Sorcerers can be incredibly fun for players looking to get into spellcasting in Dungeons and Dragons. However, they aren’t the most straightforward class. New Sorcerers need to learn how to make the most out of their limited number of spells, how Metamagic works and what gear is best to max out their character. This article has players covered for that last part, as we will be covering what weapons, items and armour are best for Sorcerers.
20. Hat of Disguise:
Invisibility and style, an iconic combination that will get you out of all sorts of trouble.
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 900 Gold
Ever wondered what it would be like to wear a magical hat that allows you to disguise yourself as anyone you want? No? Me neither, but it’s a pretty neat trick when you’re playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- This magical item allows players to use the Disguise Self spell and transform their appearance however they like whilst the hat is on their person.
- This can be used by players to deceive enemies; sneak into places they shouldn’t be and hide in plain sight. The sorcerer’s high Charisma makes this more effective, by giving players a boost on deception rolls.
- Using the hat also means players don’t have to use up one of their sorcerers’ available spells to take disguise person.
19. Bloodwell vial:
A small, blood-filled vial great for Sorcerers looking to improve spellcasting and channel their inner goth.
Rarity: Uncommon to very rare
Cost: Varied
Whilst carrying one’s blood in a glass bottle around their neck might be Vial for some people (terrible pun) it is beneficial for Sorcerers. Boosting spell attack rolls, saving throws and sorcery points without taking an armour slot makes this item a must-have.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The Bloodwell Vial, depending on its rarity, can offer a +1, +2 or +3 bonus to spell attack rolls or spell-saving throws
- Once a day, the Vial can also restore 5 sorcery points whenever players roll to regain health. This saves players the hassle of worrying about exhausting their sorcery points in battle and then needing them again later.
- Additionally, the Bloodwell Vial can be used as a spellcasting focus but doesn’t need to be wielded like a staff or wand. This means players can cast magic from the vial whilst wearing it around their neck, freeing up their hands to cause chaos in other ways.
18. Light Crossbow:
The Light crossbow is a perfect alternative for using spellslots and still offers players plenty of options to do damage during combat.
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 25 Gold
Crossbows are an extremely practical option for low-level Sorcerers or players still getting to grips with how the Sorcerer class works. Players will have access to it immediately, Sorcerers start with proficiency in light crossbows and it can deal a reliable source of damage whilst newbies learn to tell their spell slots from their sorcery points
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The light crossbow is capable of dealing more damage than spells like firebolt until the player's Sorcerer reaches level 5.
- The crossbow comes with 20 bolts and gives low-level players offensive options that do not diminish their limited number of spell slots.
17. Wand of magic missiles:
Sporting a silver shaft and magic blue crystal, the wand of magic missiles is a great little weapon with a lot of utility.
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 101-500 Gold
A classic, uncommon magic wand that is a good option for all spellcasters. It has a reliable damage output and doesn’t use up the player's spell slots or sorcery points, great for new or low-level players who are still getting to grips with managing their spell slots.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The wand comes with 7 charges and players can spend one charge to cast the spell Magic Missile, letting them save their magical resources whilst still having attack options.
- Magic Missile casts three glowing darts that each deal 1d4+1 force damage, and can be focused on one target or divided amongst several. Using more charges lets the player fire more missiles and deal more damage on the battlefield. This gives Sorcerers more options if they’re fighting groups of enemies or targeting just one.
- The spell also has 120 feet of range, letting Sorcerers stay out of the way of combat whilst raining down attacks on enemies.
16. Clockwork Amulet:
Casting high-power spells when facing bigger enemies can be a real high-risk high-reward game. The clockwork amulet helps take the edge off in these tense situation.
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 400 gold
Once a day, players can use the clockwork amulet during combat to score an immediate 10 on an attack roll without having to roll a dice for it. For those sessions when the dice decide that the player is not making it out of combat alive.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- This amulet has no attunement and low rarity, meaning players have a reasonable chance of encountering it in their travels and will be able to use it right away.
- Good for when the player is on a bad rolling streak, or when they need to make a guaranteed hit against a monster with average AC.
- Giving Sorcerers a guaranteed 10 on an attack roll means that once players know they will succeed on a 10, they are free to cast their spell at a higher level or use metamagic, safe in the knowledge they will hit their target.
15. Broom of Flying:
Who knew a simple tool for sweeping up rubbish could be such a lifesaver?
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 17000 Gold
From Harry Potter to the Wicked Witch of the West, the flying broom has been a staple in fantasy for many years. Now you too can put your life in the non-existent hands of an enchanted stick with twigs on the end.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The flying speed of 50 and freedom of verticality give sorcerers a new level of speed and manoeuvrability to navigate the world.
- Players can command the broom to go to any location within 1 mile of them and can summon the broom back using its command word. Pair this with the broom's 400-pound carry weight and it can be a great tool for evacuating friends off the battlefield and retrieving distant items in a hurry
14. Stone of good luck:
Usually in the shape of a cat, this cool little rock is a fantastic trinket for Sorcerers to take on their adventures
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 2500 Gold
Sometimes the best weapons in a Sorcerer's arsenal is a cavalcade of calamitous spells, wonders and witchcraft. Sometimes it’s a rock. But like, a cool rock, that helps with magic and stuff.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The stone of Good Luck provides a +1 bonus to Ability checks and saving throws. This is universally useful for all classes, helping players with grapples, death save throws, initiative rolls, passive wisdom etc.
- This is specifically useful for Sorcerers, who can use the +1 bonus to help counterspells and dispel magic arcana checks.
- The stone can be worn anywhere and does not need to take up an armour slot. It can be placed in a necklace or placed in a pocket, as players benefit from the stone as long as it is on their person.
13. Pearl of Power:
The Pearl of Power helps restock magic spells, which is a big deal when casting is your go-to.
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 5000 Gold
Useful for all spellcasters, this uncommon magical item is a great addition to an early-level Sorcerers arsenal. It helps combat every spellcaster's worse nightmare- running out of spell slots.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- Using its command word, players can regain an expended spell slot. If used for higher-level spell slots, the regained spell slot will be a level lower than the level the spell was cast at (i.e., 2nd level spell slot will return as a 1st-level spell slot etc.).
- This item is uncommon, so it is likely players will encounter it early in their travels when they will need help saving spell slots the most.
12. Barrier Tattoo:
Meshing style and utility, the Barrier Tattoo keeps players safe and looks great!
Rarity: Rare
Cost: 5000 – 15000 Gold
Tattoos are cool. Magic Tattoos are like normal tattoos but they can protect players from being stabbed. Which is also pretty cool.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- This Magic Tattoo provides players with an Armor Class based on its rarity. This Armor Class does not take up an armour slot and does not require players to cast a spell. This is great for Sorcerers, who lack armour proficiency and have limited defensive options without using their limited spell options and magic capacity.
- Uncommon Tattoos provide an Armor Class of 12, Rare Tattoos provide an Armor Class of 15 and very rare tattoos provide an Armor Class of 18. This means that rarer Barrier Tattoos are more beneficial than defensive spells like Mage Armor, without using the spell slots.
11. Cloak of Displacement:
A magical cloak that lets players be in two places at once.
Rarity: Rare
Cost: 25000 Gold
Made from the pelt of a displacer beast, the Cloak of Displacement creates an illusion of the player near their location to distract attacking enemies. This makes it ideal for spellcasters who, like many of us, aren’t very good at being stabbed.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- Any creature attacking the player has to roll with a disadvantage, greatly increasing the player's chances of dodging the attack altogether.
- Sorcerers are more vulnerable to attacks than meatier classes, such as Barbarians or Paladins, so attack roll disadvantage can be the difference between life and death during tricky combat encounters.
10. Ring of spell storing:
A two-finger ring that lets players store a couple extra spells in their back pocket for when times get tough.
Rarity: Rare
Cost: 5000 Gold
As cool as it can be to spew fireballs and conjure magic weapons, the fun of playing a Sorcerer can be weighed down by the level of resource management that goes into maintaining one’s spell slots and sorcery points. The Ring of Storing lets players bank spells to cast later without having to sacrifice their spell reserve.
Why it is good for Barbarians:
- Any spell, up to 5th level, can be cast into the ring and used again whenever the player requires, without having to sacrifice spell slots or sorcery points to use it.
- The ring also opens up a range of tactical opportunities for Players. These include: storing defensive spells in the ring so spell slots can be used for doing damage, choosing spells based on their effectiveness to solve upcoming challenges or storing a high-level damage spell to use as a last resort during clutch situations.
- One cool thing about the ring is that the wearer isn’t the only one who can cast spells into it. Got a wizard in the party who has a spell you want but can’t learn? No problem! Once the spell is locked into the ring it’s all yours.
9. Elven Chain:
Classic, interwieved Elven chain that gives players a little extra protection on the battlefield.
Rarity: Rare
Cost: 4150 Gold
A simpler option for Players looking to boost their Armor Class, the Elven Armor lets players improve their defence without losing a number of their limited spells to shield and armour spells. This armour also lets players prioritize space on their body for fun tattoos that better fit their playstyle, rather than pushing players to take Barrier Tattoo for the extra protection
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The elven chain comes with a 13 Armor Class and a +1 to Armor Class. This gives Sorcerers a solid level of protection against damage without requiring attunement (like Barrier Tattoo) or spell slots (like mage armour).
- This armour is also great for sorcerers as they are considered proficient with the armour even though they do not have medium armour proficiency.
8. Tome of Leadership and Influence:
The Tome of Leadership and Influence is a big book that gifts players with better abilities and key insights.
Rarity: Very rare
Cost: 5000 – 50000 GOLD
After studying its pages for 48 in-game hours (over 6 days), this Tome provides players with a simple buff that is incredibly helpful for Sorcerers. Don’t let anyone say that books aren’t cool.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The Tome of Leadership and Influence permanently increases the player's charisma score, and their charisma score cap, by 2. The Charisma boost will improve Sorcerer's spellcasting and make it easier for them to talk themselves out of bad situations.
7. Staff of Power:
The staff of power has strong offensive abilities and, more importantly, looks really cool.
Rarity: Very rare
Cost: 80000+ gold
As versatile as it is deadly, the staff of power earns its name by providing players with a variety of strong buffs and impressive magical effects. Great for players who enjoy casting spells but still want the option to be able to bonk the enemy on the head from time to time.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The Staff of Power comes with 20 charges for spellcasting and a variety of great spells installed, letting players save sorcery points and spell slots.
- As a quarterstaff, the Staff of Power has a +2 to attack and damage rolls. It also comes with a move called “Power Strike,” where players can spend a charge to add 1d6 force damage to their attack.
- The staff also comes with an additional +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws and spell attack rolls.
6. Blast Scepter:
This magical weapon lets players blast lightning at their enemies. Very powerful, lots of fun and flashy enough to keep combat interesting.
Rarity: Very rare
Cost: 5000 - 25000
With a mix of stats, magical effects and metamagic buffs and boosts, Sorcerer classes tend to get more complicated as players reach higher levels. The Blast Scepter is a straightforward weapon which lets the player deal a decent amount of thunder damage without spending a spell slot. Players should pick this weapon if they want to save themselves a headache when going into combat.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The blast scepter gives players resistance to fire and lightning damage.
- The scepter also allows players to cast a 4th-level thunder wave. At this level, the spell deals 5d8 (on a failed save) thunder damage to creatures in a 15-foot cube from the player and pushes them 10 feet away. The spell also comes with a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, making it difficult to dodge.
5. Rod Of Absorption:
Whilst the bright yellow might not be the most visually appealing, being able to absorb spell magic is cool enough to mke up for it.
Rarity: Very rare
Cost: 50000
The Rod of Absorption lets players (unsurprisingly) absorb spells and store their energy to replace empty spell slots. This gives players a helpful top-up of magic when they’re running low during combat and helps alleviate some of the stress of running out of spells during difficult fights.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- On a reaction, players can absorb targeted spells (doesn’t include AOE attacks), cancelling their effect and storing their energy in the rod. The rod can store 50 levels of energy and these levels can be used in place of the player's spell slots. Keeping a good store of energy in the Rod of Absorption when going into combat will give players a reliable reserve of spells just in case things don’t go to plan.
- The rod of Absorption also lets you spend more energy to cast higher-level spells (up to the player's level). This gives players the option to use their sorcerer's spell slots for damage control during combat and save the rod for casting bigger, nastier spells.
4. Cloak of Invisibility:
This blue cloak doesn't take up an armour slot and lets players slip in and out of tricky situations.
Rarity: Legendary
Cost: 80000 Gold
Another classic pulled straight from several fantasy franchises, the Cloak of Invisibility has more uses than just trying to sneak into the restricted section of the library at Hogwarts. It can also be used to silently dispatch enemies without alerting others nearby, something which would have felt very out of place in Harry Potter.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- Invisibility is incredibly useful for sneaking in and out of places or avoiding danger. This is especially good for Sorcerers, as their low defence can sometimes mean that disappearing from a fight is a better call than seeing it through.
- Players are still able to attack whilst using the cloak. This would class as a sneak attack, dealing extra damage to the unsuspecting opponent.
- The cloak takes 24 hours to fully recharge but can be used for 2 hours when at full power. This gives players a decent amount of time to cause some trouble whilst invisible
3. Robe of the Archmagi:
This white robe is perfect for spellcasters, just be careful to not get any blood on it.
Rarity: Legendary
Cost: 75000 Gold
Arguably the best armour for Sorcerers, these robes provide players with multiple great buffs that protect them against all forms of damage whilst also giving them a nice +2 to spell attacks. The additional protection against spell attacks also makes it ideal for fighting other spellcasters.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The robe gives players a base Armor class of 15 (plus their dexterity modifier) if they are not wearing armour.
- Players also gain an advantage on spell saving throws, meaning they have more protection against physical and magical attacks
- The Player's spell attack and Difficulty Class for spell saves increases by 2, also boosting the player's offensive capabilities.
2. The Staff of The Magi:
This staff pairs perfectly with the staff of the Archmagi to give players the perfect Gandalf the White look
Rarity: Legendary
Cost: 110000 Gold
Pairing perfectly with the robes of the archmagi, this Staff is every Sorcerer's dream. Lots of spells, its own set of magical charges and the ability to resort to whacking fools when the time calls for it makes the Staff of the Magi the best weapon on this list.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- Several powerful combat spells are stored in the staff, including: Conjure Elemental, Wall of Fire, Lighting Bolt Ice storm and Fireball.
- The staff also lets players use many practical spells, such as invisibility, Telekinesis, counter-spell, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Cast Light and protection from evil and good.
- This gives Sorcerers (who are limited to the number of spells they can take) an arsenal of new spells that they can use without expending spell slots.
- The staff doubles as a Rod of Absorption, allowing players to absorb energy from cast spells on a reaction to gain more charges. It also comes with the same explosion effect as the Staff of Power if players decide to break the staff over their knee. Again, use with caution.
1. Sorcerer shards:
Sorcerer's are a fun spellcasting class because they excel at causing chaos.The shards will help with that.
Rarity: Varied
Cost: Varied
Introduced in Tasha’s cauldron of Everything, Sorcerer Shards are attached to items on the player's person and can be used every time a player spends sorcery points to modulate a spell with Metamagic. These crystals are at the top of this list due to the versatility, and sheer power, they offer Sorcerers if used effectively. However, they can also be a little complicated. So, extra detail has been included below to show how these weird space crystals can shine in and out of combat.
Why it is good for Sorcerers:
- The Astral Shard allows players to teleport 30 feet away from their location whenever they use Metamagic on a spell.
In combat, Sorcerers facing a big target could use the Metamagic “Quickened Spell,” to cast a 1-action spell and a cantrip, then use the Astral Shard to teleport away from the target before it has the opportunity to attack. This shows the crystal is an excellent option for quick escapes.
- The Feywood shard lets players who did not choose the wild magic origin roll on the wild magic table whenever they use Metamagic. Whilst not the most powerful option, this shard does let players throw in some wacky magical effects into their spellcasting to make combat more chaotic.
- Elemental Essence Shards come with one of four properties. Air allows 60 feet of flight without invoking opportunity attacks, Earth grants resistance against a chosen damage type, Fire makes one target of a spell combust into flames and Water casts a 10-foot wave burst around the player. Each of these pairs well with a metamagic spell.
- Shadowfell Shards cast a curse on the enemy targeted by the player's metamagic spell. This target then has a disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws for an ability the player chooses, until their next turn;
For this, players could cast fireball and then curse the target to give them disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. This makes the target more likely to fail the dexterity save, so they take full damage against the spell’s fiery effects.