[Guide] Foxhole How To Aim Well (Top 5 Tips)

22 May 2023

Aiming anything in Foxhole can be a learning experience if you're a new player. The UI can be daunting and hard to get to grips with. Don't worry, though. We'll talk through it together and go over some ways to improve and you'll be a deadshot in no time.


1. Choosing your weapon

For example, this is my play style. Aiming for me is less important than dying a glorious death. But you don't want a glorious death, do you? You want to send your enemies to theirs. So choose a weapon that you are comfortable and familiar with. 

It's also important to get a roundabout feel for the available weapons that you're keen on using. As well as some of the other factions if you find them in the field. You want to have a solid feel for the most common weapons so that if your preferred one is not stocked at the front you're at, you'll be able to use another weapon pretty comfortably. 

A good, all round rifle is a good place to start but it's not the be all and end all. Assault weapons are also a good choice. Longer range, more static weapons are also just as valid. Whatever suits you best.

Once you've picked, the shooting range at the home region is a the place to see how your chosen weapon works. How it handles in  different positions. How long it takes to stabilise after moving and shooting etc. (The window on the range is an indicator of weapon stability).

Or, alternatively you can spend some time on an active front. Getting into some scraps with the enemy. Taking shots at them and watching how your reticle reacts and where your rounds are landing. Any experience is good experience.


2. Get stable

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Leaning out over the trench provides a stable firing platform as well as full defence buff as you’re in full cover.

To give your rounds the best chance of finding a target that is soft and squishy, you're gonna have to fire from the most stable position possible. This means that you want to be still, aiming down range with the smallest reticle possible. Crouching, going prone, or leaning over a trench is a good way of getting stability.

After moving any amount, it will take a second or so for your soldier to stabilise their aim. Remember, you are not John Wick. You're an 18 year old from a farm somewhere who has been drafted, handed a uniform and sent to die for the cause. 

So you want to get in position. Ideally one with some cover. Aim at your target and bring it bare with the smallest reticle you can manage before you squeeze that trigger. If they aren't shooting back yet, you've got time to aim. Make it count.


3. Avoid swinging your weapon around

It goes without saying that any movement you do will lower your stability. Even when you are standing still. So swinging your weapons around wildly is a bad idea.

Obviously, with the adrenaline pumping and the lead flying, you may not have a choice. But ruining your stability will mean that you have to recover it all over again. Slow and steady movements while aiming will mitigate this.

If you have the time to aim thoughtfully and carefully then use all that time you can.


2. Fire and Maneuver

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Run, Forest! Run!

Fire and manoeuvre tactics are essential to any frontline fighting. Which can be a little tricky when you're trying to aim and hit your target. Regardless, it's vital to be able to holepunch the enemy's organs while being quicker on your feet than they are.

While you are on a team of thousands, you're also on a team with the people around you on the front. You and the weapon you are wielding are an extension of that team and its assets. Keep that in mind when you're fighting. 

If you and your comrades have taken a position. Be it a trench, a building, a wall, or even a crater in the dirt, consolidate it. Keep your weapons out and towards the enemy. 

If the enemy has withdrawn or been cleared from the position, it's important to keep up the momentum. Pressuring them back towards their lines. Work with your teammates to accomplish this.

If the enemy is a short bound away from you, then send some rounds their way. Suppressing fire is better than no fire at all. In this example, notice how the Wardens have us suppressed to the point that we can't even get close to them. 

When you or your comrades have a good position. With a stable aim pointed towards the enemy, then that is your queue to advance.  

Move quickly and unpredictability. Ideally with a full stamina bar. If you have to, send a round or two flying at them. Even if you don't hit, you'll get their heads down.

Bound into the nearest available cover where you can recover your stability and lay some hate their way. This grants you a closer position to fire from, your comrades an opening to advance with you, and the front line will edge just a little bit more in your faction's favour. Check this example out to see what I mean.


1. Close in and kill

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Grab em by the belt and cling on

The goal of any infantry in a nutshell. Close with and kill the enemy. Whether it's offensive or defensive, taking the initiative and destroying enemy positions is key to winning front line fights.

You want to be seeing the whites of their eyes. Catching them off guard and dropping them before they have a chance to fight back. 

At this point, aiming becomes a little bit of an RNG dice roll but there are things you can do to improve your odds. 

First, if you can, take a knee by pressing C to crouch. It'll make you a slightly smaller target and give your stability a little boost before you mag dump into your adversaries.

Second, bring friends. Use local chat to make your intentions known that you're about to assault a position. Hopefully, you'll have at least one or two of your factional buddies right behind you. If the enemy drops you, your friends are there to follow up. 

This is a team game after all and your life is only worth 8 Bmats plus whatever you carried into battle. Your life being sacrificed so your friends can capture the position is definitely worth it. Die a hero



As with any game, getting good is a learning curve. Even then, you still might find yourself being schooled by an enemy who is faster on the draw than you are. Take the loss and the learned experience.

You are never going to be an incredible super soldier and no one expects you to be. It's why logi keeps the fronts stocked with shirts and supplies. Lots of people will die and you'll definitely be one of them.

The best thing to remember is to aim well and true. Keep in mind the wider context of the war. You are just one more tiny body in a huge RTS and your mission is to take more of them down with your life than they take with yours.


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