[Top 10] Elsword Best Titles To Have
Battle of the titles!!
No MMORPG is complete without titles, and Elsword has tons of them. Titles are intangible items that you can equip from the character menu. They hover over your head and provide unique stats for each one. They can be obtained throughout the games by various circumstances.
Each title can give different stats and effects that can aid you on your dungeon journey.
The Top 10 title are:
1. Natural Flow
Natural Flow
You can discover this title by clearing Bloom Mineral Field or Nightmare’s Cirb 101 times. This excludes story mode.
To obtain this title you must clear Sunken Holy Ground while still having 1 resurrection remaining, 150 times, Clear Blooming Mineral Field or Nightmare’s Crib while still having 1 resurrection remaining 150 times (excluding story mode). Clear Birth of Origin while still having 1 resurrection remaining 150, (Excluding story mode).
From the dungeon region Abyss, this title is most helpful for those who are at endgame.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation +5% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Ignore Enemy Physical Defense +5% (Dungeon)
- Ignore Enemy Magical Defense +5% (Dungeon)
- Use 1 El’s Essence every 30 seconds to gain ‘Natural Flow’ buff.
- Natural Flow Buff -
- Special Active Skill Damage Increased by 18% -
- MP Cost -5% -
- Upon using Tenacity Skills, all Tenacity Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 30 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Upon using Strength Skills, all Strength Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 30 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Upon using Bravery Skills, all Bravery Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 30 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Upon using Tenacity Skills, all Tenacity Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 90 sec.) (PVP)
- Upon using Strength Skills, all Strength Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 90 sec.) (PVP)
- Upon using Bravery Skills, all Bravery Skill’s Cooldown -20% (Cooldown 90 sec.) (PVP)
2. Black and White
Black and White
You will discover this title when obtaining the titles, Versatility and Night Parade of the White-Ghost first.
To obtain the title afterwards, you will need to clear Savage White-Ghost’s Castle while still having 1 resurrection remaining 150 times, (Excluding story mode). Clear Altar of Invocation while still having 1 resurrection remaining 150, (Excluding story mode).
From the region Pruinaum, this title is widely used by players across the servers.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation +5% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Ignore Enemy Physical Defense 3% (Dungeon)
- Ignore Enemy Magical Defense 3% (Dungeon)
- Action Speed +12%
- Upon being attacked, Damage Reduction by 99% for 3 sec. (Cooldown 90 sec.) (Dungeon)
- Use 1 El’s Essence every 30 sec. To alternate between Black and White buff.
- Special Active Skill Damage Increased by 15% -
- MP Cost -8% -
- Special Active Skill Damage Increased by 15% -
- Special Active Skill Cooldown -8% -
3. The Setting Sun
The Setting Sun
To discover this title, you need to clear Titan’s Grotto one time, and to obtain this title, you must clear Titan’s Grotto 300 times.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%)
- MP Cost -5% (Max 35%)
- Use 1 El’s Essence to increases Special Active Skill Damage +15% (Dungeon)
- Use 1 El’s Essence to increases Special Active Skill Damage 5% (PVP)
- Upon Awakening, All Skill Cooldown -30% (Cooldown 30 sec.)
- Fire Resistance +50
- Dark Resistance +50
- Light Resistance +50
- Nature Resistance +50
- Water Resistance +50
- Wind Resistance +50
4. Sealer of Plegas
Sealer of Plegas
You can discover this title by clearing Plegas’s Labyrinth one time. Obtain this title by clearing Plegas’s Labyrinth 700 times.
This title is the endgame version of the Guardian of Secret Closed Space. Very helpful for grinding out ED, EXP, and gaining titles.
The titles effects are
- Adaptation +3% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Increased EXP Gain +20% (Dungeon)
- Item Drop Rate +20% (Dungeon)
- 20% Chance for 1 additional count towards title requirements
- Random Mission appearance chance increased by 10%
- Damage against Pruinaum Outskirts region increased by 18% (Dungeon)
- ED Gain +10% (Dungeon)
5. Dark Gaze
Dark Gaze
This title can be discovered by clearing Never Ending Darkness 10 times. Obtain the title by clearing Never Ending Darkness without resurrecting 10 times (Excludes Story Mode).
This title is pretty decent for the effects that are provided. Especially because of how easy it is to obtain, well, as long as you know how to survive the raid patterns.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation +3% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Polarize Attack/Attacked Damage +5% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Damage Reduction +5%
- Damage from Boss Monsters -10% (Dungeon)
- Fire Resistance +50
- Dark Resistance +50
- Light Resistance +50
- Nature Resistance +50
- Water Resistance +50
- Wind Resistance +50
6. Survival of the Cold
Survival of the Cold
This title can be discovered by clearing Abandoned Icerite Plant one time. Obtain this title by defeating monsters from Abandoned Icerite Plant 13000 times.
This title takes a while to obtain because of the amount of monsters that are needed to be defeated. Using the titles Sealer of Plegas and Guardian of Secret Closed Space can help lessen that burden to an extent.
The titles effects are:
- Physical Attack +5%
- Magical Attack 5%
- Ignore Enemy Physical Defence +5% (Dungeon)
- Ignore Enemy Magical Defense +5% (Dungeon)
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Water Resistance +150
7. Converse with Fists
Converse with Fists
This title can be discovered by clearing Sanctuary of the Soul one time. Obtain this title by clearing Sanctuary of the Soul 100 times.
This title is mostly used to add a little bit of CP Power to your character as a stand in until you obtain a better title.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation +2% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- Critical Damage +5%
- Damage to Boss Monsters +10% (Dungeon)
- Damage Reduction -5%
8. Pierce the Heavens
Pierce the Heavens
This title can be discovered by clearing Elrianode City one time. Obtain this title by defeating 500 Corrupted Durahan, 500 Corrupted Ent. and 500 Freak Guardian.
This title is one of the first you should obtain after reaching level 99 and 3rd job path to aid in your future dungeon grinding to deal damage.
The titles effects are:
- Physical Attack +5%
- Magical Attack +5%
- Critical +5%
- Critical Damage +5%
9. Guardian of Elrianode
Guardian of Elrianode
This title can be discovered by clearing El Tower Defense one time. Obtain this title by clearing El Tower Defense [Normal] 150 times.
This title just like Pierce the Heavens is a great title to obtain early on mostly for support classes.
The title effects are:
- Recover 10 MP Upon Mana Break
- When attacked, 3% chance to activate Elrianode Protection for 5 sec. (Defense increased by 50%) (Cooldown 1 min.)
- When attacking, 3% chance to summon Hennon’s Spear (Cooldown 10 sec.)
- Upon awakening, Action Speed increased by 15% for 30 sec. (Cooldown 1 min)
- All Damage increased by 15% for 30 sec. When awakened (Cooldown 1 min.) (PVP 40%)
10. Freed Shadow
Freed Shadow
This title can be discovered by obtaining the title Husk of Shadow. Obtain this title by destroying Severed Shadow Aren’s Helmet 400 times, and clear Shadow Earl’s Castle 400 times.
This is an endgame title that will take a good amount of your time to complete.
The titles effects are:
- Adaptation 3% (Max 55%) (Dungeon)
- When attacked, 55 chance for 99% Damage Reduction for 3 sec. (Cooldown 60 sec) (PVP)
- When receiving a fatal attack, the HP will remain 1 and become invincible for 3 sec. (180 sec. Cooldown after activation) (Only happens 1 time in PVP, All skill enter cooldown) (Cooldown 180 sec)
- Upon awakening, Action Speed increased by 15% for 40 sec. (Cooldown 1 min.)
- All Damage increased by 15% for 40 sec. When awakened (Cooldown 1 min) (PVP 40%)
Bonus titles:
11. Forginay’s Fruit
Forginay's Fruit
This title can be discovered by defeating ‘Forginary’ in the dungeon Guardian’s Forest 2 times. Obtain this title by defeating ‘Forginary’ 50 times.
This title is a good alternative for surviving fatal damage in dungeons and raids.
The titles effects are:
- When receiving a fatal attack, the HP will remain 1 and become invincible for 3 sec. (180 cooldown after activation) (Only happens 1 times in PVP, All Skill enter Cooldown) (Cooldown 180 sec.)
12. Guardian of Secret Closed Space
Guardian of Secret Closed Space
This title can be discovered at character level 1. Obtain this title by reading 150 El Rewards with the NPC Ariel.
The title effects are:
- Increased EXP Gain +20% (Dungeon)
- Damage to Boss Monster +10% (Dungeon)
- Fever activated when awakened (Activated once every 190 sec.) (Cooldown 180 sec) (Dungeon)
- Acquire an additional title count at a 15% chance
Based on these titles, I say you have a better chance at surviving these gruesome dungeons by a good amount, unless you don’t know how to play your character.