One of the greatest selling points of Final Fantasy 14 is the way it handles classes via the job system.
Though you start with a basic class at character generation, after a few levels you’ll be given the chance to acquire a job stone, upgrading to a newer, better version of the class and granting access to even more abilities.
Some jobs don’t have this precursor, having been added in later expansions. As long as you’re the right level and have access to the associated expansion, all it requires from there is pick up the relevant unlock quest.
It’s a personal journey to figure out the ones that are right for you. Having tried them all, here is a list of the top ten that I’d recommend.
This is all opinion at the end of the day though, as different things will appeal to different people. But, hopefully you’ll find some merit in these entries to guide your decisions.
10. Dancer (Great)
Job Type: Physical Ranged DPS
Unlock Requirements: Any class at level 60, access to the Shadowbringers expansion, completion of the quest ‘Shall We Dance’

He was the dancin’ bun
The soft stepping, swift moving job where you can support your allies and take out mobs with your deadly spinning chakrams. Discovered in Limsa Lominsa, you pick up this class after experiencing the unique performance of the Troupe Falsiam, and are offered the opportunity to join yourself. From there you’ll learn step by step, quite literally, the moves of the dancer.
- The animations flow beautifully, making them a treat to watch.
- You’ll make friends and commendations easily with your dance partner ability.
- Its gameplay style is a nice change of pace from other classes.
- Visual aids are clear and helpful in guiding you through the dance steps.
- AOE attacks are counterintuitive, since their circular range centres on you.
- The quest line, though it has likeable characters, does become rather forgettable.
- The job’s signature ability, Dance Partner, isn't available until level 60, leaving it out of the count during low level content.
You should play Dancer if:
- Watching your character in combat is part of the fun for you.
- You want a job with pretty outfit options.
- You enjoy the social aspect of running through content.
9. Summoner (Great)
Job Type: Magical Ranged DPS
How to Unlock: Arcanist at level 30, completion of the quest ‘Austerities of Flame’

Exodia, obliterate!
One of the two jobs that branch off of the Arcanist, a base game class, Summoner takes what the trial series from the base game did best and pays tribute to the titans of old. Eikons, Primals, whatever you prefer to call them, this job gives you the ability to harness their power for yourself, or at least a portion of it. Using your carbuncle as a vessel, build up from smaller versions to having their forms towering over you in combat. You also get a book and yes you can hit things with it.
- It’s quite easy to learn, with clear rotations and has good mobility.
- Speaking of Carbuncles, you have this adorable shiny companion accompanying you everywhere, in or out of combat.
- It won’t overwhelm your hotbars, since a lot of them are upgraded as you level up as opposed to adding more.
- The questline is rather underwhelming compared to other jobs.
- The gameplay can feel very repetitive if you prefer to have more variety.
You should play Summoner if:
- You tend to acquire an animal companion in every game you play.
- You like keeping things simple and organised.
You’re a fan of the Final Fantasy series as a whole.
8. White Mage (Great)
Job Type: Healer
How to Unlock: Conjurer at level 30, completion of the quest ‘Seer Folly’

Oh my god Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re a white mage
The basic healing class, but basic isn’t always a bad thing. These nature based healers are more traditional in their gameplay style, which will especially appeal to people who are new to playing this type of job. The only class that starts as a healer from character generation, you’ll swiftly become involved with more of the game’s worldbuilding around the surrounding forests of Gridania, the spirits of the forest, and what it means to aid others.
- Easy to learn from the get go and great for dipping your toes into the job type.
- Highly effective healer, sporting big AOE heals, regens and even an attack that doubles as a healing spell.
- Normally shorter wait times when queuing for duties.
- Commendation magnets, as long as you do your best.
- Might be a little too basic for experienced healer players.
- Atrociously boring quest lines.
You should play White Mage if:
- You’re fairly new to healing.
- You love a nature themed aesthetic.
- You don’t want to wait in long queues.
7. Reaper (Great)
Job Type: Melee DPS
How to Unlock: Any class at level 70, access to the Endwalker expansion, completion of the quest ‘The Killer Instinct’

My avatar could beat up your avatar
Though it may be one of the jobs that requires a high level to unlock, it’s well worth the wait.Originating from traditional Garlean techniques, the job taps into the darkness of the void, quite literally as you channel a voidsent avatar to do your bidding. Wielding a great scythe, prepare to become one with your avatar and wreak havoc for the good of others.
- Aesthetically standout, the scythe as a weapon feels nice to wield.
- Attacks flow nicely into each other, which your emergency dash slots well into.
- DPS becomes even more outrageous when you combine with your avatar.
- The quest line has brilliant character writing that leads nicely into Endwalker’s story.
- The quest line is unfortunately short compared to other classes.
- Your avatar itself only makes an appearance in a small handful of moves.
- You do have to think about positionals in regards to your attacks.
You should play Reaper if:
- You like a healthy amount of edge in your style.
- You like delving into darker storylines.
- Gameplay with rapid movement keeps you engaged.
6. Dark Knight (Excellent)
Job Type: Tank
How to Unlock: Any class at level 50, access to the Heavensward expansion, completion of the quest ‘Our End’

Don’t talk to me or my goth son again
It makes sense that critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV and its award-winning Heavensward expansion would also host an fan acclaimed, poll-winning job. Amidst the three new classes available from the game’s first expansion, Dark Knight became the standout that resonated with people. Without going into some deep spoiler territory, the way you pick up this job is certainly different from the official routes you’d find most others. Should you dare pick up the sword, you’ll be finding yourself exposing darkness from within you never knew existed.
- One of the best written questlines in the entire game, featuring a fantastic plot twist that will have you questioning your perspective.
- If you like swords, then enjoy having your own anime physics defying mega-sword.
- The attacks have some of the best DPS for a tank.
- Makes efficient use of the mana system in terms of attack and defence.
- The class starts 20 levels lower than the level requirement of the expansion it's unlocked in, so you’ll be playing a lot of catch up.
- Compared to other tanks, it requires more focus to maintain survivability.
You should play Dark Knight if:
- You like an unhealthy amount of edge in your style.
- You enjoy high risk, high reward gameplay.
- Character driven, in depth storylines are your thing.
5. Pictomancer (Excellent)
Job Type: Magical Ranged DPS
How to Unlock: Any class at level 80, access to the Dawntrail expansion, completion of the quest ‘The Joy of Pictomancy’

Paint me like one of your french bunnies
Pictomancy might be one of the most aesthetically beautiful forms of magic in the game. An easel of aether mixed paint becomes your medium, quite literally brought to life by use of your staff replacement; an oversized paint brush. These unique weapons combine with the artist’s imagination to render landscapes, summons, attack bolts and more. It’s a fresh breath of air to play after so many expansions, especially since it’s the first magic dps job introduced since Stormblood.
- Gorgeous, fluid animations and unique art style to the spells.
- Paintings are done instantly when out of combat, so easy to prepare before pulls.
- High potency attacks that swiftly into one another, leading to quick damage output.
- The quest line has a nice, bittersweet story that fits nicely with Dawntrail’s themes.
- Painting in the middle of combat can be slow, and difficult to weave in.
- The starting and artifact gear aren’t the most flattering.
You should play Pictomancer if:
- You like bright colours and pretty animations.
- You like playing magic based classes but with more fluid movement.
- You like more unconventional styles of play.
4. Bard (Excellent)
Job Type: Physical Ranged DPS
How to Unlock: Archer at level 30, completion of the quest ‘A Song of Bards and Bowmen’

It’s a bard knock life
In my personal, totally unbiased opinion as a bard main, this job is underrated. Starting off simple as an archer, it builds a solid base in terms of combat skill, and then truly blossoms once you upgrade. As you progress through the story you’ll be prancing all over the map in search of more material for your repertoire, accompanied by a troupe of curious and adventurous friends like you were living your own musical. It's whimsical, it’s dramatic, it’s just a fun time.
- Provides a variety of support for your team, from defence, healing aid, damage buffs and damage over time.
- Extravagant and colourful job-specific glam options.
- Versatile movement; most of your attacks are instant and unaffected by running around or dodging.
- The quest line is well written and wholesome.
- Obtaining this class allows you access to performance mode, in which you can play instruments virtually.
- The more you level you will find yourself with a lot of timers to track.
- Death will end any songs currently active so be wary when activating them.
You should play Bard if:
- You like helping in games and can adjust quickly to other people.
- Having a lot to keep track of keeps you focused and engaged.
- You’re an artsy type and like to show off.
3. Sage (Best)
Job Type: Healer
How to Unlock: Any class at level 70, access to the Endwalker expansion, completion of the quest ‘Sage’s Path’

Do you require some sage advice?
Much like Reaper, though it can take a while to unlock it is absolutely worth it once you’re able to. The secrets of the Sage hail from Sharlayan, a notable nation that has significant ties to many of the Scions. They wield unique weapons, fuelled and controlled by the user’s aether to create barriers, heal allies and deal out some significant pain. They’re high-tech and highly skilled. Mastery of this skill will have you revered for your protection.
- Can provide big shields on allies to mitigate big incoming damage.
- The weapons themselves are fun to use, with some creative and unique animations.
- Your passive abilities like Kardia allow you to focus more on contributing to DPS.
- Has the most attack options of all the healers.
- Good mix of mitigations and quick heal abilities.
- Many of the buttons look similar in both style and colour so take care with arranging your hotbar.
- Can be difficult to properly master.
You should play Sage if:
- You like more high-tech and sci-fi aesthetics.
- You’re an experienced healer looking for something different..
- You like to balance support and attack.
2. Ninja (Best)
Job Type: Melee DPS
How to Unlock: Rogue at level 30, completion of the quest ‘Peasants by Day, Ninjas by Night’

Two wives? No, no, I said two knives
Everything about Ninja makes it the perfect job for Final Fantasy 14. It simultaneously embodies the over the top nature of the franchise, whilst also receiving some of the most dedicated creative treatment to its aesthetic and gameplay. You’ll find yourself transitioning from the underbelly of Limsa Lominsa’s underdog rogues, to learning from traditional Doman practitioners. All the while, the essence of the art from both ends is kept as both sides continue to work together.
- Comes from one of the best base game storylines, with great characters that continue to show up during later quests.
- Manages to blend both the absurd style of shonen anime and explorations of culture in a way that feels cohesive.
- Lots of variety in the attacks, mixing in ninjutsu without forgetting about the knifeplay.
- One of the few classes that has dual weapons.
- Swift and sneaky, you can Shukuchi across the ground to escape, or take the slow approach with the hide ability.
- A little bit finicky to unlock because it’s its initial introduction to the game.
- Not only can you mess up buttons when executing a ninjutsu combo, but you’ll also be called out by the bunny of shame upon your head (which is cute but annoying).
Why play Ninja if:
- You like to lean more heavily into the old school anime style.
- You’re a sucker for roguish charms and loveable dumbasses.
- Variety in gameplay style is something you’re looking for.
1. Warrior (Best)
Job Type: Tank
How to Unlock: Marauder at level 30, completion of the quest ‘Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain)’

Lemme axe you a question
I’ve seen some ridiculous and incredible feats from Warrior players in my time. For a while, Warrior wasn’t always the most popular due to the awkwardness of its AOE attack. Once that was fixed however, the tanking world would never be the same. Sometimes, all you need from a game is to hit things hard and be able to laugh off the damage and naught but a scratch. In that case, Warrior is a perfect match. Haul out your axe and face down gods like they were rats.
- Warriors have some of the greatest survivability rates due to their highly effective mitigations, ability to self heal and standard invulnerability.
- They’re fairly uncomplicated, but not in a way that becomes boring.
- Great for any level of experience, whether trying to survive through early game or late game content.
- It’s fun to hit things with a massive axe.
- The quest lines have several fun characters to hang around with.
- If you’re looking for more of a challenge you may want to look at other tank jobs.
- You still have to be a responsible tank; don’t overestimate and pull more than the healer is comfortable with for example.
You should play Warrior if:
- You want to unleash your unfiltered fury on everything.
- You’re either a new player building confidence or seeking to do high-end content.
- Taking the lead and protecting people comes naturally to you.
Honourable Mention: Blue Mage
Job Type: Magical Ranged DPS
How to Unlock: Any class at level 50, completion the main scenario quest ‘The Ultimate Weapon’, followed by completion of the quest ‘Out of the Blue’

The game has already made all the blue puns I could think of
Let’s put it this way, if Blue Mages were allowed to enter into regular duties the game would be quickly broken. The entire point of the job is the over the top, overpowered nature of it. Blue Mage is unlike other classes, in that the way you learn spells is not done the conventional way, but instead taking yourself across the realm to experience the wonders and horrors of nature. Examine how your enemies attack, defeat them, and then copy those abilities for yourself. As it currently stands there are 124 spells out there to learn, each one becoming increasingly ridiculous in strength.
Aside from the fun of the grind with friends, there are multiple achievements for completing certain high end content with a team of all Blue Mages, and they also become valued assets during fate farms and hunt trains. I highly recommend giving it a go if you need a break from the main game.
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