What is the best thing about zombie games? The storylines? The characters? The terrifying thought that we are all just zombies wandering around mindlessly in the modern world? Or is it taking heads and breaking legs?
Below are 10 of the best weapons starting from early to late game, in Deep Silvers brand new release: Dead Island 2. Enjoy.
10.Scaffold Pole (Early)

Like the original game you start out by just grabbing whatever comes to hand, a plank of wood, some steel rebar or a scaffolding pole. Slightly pointed at one end this piece of metal acts like a spear, with a long reach to keep the undead away during the early stages of the game, this is a weapon you should keep an eye out for.
What Scaffold Pole Excels in
- Long reach keeps the undead away
- Decent damage
- Can be found anywhere
- High throwing distance
How to get Scaffold Poles
These are found on the ground in every location at the game…just pick one up and start combatting the undead with your makeshift spear.
9.Golf Club (Early)

If you keep your eye on the ball, your feet straight and remember its all in the hips, you will find that this weapon is up to par. Quick and precise swings let you take down the walking dead and end up putting a hole in one.
What the Golf Club’s Excel in
- Fast strikes
- Good durability
- Good damage
How to get Golf Clubs
These can be found as enemy drops or from the in game merchants. You also get given an upgraded one quite early into the game after helping Curtis clear his house of walkers in the first true area of the game.
8.Baseball Bat

The pinnacle weapon of zombie media. Annoyingly can’t have nails put through it but still a huge amount of fun. A really good all-round weapon to take into battle against the undead hordes of Hell-A.
What the Baseball Bats Excel in
- Great knockdown power
- Quite long reach
- High damage
How to get Baseball Bats
These can be found as enemy drops or from the in game merchants. There is also a unique bat called ‘Black Magic’ in the game. In Venice Beach, look for a screamer called Rose, after defeat this screamer will drop a key. Take the key inside ‘Rose’s Tattoos’ on the beachfront and unlock the container inside to delve into Black Magic.
7. Sporting Rifle

The sporting rifle used by hunters around Hell-A is now being used to hunt the shambling reanimated denizens of the City of Angels. Single shot, scoped and now that guns in Dead Island are actually good (the first game they were terrible) make this a powerful and satisfying choice.
What Sporting Rifle Excel in
- It works really well over short/medium/long distances
- High headshot damage
- Decent accuracy
- Fun modifications
How to get Sporting Rifles
These can be found as enemy drops or from the in game merchants. This is also the first ranged weapon you get. After tracking down some weapons with Sam-B you get given this single shot scoped rifle. With the ‘Match Level’ mechanic in the game I actually carried this first rifle right through to the last mission.
6.Brass Knuckles
Sam B by far was the best character in the other Dead Island games. Part of it was his special ability where he equips overpowered Brass Knucks and annihilates the enemy. You can now get this ability at any stage of the game, with the right mods this thing becomes a power weapon. My particular set of Brass Knuckles can take out any enemy, fast, strong or powerful.
What Brass Knuckles Excel in
- Fast attacks
- High damage
- Low stamina usage
- High durability
How to get Brass Knuckles
These can be found as enemy drops or from the in game merchants.
5.Bo-StaffUnleash your inner Donatello with this staff. Great with the mutilator modification which increases both the force and damage stats of the weapon. A viable weapon for any enemy type at any stage of the game.
What the Bo-Staff Excels in
- Fast attack
- Long reach
- Stuns enemies
How to get Bo-Staff
These can be found as enemy drops or from the in game merchants.

Fire and runes embellish this weapon. A truly beautiful weapon and a lot of fun to play around with, would be higher if it wasn’t for the amount of fire resistant enemies in the game.
What Krakatoa Excels in
- High fire damage
- Fast attack speed
- Looks incredible
How to get Krakatoa
Complete the Missing Persons mission to find Steve. This mission will become available after doing six missions from the notice board in the Serling Hotel.
3.PeggyCurtis is tied with Sam B for the person who helps you get or gives you some of the best weapons in the game. After completing the mission “Creature Comfort” Curtis will award you this weapon, complaining that the kickback is more than he can handle nowadays anyway.
What Peggy Excels in
- High high damage
- Long range
- Headshot damage is incredible
How to get Peggy
Curtis the old man you can save during the beginning stages of the game and gave you a highly modified golf club has a shopping list. Complete his shopping list and he will reward you with Peggy, his engraved bolt action hunting rifle.
2.The One

The One broadsword to decapitate them all. High power, great perks makes this a perfect weapon for the end game. It would be number one on this list but it requires more work to get than the weapon in that final spot.
What The One Excels in
- Lowers enemy defence stat
- Great decapitation chance
- Long reach
How to get The One
Once the main quest has been completed and you can then complete the final mission for Amanda Styles, you get another mission from Sebastian to go and help with repairing the Space Fox signal light. After repelling waves and waves of the undead you get awarded with The One.
1.Emma’s Wrath
A heavily modified hammer carried by Banoi survivor Sam B. Large, a bit heavy with high damage this weapon can turn you into a walking tank. A great reward after the final mission.
What Emma’s Wrath Excels in
- High damage
- High durability
- High “force” stat
- Can bring a crusher to it’s knees in one hit
How to get Emma’s Wrath
The customised hammer of legendary in-game rapper Sam-B. He presents you with this weapon after beating the main quest of the game.
That was 10 of the best weapons in Dead Island 2. Of course with levelling and different modifications, different play-styles and perk cards, you could a perfect and powerful weapon out of anything. So experiment and see what works best for you.
Let me know down below if this has been of any help and let me know what your go to weapons have been in this game so far.
Happy biting.