'd See You There, With A Wife And Maybe A Couple Of Kids."
Alfred's connection with Bruce is terrific in the Nolan trilogy, and thanks to Michael Caine's amazing acting and some excellent scripting, Alfred has several memorable remarks.
Although the café scene at the conclusion of The Dark Knight Rises is not universally adored, it is nonetheless a moving moment between Alfred and Bruce. Alfred deserved some peace and pleasure, which he received as a result of Bruce living the life Alfred had always desired for him.
14. "Let The Games Begin!"
Bane brawls with Batman in The Dark Knight Rises amid the duel between henchmen and police officers.
Tom Hardy had his job cut out for him when he was cast as the villain in The Dark Knight Rises, since he needed to outdo Heath Ledger's portrayal as the Joker in The Dark Knight. Ledger's performance had been lauded by critics, elevated to cultural icon status, and recognized with a posthumous Academy Award.
As a result, living up to that standard could not have been simple. While Hardy's Bane voice and mask were mocked by some fans, he was eventually more memorable and legendary than the majority of film supervillains, if not as much as Ledger's Joker.
13. "His Only Crime Was That He Loved Me."
When Miranda exposes herself to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Batman and the viewer discover the truth about her and Bane's fate. Talia is a Pit native. When she came dangerously close to being slain, she climbed out of Hell and discovered freedom. Bane sustained an injury while rescuing her, necessitating the use of his mask. When she discovered her father, they rescued Bane and were inducted into the League of Shadows by Ra's al Ghul.
However, when Ra's al Ghul determined that Bane was unfit to join the organization, Bane was forced to depart. Talia chose to remain with Bane because she never believed he was to fault for the horrific things that had occurred to them. He was her beacon of light throughout their darkest hours.
12. "I Praised The Madman Who Tried To Murder My Own Child."
Harvey's lover, Rachel, was killed in The Dark Knight, and he blamed Batman and Jim Gordon for her death. To assassinate someone Jim loves, he came dangerously close to murdering his kid. Batman intervened in time to rescue him and instructed Jim to blame Harvey for his misdeeds after he died. Jim spent the next eight years convincing the citizens of Gotham that their hero did not become Two-Face.
He had pondered giving a statement he had written when he felt the moment was perfect for people to learn the truth about their district attorney. However, Bane would wind up reading the speech that included this tremendously effective sentence.
11. "You Think Darkness Is Your Ally."
The moment Bane shattered Batman's back is one of the most memorable scenes in the history of the Batman comics. He grabbed him up and then pushed his back on his knee. This established Bane's strength in the comics. Nolan took notice of this and incorporated it into his own film, with Bane occupying the majority of the screen.
It wasn't merely a method to tease comic book readers; it was included to conjure the comic's tone. He makes frequent references to darkness: "You believe darkness is your ally. You've just accepted darkness. I was conceived inside it and shaped by it. I did not see light until I was a man, and even then it was dazzling."
10. "No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put On The Mask."
The Dark Knight Rises brought a new memorable antagonist to Nolan's trilogy in the form of Tom Hardy's Bane. Fans received a sneak peek at the character ahead of the film's debut with a teaser of the opening few minutes featuring the new antagonist.
The phrase from the teaser clip surprised viewers and alluded to the distinctive design of his facial mask. Additionally, it provided fans a glimpse of the new League of Shadows and their commitment to their mission. "It makes no difference who we are. What matters is our strategy."
9. "The Concept Was To Serve As A Symbol. The Point Was That Batman Could Be Anyone."
After meeting young John Blake, an orphan who had determined Bruce Wayne's hidden identity and grown up to become a police officer, Bruce Wayne spent some time grooming his prospective future successor. Wayne expressed his ambitions for the job of Batman in a way that hinted at both Wayne's wish to leave the role and Blake's prospective takeover.
He also used it to remind himself of the reason he wears a mask in the first place, which is to protect the people he cares about. "There will always be individuals who matter to you. You just have no idea how much till they're gone."
8."Never Steal Anything From Someone You Can't Outrun, Kid."
Selina Kyle/Catwoman was reimagined in The Dark Knight Rises by Anne Hathaway, who had a connection with both Batman and Bruce Wayne, yet she turned on both when she agreed to assist Bane in luring Batman down to the tunnels.
She discovered a spark of heroism remaining inside her after the betrayal when she saw a gang reward a little child for stealing food from them in League of Shadows-controlled Gotham City. She dissuaded the gang members from harassing the child, fed him, and taught him an important lesson.
7. "My name is Gotham's Reckoning." I'm Here To Put An End To The Borrowed Time You've All Been Living."
While the first teaser effectively demonstrated Bane's talent and savagery, he proceeded to demonstrate throughout the film why he had earned his spot as one of Batman's most fearsome adversaries.
He temporarily teamed with businessman Roland Daggett in order to leverage his riches, yet he demonstrated his intimidating abilities during their last encounter, when he revealed who he was and how he saw the future of Gotham City.
6. "You Get To Learn To Hide The Anger, Practice Smiling In A Mirror. It's Like Wearing A Mask."
John Blake demonstrated to Bruce Wayne that he was the best candidate to succeed him as Batman in a variety of ways, including Blake's admission that he had identified Bruce Wayne's secret identity as Batman years earlier during a visit to the orphanage.
He recognized the same phony face worn by other orphans that Bruce Wayne wore. It was a scene that brought the two characters together while also demonstrating Blake's logical abilities, which made him an excellent candidate to take over as the next Dark Knight.
5. "Save Yourself. You Don't Owe These People Anymore. You've Given Them Everything."
This part introduces Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman. Throughout the film, she develops love for Bruce and begs him to accompany her out of Gotham when the city is in desperate need of him.
Bruce is prepared to battle Bane one more time, and Selina ends up being the one who kills him. They leave their city behind after rescuing it and go on to a new life together.
4. "Feel The Fire Of 12 Million Souls You Failed."
Initially, viewers are made to assume Miranda Tate is employed by Wayne Enterprises. However, in what is perhaps the trilogy's greatest narrative shock, she is revealed to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia.
She collaborated with Bane throughout and left Batman with him, pleading with him not to murder Bruce and insisting that he watch Gotham's ruin. As was the case with her father, fans were made to think she was a very different character than the adversary she ultimately became.
3."Every Man Who Has Rotted Here Over The Centuries Has Looked Up To The Light And Imagined Climbing To Freedom."
Bane imprisons Batman in The Pit, the world's most terrible jail, which many believe to be on a par with Hell. They are not encircled by bars and are not guarded. Rather than that, they are underground and have the opportunity to climb their way out of The Pit.
They are always aware of the outside world, teasing them as they attempt to flee. However, due to the difficulty of climbing The Pit, very few people have escaped.
2. "So you came back to die with your city"
Bruce returns to Gotham and faces Bane once again after being the second person to climb out of The Pit. These are the phrases said by the adversary throughout their conflict. He tries to kill the bat once again, shocked to discover him still standing.
1. "A Hero Can Be Anyone, Even Someone Doing Something As Simple And Reassuring As Putting A Coat Around A Little Boy's Shoulders To Let Him Know The World Hadn't Ended."
Bruce Wayne is essentially a servant to Gotham, willing to sacrifice his own life to protect the city's citizens and complete its recovery, thus saving other people from suffering what he experienced years before.
As a result, he is forced to adopt the character of an eccentric millionaire, fooling everyone, even Gordon, a guy he loves. This last encounter between the two in The Dark Knight Rises is both breathtaking and tragic, with the silver lining being that Gordon gained an appreciation for all Bruce had done for him and the city after his watch ended.
The last part of Nolan’s Batman trilogy gave us amazing scenes and even more amazing dialogues. Above were a few of iconic dialogues from Batman the Dark Knight Rises. I hope you enjoyed going through this list. Let me know if you think any other iconic quote from the movie deserves to be on the list.
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