[Top 10] D&D Best Multiclass That Wreck Hard!

Multiclass, Best Multiclass, D&D 5e, D&D, DnD
23 Jul 2021

Dungeons and Dragons have always given players the right to freedom in how they play their characters; meaning there is no wrong way to play a certain character. Some may want a magic-based character, others may want a martial. Multi-classing in D&D is a great way to get the best of both worlds or even spice up one style of play. Here are some of the best.

Disclaimer: There's a lot of Rogue on this list.

10. Druid/Barbarian

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Druid/Barbarian ready to fight, be that man or beast

Druids are by far one of the best casters in all of D&D. Barbarians are one of the best tanks and damage dealers that aren’t magic-based. Put them together, and you have one of the best multiclass in the game. They’re also great for flavor!

Barbarians have their rage, extra attacks, unarmored defense. Druids have spells and wild shapes. Because the Barbarian has high health and most likely a high strength score and at level 8, a druid can wild-shape into a brown bear which has even more health, it makes it one of the best tank builds.

Why Druid/Barbarian is Great:

* High health pool and damage

* Powerful spells that at later levels can be cast in Wild-shape

* You keep the class abilities of both while in Wild-shape, such as the Barbarian’s Rage ability.

9. Barbarian/Fighter

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Fighter/Barbarian stands proud with sword in hand

Yet another tank class, a Barbarian/Fighter makes a good multiclass for those who don’t want to go as a caster. In the front line, it can draw enemies to it to protect the party. It can take hits and deal them right back, but we all know that he’s secretly a teddy bear on the inside.

A Barbarian’s Rage along with a Fighter’s Battle maneuvers, if going Battle master, makes it easy to deal damage while protecting your squishy teammates. You can do this all without wearing cumbersome armor; all you need is a sword or two. At Barbarian 2nd level you gain the Rogue/Monk’s ability Uncanny Dodge with an ability called Danger Sense. If you keep up with Barbarian levels, you also gain fast movement, which increases your movement speed if not wearing any heavy armor.

The Fighter, on the other hand, is proficient in all armor and weapons, making it perfect with the barbarian. They gain ability score improvement faster than other classes. At Fighter level 9, you gain the ability Indomitable which lets you re-roll a failed saving throw. They also gain access to Action Surge at Fighter level 2, which allows you to take one extra action once after a long rest.

Why the Barbarian/Fighter is Great:

* High AC and Health

* A lot of ability score improvements

* Gains Battle Maneuvers from Battle Master Subclass

* Great for drawing aggression from enemies

8. Rogue/Wizard

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Rogue/Wizard walks towards an enemy

For stealthy players that want some magic with their thieving or assassinating. Sure, they could always go the Arcane Trickster subclass, but they only get up to 4th level spells at level 19 and no cantrips. Why not become a wizard!

The Wizard gets a wide range of spells and schools of magic. You can be a mighty Necromancer with fire spells, be a cunning Illusionist with a few damage spells, or even be a straight Pyromancer. They have single-target spells and great AOE spells for damage.

The Rogue gets sneak attack, stealth, and ways to not get hit. They're also proficient in light and medium armor, so casting spells while wearing leather won't be as detrimental to you.

Why Rogue/Wizard is Great:

* Loads more spell slots for whatever wizard you want.

* Can still sneak attack with a spell-enchanted light or finesse weapon

* Isn't as squishy as just a wizard or rogue.

7. Sorcerer/Warlock

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Sorcercer/Warlock gains new power

Is your Sorcerer's bloodline weak to you? Have they wanted to sling spells from 300 feet away? Well, making a pact with a patron is the way to go!

The Sorcerer is a good place to start, because of the bloodline. They can also spend Sorcerer points to gain spell slots back. Though, once they learn a spell, it can't ever be unlearned (because, as you know, family ties and all that).

The Warlock gains patron features as their patron wishes; which in this case is determined by level. They gain meta-magic feats, same as the sorcerer. Their good ole reliable, Eldritch Blast, is a great cantrip and can be improved upon further through feats.

Why Sorcerer/Warlock is Great

* Gains access to more spells

* Can regain spell slots basically at will

* Can do massive damage from afar so you can run away while everyone else dies

6. Rogue/Ranger

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Rogue/Ranger tracks a wild beast

Want to sneak attack while getting an advantage and doing extra damage to a target? Mix Rogue and Ranger and your gold.

The Rogue, sneaky as is it, can use bows already. But mixing in a little Ranger with Hunter's mark and favored enemy, it's even greater. That, and you and your party will never get lost because of the Ranger's ability to always see north.

Why Rogue/Ranger is Great:

* More damage!

* Ability to cast spells that help you from afar.

* Never get lost, and steal on the way.

5. Monk/Rogue

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A Monk/Rogue attacks an enemy

A Monk can be sneaky at times, so can a rogue. So, why not combine them?

With a Monk/Rogue multiclass you can dodge and weave through the enemy without having to use as many Ki points. With the Rogue’s Uncanny Dodge and Disengage abilities being able to be used as a bonus action, you won’t have to waste Ki points to do the same things.

Monks get the Deflect Missile ability at level 3. If the ability reduces the damage to 0, you can catch it, granted that it’s small enough. If you fail an Acrobatics check at level 4, with Slow Fall you can reduce the damage by 5x your monk level, so you can keep on sneak attacking if you aren’t noticed.

Why Monk/Rogue is Great:

* Lots of abilities that reduce damage

* Able to wear armor proficiently

* A ton of single target damage

4. Paladin/Cleric

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Paladin/Cleric looks for signs of an attack

Do you want even more healing ability? Want more ways to destroy the undead? Multiclass Paladin/Cleric can help with just that.

The Cleric has access to Turn/Rebuke undead. Paladins have Smite Good/Evil. Turn/Rebuke undead is AOE and Smite Good/Evil is a single target.

Paladins have some healing ability with their Lay on Hands and spell casting. Clerics get even more healing spells if they go with a Life Cleric. With Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, they’re able to heal creatures within 30 ft for hit points 5x their cleric level divided among the creatures. On top of the healing, Paladins gain the Divine Health ability, making them immune to all diseases.

Paladins also get a fighting style at level 2. You can choose Protection to impose a disadvantage to a creature targeting an ally within 5 ft of you. Or Great Weapon Fighting to let you re-roll a 1 or a 2.

Why Paladin/Cleric is Great:

* Potential to deal tons of damage

* A lot of healing

* Great for protecting teammates.


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Fighter/Wizard casting a spell from his spell book

Fighters gain access to the Eldritch Knight subclass, but they only get up to level 4 Spells. Why not multiclass with a Wizard to get up to level 9 spells?

Wizards as mentioned before get a load of spells, both offensive and defensive. If you couple that with a fighter who has the War Caster feat, you’ve created a battle-mage! Who doesn’t love to throw a fireball at someone 5 feet away?

If you get the Fighter subclass Psi Warrior, you get access to mind spells as well. Even more magic on top of your already existing magic!

Why Fighter/Wizard is Great:

* Single target damage

* Battle-mage ready to go

* Psionics!

2. Paladin/Warlock

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Paladin/Warlock coming from the skies to help on the battlefield

Does your Paladin wish for more power because their oath isn’t strong enough? Get a patron from the deep darkness of the void!

With the Hexblade Warlock at level 1, they get the Hexblade Curse. It gives them bonus damage based on their proficiency bonus, health if the target dies while cursed, and on a 19 or 20 roll, it crits. Cast that, then smite the target, roll a 19 or 20, and it’s *poof* gone!

If the Paladin has the Oath of Conquest, they give a debuff to encounters with a lot of enemies if taking the Channel Divinity part of the Oath. 

Why Paladin/Warlock is Great:

* Lots of single target damage

* Healing from others’ wounds

* Debuffs galore

1. Fighter/Rogue

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Fighter/Rogue facing an unknown enemy

Does your Fighter hang out with the rogue a lot? Well, why not multiclass into one and get rid of him! Your party will thank you!

The Assassin Rogue at level 3, and the Champion Fighter also at Level 3 do wonders for damage, as long as you aren’t caught. If the target hasn’t taken a turn in battle, and you hit it, it’s an automatic critical. Beautiful sneak attack damage!

If someone caught you though, just keep rolling 19s or 20s, and you still get a critical hit. If you ever need to make a long jump over, say, a canyon, you can! You can add your strength modifier to a long jump at Fighter level 7. And at Fighter level 10, you get another fighting style. What’s not to love?

Why Fighter/Rogue is Great:

* Lots of single target damage

* Crits everywhere

* Maneuverability throughout the battlefield with Rogue abilities.

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