Each item is worth 101-500 gold pieces (gp). Not only are the items valuable, but they also can be advantageous in Dungeons & Dragons (DM) campaigns against specific creatures. Sometimes, locating or rescuing a lost magic item is the primary mission of the campaign. This article will explain 15 great magic items to find on your first or next adventure!
15. Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location
I see you!
Dictionary.com states that amulets are “a small object worn to ward off evil, harm, or illness or to bring good fortune; protecting charm.” This word, originated from the French, has been around as early as 1595. Amulets are typically worn around the neck, can be made of any material, and commonly referenced in D&D adventures! If you are lucky to find an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location during your campaign, your character can reap the benefits. Keep reading to find out more!
Why Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Is Fun
- Magic items are fun to discover after a battle or successfully opening a locked treasure chest!
- The amulet is beneficial for characters trying to avoid combat or discovery.
- Wearing this item prevents discovery through divination magic or magical scrying sensors.
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location details:
- This amulet requires an attunement before using the item in battle.
- Considered as a wondrous item, which is basically the miscellaneous category of magic items in D&D.
- This item is worth between 101-500 gp.
14. Bag of Holding
Made for the hoaders in your group!
One of the disadvantages of travelling on an adventure is that players must carry items and said items can be heavy. As a result, this can literally slow your roll affecting dexterity and movement. The Bag of Holding is considered a wondrous magic item and a great find if players like to carry lots of items to use or sell!
Why the Bag of Holding Is Fun
- The Bag of Holding only weighs 15 pounds, so it would be easy to carry.
- Also, this item holds up to 500 pounds, so you can find and store all the found treasure and needed supplies!
Bag of Holding details:
- If the player wants to retrieve an item from the Bag of Holding, he or she must use an action.
- The dimensions of the bag are two feet in diameter and four feet deep.
- If the Bag of Holding is damaged, the contents will spill out in the Astral Plane. (In other words, make sure you adhere to the 500-pound limit.)
13. Boots of Elvenkind
These boots were made for sneaking...!
In D&D campaigns, most adventurers will need to travel on foot. Why not travel as quietly as possible? Like many elvish magical and non-magical items, Boots of Elvenkind are attractive and well-made. In addition, this magical item will assist even the clumsiest adventurer. If you are lucky enough to find a pair, read on to find out why you should keep and use them!
Why Boots of Elvenkind Is Fun
- Elven boots are attractive, durable, and will make your character stealthy like a boss!
- When you move in the Boots of Elvenkind, no matter where, you will not be heard. That can be advantageous when sneaking up on an opponent or trying to avoid an encounter altogether.
Boots of Elvenkind details:
- The boots also give an advantage on Dexterity. (Roll 2d20s and take the higher result.)
- Also known as adventuring gear, the Boots of Elvenkind are also considered as a wondrous item.
12. Brooch of Shielding
Jewelry with protection!
Dictonary.com defines a brooch (pronounced like broach) “a clasp or ornament having a pin at the back for passing through the clothing and a catch for securing the point of the pin.” Brooches originated in the Middle Ages and the term came into existence in the year 1175. Since these items are older, it is fun to include them in D&D adventures! Please read on to find out how to use them!
Why Brooch of Shielding Is Fun
- Considered as a wondrous item, the Brooch of Shielding provides resistance to damage from force damage.
- Not only useful, but this ornate piece of jewelry is also attractive to wear.
- The wearer of this brooch is automatically immune to magic missile spells. How fun is that to negate an enemy’s spell during battle!
Brooch of Shielding details:
- Be sure to have this magic item attuned before using it in combat.
- This uncommon magical brooch is worth about 500 gp.
11. Cloak of Protection
Ready to wear!
This magic item is beautifully ornate, embroidered in both silver and gold, and the color of the cloak is a bluish purple. The Cloak of Protection also includes a hood that will keep the wearer safe and warm. Read more to find out why the Cloak of Protection is an awesome magic item to acquire!
Why Cloak of Protection Is Fun
- Considered as adventuring gear, wearing this cloak is fun because it will give you a +1 on your armor class!
- Also, you will have a +1 on your saving throws.
- Not only is this a magical item, but an attractive garment. In other words, it would be fashionable to wear!
Cloak of Protection details:
- Make sure you have this item attuned before wearing it.
- The Cloak of Protection is considered as a wondrous item.
10. Oil of Slipperiness
Good for comedic effect!
The Oil of Slipperiness appears to be gunky and sticky but will seamlessly cover a player or the floor once it is out of the container. This potion is durable, lasts a full day, and can be used for multiple purposes. Read on to find out more about the wonderful uses of the Oil of Slipperiness!
Why Oil of Slipperiness Is Fun
- This potion can also be poured on the floor to make opponents slip and fall if they fail a Dexterity check. This is great if you have a lot of opponents and need a quick getaway!
- If the potion is poured on a person, it has the effects of Freedom of Movement. The character cannot be paralyzed, restrained, and speed cannot be affected by magic.
Oil of Slipperiness details:
- Applying the Oil of Slipperiness takes about 10 minutes.
- This potion will last for eight hours and is effective for small and medium-sized characters; larger players require more oil.
9. Potion of Fire Breath

Dragon breath!
Upon opening, the liquid in the potion contains orange or red hues, and flickers like a candle. In fact, smoke may swirl out of the bottle. The aroma of the potion is sharp, but its contents are smooth and spicy. Read on to find out more about the Potion of Fire Breath and how it can be useful in battle!
Why Potion of Fire Breath Is Fun
- I think it would be awesome to be able to channel my inner dragon and breathe fire on enemies in battle!
- After drinking the potion, you can exhale fire at anyone or anything up to 30 feet.
- This would be a great potion to use against undead creatures because many types are vulnerable to fire.
Potion of Fire Breath details:
- For the potion to work, you must drink the whole bottle. Taking a sip will not be effective.
- Whoever is the recipient of the fire breath needs to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13) or will take 4d6 fire damage. If the save is made, damage is divided in half.
- You can breathe fire up to three times or within an hour after use, whichever comes first.
8. Potion of Healing
A must for every character!
One discovers early in D&D campaigns that healing potions are essential for surviving to the next level of game play. Sometimes, the DM can bring forth an enemy (or ten) that nearly obliterates your party. Potions of healing are universally needed on any gaming adventure, beginner or advanced. Read more to find out why Potion of Healing is among the best magic items to have in your possession!
Why Potion of Healing Is Fun
- The potion of healing is more functional than fun, but it is necessary to keep the character alive, so the player can continue to enjoy the adventure!
- This is great to have on hand, especially if your cleric has exhausted his or her healing spells for the day and you need to restore hit points.
Potion of Healing details:
- The potion will have a red hue and the character must drink the entire amount to reap the full healing benefits.
- For Uncommon Potions of Healing, the being drinking the potion will regain 4d4+4 hit points.
- The rarer the potion, the more hit points a character will regain.
7. Ring of Walter Walking

No need to worry if the floor is lava!
According to D&D Beyond.com “While wearing this ring, you can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground.” The ring does not only include walking on water, but includes other surfaces like acid, ice, lava, mud, quicksand, or snow. Read more to find out why this is a great magic item to behold!
Ring of Water Walking Is Fun
- Not only is this a magic item, but a fun piece of jewelry!
- Who would not want to walk on water? That would be cool!
- The magic item lasts if the holder is wearing the ring.
Ring of Water Walking details:
- The aura of the Ring of Water Walking is golden.
- The ring is an ornate silver, with opal gems decorating the band.
- This ring does not require an attunement.
6. Ring of Warmth
Warm and fuzzy!
The Ring of Warmth is a modest-looking piece of jewelry, as the band of the ring is typically brown, and the top of the ring is white with two animals. The underside of the ring is covered with a white fur and upon putting on the ring, the wearer is instantly protected against the cold. Read on to find out more about this intriguing magic item!
Why Ring of Warmth Is Fun
- This ring would be great to have if the campaign takes place in a drafty castle or up in the mountains!
- The wearer of the ring enjoys resistance to cold damage.
- All items with or on the wearer have cold protection up to -50 degrees (Fahrenheit).
- This ring will need to be attuned before wearing.
- The aura for the Ring of Warmth is white.
5. Rope of Climbing
Almost like an elevator!
A rope is an important item for characters to have on a campaign; a magical rope is even better! The Rope of Climbing is a wondrous magic item that is light and durable, weighing only 3 pounds and measuring 60 feet in length. The best part is that the Rope of Climbing can handle up to 3,000 pounds of weight! Read on to find out more about this useful magic item!
Why Rope of Climbing is Fun
- This magic item listens to commands such as coiling, fastening, knotting, moving, and can do the reverse as well.
- The rope can also be commanded to shorten to 50 feet.
- The Rope of Climbing has an Armor Class (AC) of 20 and 20 hit points.
- It can regenerate one hit point per round if damaged unless it is at 0, then the item destructs.
4. Slippers of Spider Climbing
...does whatever a spider can!
My rogue character would love to don a pair of these slippers in our current campaign! This magic item can be effective when the wearer needs to climb a wall or scramble across a ceiling to attack an enemy or to locate treasure that is in an unreachable place. Read more to find out about the stealthy spider slippers!
Why Slippers of Spider Climbing is Fun
- The slippers can be used up to 10 minutes per day.
- This would be a fun magic item for the rogue in your party, as he or she can literally climb the walls and upside-down hands free!
- Your climbing speed becomes equivalent to your walking speed.
Slippers of Spider Climbing details:
- The slippers are effective on drier surfaces; they will not work well on icy, muddy, or oily surfaces.
- This wondrous item will require an attunement before using.
3. Stone of Good Luck
Like a rolling stone!
There are lucky stones in the world of D&D! This wondrous item is also known as a Luckstone. The Stone of Good Luck is a smooth, agate magic item that assists whoever is holding or wearing the stone. Read more to find out how the Luckstone can help!
Why Stone of Good Luck Is Fun
- Lucky stones are good to have in an adventure, as you have a +1 bonus on ability checks.
- In combat, the Luckstone benefits the wearer, because there is also a +1 on saving throws.
Stone of Good Luck details:
- Be sure to attune your Stone of Good Luck before using it in your adventure.
- The stone resembles a cat’s head; it is grey and green stones are used as eyes.
2. Wand of Magic Detection
Use this to find more magic items!
This Uncommon magic item is self-explanatory. The player uses the Wand of Magic Detection to discover if there are any enemies and/or monsters who use magic lurking around the corner. Also, if there is a locked door or treasure chest, the player can find out if magic is being used to keep the adventurers out. Read more to find out about the Wand of Magic Detection!
Why Wand of Magic Detection Is Fun
- This is a good tool to find opponents who may be hiding!
- It works like a Detect Magic spell.
- You can use this wand up to three times a day, but no more.
Wand of Magic Detection details:
- In the morning, the wand will automatically recharge (1d3).
- This item does not require an attunement.
1.Weapon of Warning
This weapon stands on guard for you!
Who needs a watchdog when you can have a Weapon of Warning? This uncommon weapon is a magic item that serves as the player’s personal alarm system. I would love to have a Weapon of Warning in my campaign; that would eliminate the need to take turns watching the camp while characters are sleeping. Read more to find out about this watchful weapon!
Why Weapon of Warning Is Fun
- Because it can be any weapon, the DM can choose the weapon and any backstory.
- When using or wearing this weapon, you automatically have an advantage on initiative.
- You and your companions cannot be surprised within 30 feet unless a caster is using magical means.
Weapon of Warning details:
- This magical item requires an attunement before it can be used.
- Your Weapon of Warning is like an alarm clock; it will wake you up if attackers come in while you are asleep.