1. Max Experience
This is great if you don't have friends that play Fallout or perhaps you're not a social butterfly online. You can join a casual team for added experience without actually playing with others. Getting well-rested and catching the Path to Enlightenment Event helps get extra points too. Plus it's always fun to see a Mothman up close!
What The Experience Build Excels In:
- Getting more experience
- Boosted intelligence
- Leveling up quickly
Build Details
- Flamer
Weapon Mods:
- Any
- Shielded Flannel and Jeans
Armor Mods:
- Your preference
Legendary Armor Perks:
- Unyielding
- Plus 1 intelligence
- Herbivore
- Egg Head
- Herd Mentality
Perk Cards:
- Strange in Numbers
- Inspirational
- Max Legendary Perk Intelligence if possible
- Night Person
- Chem Fiend
- Curator
- Berry Mentats
- Bobble Head Leader
- 4 lunch Boxes
- Brain Bombs
- Cranberry Relish
- Crispy Squirrel Stew
2. Railway Rifle Build
Not enough people rock this gun. This setup complements it awesomely. It's not bloodied, but sometimes it runs at 60% health.
What The Railway Rifle Build Excels In:
- Frequently dealing Critical Hits
- Cheap ammo
- V.A.T.S
Build Details
- Railway Rifle
- Quadruple Capacity
- V.A.T.S Critical Meter fills faster
- V.A.T.S Hit Damage
Weapon Mods:
- Automatic Piston Receiver
- Recoil Compensating Stock
- Works with power armor
- Works with regular armor
- Secret Service Under Armor (if no power armor)
Armor Mods:
- Shielded
- Your preference
Legendary Armor Perks:
- Life Saving is helpful
- Your preference
- Adrenal Reaction
- Egg Head
- Speed Demon
- Eagle Eyes
Perk Cards:
- Bandolier
- Tank Killer
- Commando
- Fireproof
- Tenderizer
- Party Boy
- Intelligence
- Adrenaline
- Action Boy
- Born Survivor
- Class Freak
- Critical Savvy
- Bloody Mess
- Mutfruit Juice
- Tato Juice
- Challys Feed
3. New Player Build
This is a build to tide you over until level 42. After 42 you can start planning which build you want. This helps you learn and plan for when you are no longer a noob. The real joy is getting to a level 50. The world will be your oyster. Cheers.
What The Noob Build Excels In:
- Learning the ropes
- Not wasting Perk Cards
- Better early gameplay
- Preparing for a better build in the future
- No ammo
- Higher carry weight
Build Details
- Unarmed
- Gauntlets
Weapon Mods:
- Depends on what you can get your hands on. A random mod is normally better than no mod.
- No power armor just yet
- Metal Armor
Armor Mods:
- Pocketed
Legendary Armor Perks:
- Doesn't matter until you're a level 50 and start getting level 50 Legendaries.
- None yet, you won't have enough Perk Cards for a bit.
Perk Cards:
- Travel Agent
- Iron Fist
- Martial Artist
- Blocker
- Traveling Pharmacy
- Ironclad
- Fireproof
- Action Boy/Girl
- White Knight
- Pharma Farma
- Anything you can get your hands on basically
- Canned Meat stew for XP boost
4.Heavy Gunner Solo
This build should always be on your mind if you want the max damage output of any weapon. As you run solo you have to do more damage to make an impact. This does the trick.
What Bloodied Excels In:
- Damage output
- Boosted S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes
Build Details:
- Anti armor
- Bloodied
- Gatling Plasma
- Gatling Laser
- Flamethrower
Weapon Mods:
- Prime Capacitor
- Your preference
- Overeaters if using power armor
Armor Mods:
- Medic Pump if in power armor
Legendary Armor Perks:
- Unyielding
- At least one life saving
- Scaly Skin
- Speed Demon
- Marsupial
Perk Cards:
- Reverent
- All Heavy Gunners
- Nerd Rage
- Mysterious Savior
- Born Survivor
- Adrenaline
- Ironclad (if not in power armor)
- Lone Wanderer
- Plasma Grenade
- Corn Soup
- Mutfruit Juice
- Slit Bean Soup
- Tato Juice
- Tato Salad
- Liquid Courage
5.Daily Ops
Don't let your low-level friends hold you back. Rock Daily Ops and reap the rewards yourself. You can run it alone and never wait on others to get started.
What the Daily Ops Build Excels In:
- Getting Legendary in Daily Ops
- Running Daily Ops on your own
Build Details
- Bloodied Plasma Rifle
- Two-Shot would be epic if possible
Weapon Mods:
- Prime Capacitor
- Aligned Sniper Barrel or Aligned Flamer Barrel
- Aligned Stock
- Secret Service
- Shielded Secret Service Armor
Armor Mods:
- Deep Pocketed
- Buttressed
Legendary Armor Perks:
- Unyielding
- Adrenal Reaction
- Bird Bones
- Egg Head
- Healing Factor
- Marsupial
- Scaly Skin
- Speed Demon
Perk Cards:
- Barbarian
- Blocker
- All Rifleman
- Tank Killer
- Concentrated Fire
- Lifegiver
- Ironclad
- Field Surgeon
- Lone Wanderer
- First Aid
- Adrenaline
- Evasive
- Born Survivor
- Med-X and Psychobuffs are optional
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