Best Dragon Ball FighterZ Teams
[Master Roshi, DBFZ's newest fighter has a very technical and hard to master moveset, but once learned opponents better prepare for the Roshi beatdown.]
Dragon Ball FighterZ might just be the truest fighting game in Dragon Ball’s history. Currently in season 3 with over 20 characters added to the roster. Alongside, the ability to change every character on your team's assist moves, completely ramping up the number of great teams. Whether you play casual or competitive, every team must have some kind of composition. All the characters on your team must be able to work off of one another ultimately benefiting you in-game.
That’s why on this list we’re going to talk about the best team comps in Dragon Ball FighterZ (in no particular order). Also, the importance of the team comp and what each character role adds to their respective teams.
What Makes Good Team Composition?
[ Proper team comp can make or break your experience when playing online. That goes for competitive and casual.]
Before we start with the list, let’s talk about what makes a good team comp. There are 3 roles in a team in DBZF, the Point character, the Mid character, and the Anchor character. Point is the character picked to go first in the team, they don’t have the greatest assists and are usually the first to die. Mid is the middle character with a good assist but lacks decent solo mix-ups. Then finally we have Anchor, the character that is last to die, they can make a big difference in whether you win or lose a match, a lifeline as you will.
The most effective set-up for season 3 teams goes as follows: You’re going to want a character that can take advantage of 2 assists effectively mixing-up your opponent, being oppressive giving them no room for error and, can deal a lot of damage really fast. The next character you’re going to want is a character with a good assist, a character that can help extend the combos of your Point character, and is good at assisting in block strings or neutrals. The last character you’ll have to run with is one that compliments your team bringing them together, usually with a block string assist or neutral assist. Their assists usually require some kind of set-up which is why you pick your Point and Mid accordingly.
I should also mention that any Mid character can play Point, and any Anchor character can play Mid, but Point characters can’t really move down due to their not great assists.

[Updated role list, based on Globku’s video. Master Roshi, who isn’t seen here, plays a good Mid/Point.]
On our list, the following list is based on teams of the current meta and the teams of the top 10 global DBFZ players.
10. Master Roshi, Goku (Base), Goku (SSJ)
Starting at the bottom with our first team, we have Master Roshi as Point, Goku (Base) as Mid, and Goku (SSJ) as Anchor.
What makes this a great team:
- Good synergy.
- Roshi is a very technical character and a lot of his moves if the performed right can turn the fight in your favor. He needs a team of supportive heavy characters to help deliver combos.
- Base Goku plays great support as Mid.
- SSJ Goku is a good Anchor for beginners and he has a good combo.
9. Teen Gohan, Broly (Z), Goku (SSJ)
Next up we’ve got our second team, Teen Gohan as Point, Broly (Z) as Mid, and Goku (SSJ) as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Great synergy
- Teen Gohan has excellent combos and mix-ups.
- Z Broly makes up for Teen Gohan’s poor assists and also he is a great zoner.
- SSJ Goku is a good glue for his assists and combos.
- Good ground game.
8. Kid Buu, Cell, Trunks
At number 8 we have Kid Buu as Point, Cell as Mid, and Trunks as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Kid Buu was untouched by the September 2020 patch.
- Kid Buu is a terrorizer, with crazy mix-ups and is just unfair.
- Cell provides a well-rounded assist to Kid Buu’s lower damage.
- Mostly good for assisting Trunks hangs in the back giving assistance and providing mix-ups when needed.
- Mix-up heavy team.
7. Android 18, Adult Gohan, Goku (SSJ)
Up next we’ve got Android 18 as Point, Adult Gohan as Mid, and Goku (SSJ) as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- 18 has a fantastic mix-up ability to break defense.
- As a character that demands skill, Adult Gohan provides great support for 18’s low damage.
- SSJ Goku is a solid Anchor that can assist and deal good damage.
- Defense breakers.
- Synergy
6. Piccolo, Bardock, Goku (GT)
Coming up next, Piccolo as Point, Bardock as Mid, and Goku (GT) as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Piccolo is a great character to build a team around.
- Bardock has everything you want and is a great assist.
- GT Goku is a nightmare to fight against. He’s versatile, has a small hitbox, and has amazing assists.
- Great mix-up team.
- Excellent Synergy.
5. Gotenks, Cooler, Goku (SSJ)
Next, there’s Gotenks as Point, Cooler as Mid, and Goku (SSJ) as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Gotenks is back and better than ever after the patch.
- Gotenks has Incredible mix-ups.
- Cooler is neutral heavy and is better for assisting due to his great defense.
- SSJ Goku plays a safe Anchor.
4. Gotenks, Bardock, Vegeta (SSJ)
Here we have Gotenks as Point, Bardock as Mid, and Vegeta (SSJ) as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Mix-up city.
- Bardock is a great assist to Gotenks BS, and SSJ Vegeta makes it worse (for the other team)
- As a sound fighter, SSJ Vegeta has an excellent defense.
- Very well rounded team with high offense and decent defense.
- High tier.
3. Kid Buu, Adult Gohan, Yamcha
Now in our top 3, in 3rd spot we have, Kid Buu as Point, Adult Gohan in Mid, along with Yamcha as Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- Solid mix-ups
- Fast attacks.
- Oppressive.
- Range
- Combo supportive team.
Yamcha shines with a good team comp.
2. Vegeta (Base), Kid Buu, Goku (GT)
At number 2 we got, Vegeta (Base) doing Point, Kid Buu in Mid, with Goku (UI) as Anchor.\
What makes this team great:
- Base Vegeta is aggressive.
- Vegeta also has great mix-ups and can open up a lot of combo opportunities.
- Vegeta is hard to master, but high tier when done.
- Kid Buu terrorizes along with Vegeta and will combo the hell out of your opponent.
- GT Goku has great assists and has quick attacks.
- Pretty nightmarish composition.
1. Goku (UI), Bardock, Goku (GT)
Chiming in at the number 1 spot we have, Goku (UI) running Point, Bardock playing Mid, with Goku (GT) playing Anchor.
What makes this team great:
- UI Goku is broken.
- UI Goku is a punishing Point with great damage and combos.
- GT Goku plays amazingly with Bardock as support and helps keep combo chains going.
- GT Goku’s assists are the perfect concoction for this team.
- UI Goku has great defensive assists.
- UI Goku is made to defy the game’s rules, with his immaculate defense.
- Damn near-infinite combos.
- This team bleeds synergy and hits every team comp nail on the head and straight through the board.
The Perfect Team [Conclusion]

A lot of people search around from forums to looking up tier lists on YouTube to find the best team comps. To be entirely honest though, if you have fun with your team then that’s a pretty good team. Because if you have fun with the team the more it incentivizes you to play the game, and the more you play the better you will get.
This list is for more of a reference than anything to help you find the team that feels the most natural to you. Who’s in your team? Mine comprises Videl (Point), Kefla (Mid), and GT Goku (Anchor), it’s the team I have the most fun with. I hope you enjoyed the list, I’m Sym and I’ll catch you around. Stay you.
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